Showing posts with label mercury retrograde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mercury retrograde. Show all posts

Monday 5 August 2024

Harnessing the Fire Within: The New Moon & Mercury Retrograde in Leo (August 5th to 29th, 2024)

This year, every Mercury retrograde occurs in the fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with a brief detour into the earth sign of Virgo. Fire represents our ambition, creativity, drive, self-expression, and sense of adventure. It embodies how we take action in our lives and harness our willpower. Fire is our life force, spirit, and courage. As Mercury moves through these fiery zodiac signs, retracing its steps and rewriting its story, we, too, are reconsidering and reframing how we channel our fire. We are rewriting the narrative of our will, drive, courage, and ambition. We are rethinking how we follow inspiration, take action toward our desires, and express ourselves outwardly in the world. This process helps us better understand how to reframe our perspective, regenerate our life force, and continually recreate our lives. With Chiron in Aries connecting with each of these retrogrades, we are bringing wisdom into areas related to our sense of self, confidence, and belonging. We are invited to rewrite the script on what it means to be clear and direct, to honor our wants, needs, and passions, and to self-direct our path with courage and self-ownership. The current alignment of the planets serves as a cosmic reminder of our spiritual journey. This celestial configuration encourages us to reflect on our lives as a continuous process of growth and evolution, shaped by the myriad experiences we encounter. At any given moment, we hold the power to choose our responses to the events and narratives that unfold in our lives. This choice is pivotal, as it can transform our experiences into either tragedies or grand adventures, depending on our perspective. In essence, the planets' positions invite us to embrace our role as active participants in our life's story, reminding us that our outlook and reactions can significantly influence our journey. Whether we view our experiences as challenges or opportunities, each moment offers a chance for spiritual growth and personal development. Embracing this perspective can truly transform how we navigate life's ups and downs. It empowers us to see challenges as opportunities for growth and to appreciate the beauty in our journey. Mercury retrograde is a fascinating astrological phenomenon that occurs three to four times a year. During this period, Mercury appears to move backward in the sky from our perspective on Earth. When someone says Mercury is in retrograde, they are referring to a period when Mercury appears to move slower than Earth in its orbit around the Sun. Astrologically, the Sun represents one's ego, while Mercury symbolizes intellect and communication skills. During this time, our ego may struggle to comprehend the prompts from our intellect, leading to feelings of brain fog, weariness, and stress. These two powerful dynamics in our lives—ego and intellect—are at a crossroads during Mercury retrograde. The universal intelligence advises us to allow our minds to rest until Mercury stations forward again. It's not the time for power games. Instead, introspection and spending time with oneself can bring joy, peace, and happiness. A refreshed mind will help boost your confidence and, consequently, your ego." Mercury retrograde and the New Moon are often seen as times for reflection and new beginnings. It's wonderful that you've used this period to gain insights into your life and feel ready to move forward with a fresh perspective. Embracing the new and letting go of the past without regrets can be incredibly liberating. It opens up space for new opportunities and experiences. Mercury retrograde cycles give us the opportunity to reflect on past decisions and reconnect with ourselves. It's a time to feed your spirit through learning, recreation, or relaxation. As we retrace our steps through this earth sign, self-analysis takes place from a different vantage. Mercury in its backward spin under Virgo's influence helps us gather previously missed insights and encourages us to reflect on the expectations we hold of ourselves. Leo expresses a beautiful and bold stamp of who it is to the world. It is here to self-validate, create, play, and offer warmth simply by being itself. Mercury retrograde in Leo empowers us to reclaim our narratives around self-expression. This period offers us the opportunity to reframe and embody our own Leo—that is, to radiate the authentic magic that we uniquely are. As we navigate this Mercury retrograde, let's embrace the chance to reflect, reframe, and rejuvenate. By doing so, we can emerge with a clearer sense of self and a renewed spirit, ready to take on the world with confidence and joy. God Bless  @Dollymanghat For Consultations:


Thursday 25 April 2024

Mercury Goes Direct - 25th Apr 2024 - Will It, Work It, Win It And Prove It...

Mercury Goes Direct - 25th Apr 2024
Will It, Work It, Win It And Prove It...

After a series of massive transits throughout Apr 2024, Mercury that has been retrograde since 1st Apr, stations direct indicating clarity on situations, issues being worked on, being discussed or contemplated upon. Time to move ahead with decisions with clarity of mind and initiate proceedings.
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God Bless

Monday 1 April 2024

Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

The planetary configuration urges us to look deep within align ourselves with our true identities, so that we are able to face the challenges with confidence and create abundant opportunities for growth. By focusing on health and holistic practices you will be able to strengthen your core and bring in stability to life.
With the prevailing exciting & heavy energies there may be times when you could feel situations out of control, just find avenues that interest you so that you can anchor yourself. Situations in life keep changing and manifesting in accordance to your thoughts and frame of mind.

The call of the hour is to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy. Build and replenish your support system, be it relationships, finances work area, anything that helps in sustaining a happy life. Changing yourself instead of trying to change your circumstances are the keys to open your own fortunes.

The call of the hour is to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy. Build and replenish your support system, be it relationships, finances work area, anything that helps in sustaining a happy life. Changing yourself instead of trying to change your circumstances are the keys to open your own fortunes.

