Showing posts with label leo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leo. Show all posts

Monday 29 June 2015

Leo Jul 2015 Horoscope

Acknowledge mistakes and correct them, set your goals for the coming year and pursue relentlessly. 

All the planets are clustered maximum in the eastern sector of your chart and remain there till the next month. You could exercise your power and independence. This is the perfect time to make those important changes that you have been long thinking off and wanting to execute your plans. The only hitch is that certain planets are also retrograde, so be prepared that the progress could be slower than you expected. 

Your 12th house of spirituality is still very powerful until the 21st. you would seek some answers of the unknown, try delving deep into your own psyche.  Your solar return is about to happen and the chart cast for this return will show the patterns for the year ahead. The steps you take now will have a profound influence on the year ahead, so it is wise if you review your life’s pattern and make amends wherever you feel it’s needed. 

Acknowledge mistakes and correct them, set your goals for the coming year and pursue relentlessly. Your spirituality power is all time high especially since the lord of 12th house Moon will be full twice this month, which is a very rare occurrence. You will intuitively receive much revelation about your future path. On the 23rd, as the Sun crosses the Ascendant and moves into your 1st house you just need to be cautious that you do not over indulge yourself in any which way. 

Prosperity is assured as your financial planet Mercury is moving very fast which shows money progress. Until the 8th Money comes through investments or group organizations from 8th to 23rd Money comes through Intuition, time for miracle money than natural investments. You could try your hand in stocks and shares or calculated gambling, speculation. Windfalls come to you as financial opportunity seeks you out.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on with your date, time and place of birth.


Try our 2 Question Offer here

God Bless,
Dolly Manghat,

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Leo Horoscope: Jun 2015 Predictions

Venus enters your sign on the 5th, bringing both career and love opportunities to your door. You will exude confidence and success in your personality. With Venus joining Jupiter in your sign its party time as the period is good both for your money and honey.

Technically this period is a prelude to your happiness and success. Apart from blue and gold Green is a color for your success this month. After the 24th, accessorizing in red will also hold good. Though Saturn moves back into Scorpio on the 15th, which may have slight stressful aspect you should not be impacted too much by this transit. The short-term planets are either in harmonious alignment or just not impacting you.

Your health planet in Scorpio for the next few months re- emphasizes the power of detox regimes for your health. Good emotional health is important too resolve issues if any as fast as you can. Your 11th house of friends is powerful till the 11th of June. All your hopes and dreams should materialize the way you want.

On the 21st of June the Sun enters your 12th house that makes you spiritual and takes you on a journey of inner awakenings. You will be inspired by a lot many situations or people and would like to explore inwards. You may feel the need to be alone and seek your own space, which is highly recommended.

A spiritual retreat before your birthday is always beneficial. Your financial planets moves forward on the 11th bringing clarity and confidence.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Friday 8 May 2015

Leo At A Glance – Generous Leaders

Element – Fire

Ruling Planet - Sun
Career Planet - Venus
Love Planet - Uranus
Money Planet – Mercury
Planet of Health and work – Saturn
Planet of Home and family Life – Pluto

Colors- Gold Orange red
Colors that promote, love romance and social harmony – Black Indigo, Ultramarine Blue.
Colors that promote earning power- Yellow, Yellow orange.

Gems and Metals
Gem – amber, chryscolite, yellow diamond.
Metals – gold

Qualities and Virtues
Quality - Fixed ( Stability)
Quality most needed for balance - Humility
Strongest virtues—Leadership ability, self-esteem & confidence, generosity, creativity, love of joy.
Deepest need – fun, elation, the need to shine.
Characteristic to avoid - arrogance, vanity, bossiness

Compatibility with other signs
Sign of greatest overall compatibility—Aries, Sagittarius
Sign of greatest overall incompatibility – Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius
Sign most helpful to career—Taurus.
Sign Most helpful emotionally-- Scorpio
Sign most helpful financially-- Virgo
Signs best for marriage / or partnerships - Aquarius
Signs most helpful for creative projects -- Sagittarius
Best sign to have fun with -- Sagittarius
Signs most helpful in Spiritual matters—Aries, Cancer

Best day of the week --Sunday
Scent – Bergamot, Frankincense, Musk, Neroli

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Leo Horoscope May 2015

Give attention to your personality as it makes a big difference to your career. 

You are in your yearly career peak till the 21st of this May and will experiences success. 
You will be in control of yourself and the situations around you. 
There are chances you could also be honored and appreciated by the world at large. 
These are not just professional achievements but also for the person you are or becoming. 

Till 21st of May health needs attention so get your yearly check ups done as it a stitch in time does save nine. 

Technically the eastern sector of your Zodiac is more powerful than your Western. 
Till the 29th of May you will be able to do things much your own way the way you like. 

However after 29th when both eastern and western horizons are balanced and neither one dominates the other, it means that you can neither be dependent or independent, you will have to tread carefully balancing the needs of others with your own. 

On the 11th of May the 11th house of friends becomes strong and the need for socializing becomes powerful. 
This makes it an excellent period for learning new skills, which can enhance your personal intelligence or professional. 

Since Mercury is turning retrograde on the 14th of May, try to wrap up your deals before that as all your bargains may not come through after the 14th.  
When the financial or career planet is retrograde its important that one reviews finances and career to gain mental clarity about them. 
Things usually are not what they seem or the way you think they are. 
Your Finances though will remain steady in spite of the retrograde. 

Blue is the color for you this year as it adds to your intuition and overall well-being.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Leo Horoscope April 2015

This month is going to be a happy and successful month for you in spite of the lunar eclipse.

This is the time for your career peak, as much success and progress is seen. You will either get a pay raise and a promotion or better job prospects. 

You will experience a lot more independence and personal power than before. You do not have to adapt to situations but could change them to your preference. 

Love is strong and invigorating, this prompts important romantic meetings if you are single or your relationship gets better with your partner. 

Pay attention to your home front if you feel there are flaws then now is the time to correct them. 

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sunday 1 March 2015

Leo Horoscope March 2015

Your loved ones are redefining themselves and will start to project a new image to the world. 

This could also mean altercations with your belief system, you need to be calm either go with the flow or make your point of view clearly without any force.

Even though this month seems a bit volatile, yet the plus point is that career shows an upswing. Barriers to your goals are slowly being eliminated and success would be at hand directly in proportion to the hard work put in. 

Job seekers will have plenty of job opportunities you only need to keep your head firmly in place. Pay rises and promotion could happen. 

Finances see prosperity, if you have any kind of issues with the government then now is the perfect time to resolve it. Do not procrastinate anything, as minor mistakes can cause major delays. 

Create romance in your life.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sunday 1 February 2015

Leo Horoscope February 2015

Your health needs to be carefully nurtured and monitored. 

Even though your self confidence and self esteem is much better and stronger, yet a downside of health can shake you up.

Continue to let others have their own way, while you have yours. Paying attention to your personal life will do wonders for your own psyche. 

Be cautious with finances as you need to be careful while getting into any kind of tight spot. Careful planning will help you in the long run. Avoid any kind of major purchases or investments during this time. Take expert advice if you feel you cannot understand certain financial situations. 

Learning new techniques of online investments require an interest and expertise, so learn before you indulge in trying to earn. Being frivolous can cost you quite a burn in the pocket.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Thursday 1 January 2015

Leo - Career 2015

Confidence is the key word to your success.

Professional and business success is guaranteed especially if you have worked towards sowing the correct seeds in 2014. You must retain full confidence in personal as well as business partnerships. Colleagues play a significant role so motivating and appreciating the work of others will help reap rich rewards. 

You could expect good job opportunities so grab them as they appear. The tone is of prosperity and joy.

Bring in innovation as much as you can in your professional field in order to get noticed and appreciated by those who are in authority. 

Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead will be fulfillment of body mind and soul. 

A revised world view, a revised philosophy of life will change every other department of life in a positive way.

Connect with me through my website

God Bless.
Dolly Manghat