Watch Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs Here:

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Thursday 24 August 2023

Mercury in Virgo - The Second Retrograde Of The Year - Double Checks


The cosmic secrets are fascinating as every aspect of the planet’s configuration opens up mysterious combination of energies and obscure nature of our very creation. If you actually explore & observe your life in the past & present, you could perhaps also decipher what your own future can be. The Yogic holistic sciences relate to modern physics and how these all-encompassing energies are relevant in our daily life.
Let’s observe and take a deep dive into nonphysical source of creation with it’s dark fringes especially in the next twenty days. Mercury stationed yesterday on the 23rd preparing to back spin. Whenever this planet is in retrograde which is three to four times a year, astrologists warn that it can cause all sorts of issues with communication, travel and business. Each retrograde lasts for about three weeks at a time. While every retrograde affects all zodiacs, it's the sign that each retrograde falls under that sees the deepest effects. In the previous months when it went retrograde, the earth signs Capricorn & Taurus, were affected and now Virgo will be the most affected by Mercury being in retrograde.

Mercury entering retrograde is much like the weather shifting—it can be good or bad even neutral depending upon our will power, resilience and awareness. The energies of planets affecting our psyche is an essential part of life’s process it cannot be avoided though you can navigate your way, it’s like taking precautions through an holistic approach and guarding yourself by being aware.
We tend to move full steam ahead going about doing our own things and every once in a while the universal intelligence, through the planets configuration nudge us in taking positive actions, which can benefit us. When Mercury retrogrades it encourages us to slow down, review whatever we are doing, it can actually have some productive effects.
Past experience and research has proved and we believe that, during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, acting as a deterrent an impediment on one’s actions, moods and energies. Our words said or actions could be misunderstood by people causing friction or slowness in work.
The energies of Mercury Retrograde impels us to retreat within ourselves as memories of the past engulf us frequently, we are faced with situations that we have been avoiding. This involves past relationships, patterns, unresolved emotional conflicts, and traumas. What makes it worse that however hard we may try not relive the past yet it forces its way through, in order for us to put closures to relationships and situations that no longer boost or uplift our energies. Mercury retrograde helps us understand the good and bad vibes.
Past experiences and learnings have taught us that when Mercury is perceived going back ward it’s time to be deliberate and careful while going through contracts or making big purchases. Be careful while travelling on road, since the mind remains foggy , nostalgic or there is a slight dip in energies, mishaps can occur. Think before you communicate or speak your mind out as sometime just speaking out your own truth, you may inadvertently hurt people, or be short avoid arguments. Next twenty days it’s wise to remain in your zone without trying to tell others what’s good for them. Refrain from starting anything new.
Because the energies of Mercury are being erupted by various factors like Venus also being retrograde it becomes all the more difficult to keep a control over your temper. You may feel listless irritable or sensitive to sharp words. Some could also experience mental health issues caused by depression or anxiety. In a way time to be compassionate towards what others are feeling.
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God Bless

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Aug 2023 Horoscope Guidelines For Every Zodiac Sign

Watch Your Monthly Horoscope Here

With 5 major retrogrades Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus retrograde, and 2 personal planets Venus and Mercury retrograde you can expect transformation from your inner core. As Pluto declutters your life forcefully, knowing what works for you and what can be waste of time and energy.

If you have resisted changes, then life would seem chaotic now whether you like it or not it’s time to change transform for your benefit. Saturn gives you indications to renovate or strengthen your structures of life. Jupiter urges to review and edit your belief systems, whereas Neptune and Uranus are indicators of feelings vs your mind. Its always best to follow the promptness of your heart, and navigate your way in life intelligently says Uranus. Being rebellious for rebellion sake will never work. ** Key Dates in August 2023 ** Aug-01 Full Moon in Aquarius Aug-16 New Moon in Leo Aug-23 Sun enters Virgo Aug-23 Mercury Retrograde Aug-27 Mars enters Libra Aug-28 Uranus Retrograde Aug-30 Full Moon in Pisces Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website All Consultation Options Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #August2023Horoscope #DollyManghatAstrology #ContemporaryAstrology #August2023Predictions #August2023Astrology God Bless @DollyManghat

Friday 9 September 2022

DM Astro Calendar 2022 - Mercury Retrograde



Mercury Retrograde


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God Bless

Dolly Manghat


#DollyManghat #Astrology2022 #2022Horoscope


Friday 2 September 2022

Mercury Retrograde: Examine - Evaluate - Retrieve - Elevate - Reinstate - Resolve

This month, six planets in total will be retrograding through the cosmos — five of them stationed retrograde prior to this month, and they are all outer planets.

- Uranus in Taurus on August 24th .
- Jupiter stationed retrograde in Aries on July 28th .
- Neptune in Pisces on June 28th.
- Saturn stationed retrograde in Aquarius on June 4th .
- Pluto in Capricorn on April 28th.

Mercury will station retrograde this month on Sept. 9th
Whether Mercury moves forward or backwards in the skies it, activates Mercury issues as it goes. Mercury is very known the trickster, when it’s retrograde its influence works inversely. Its energy intensifies and situations seem to go out of hand or off-center. In spite of all this one can consciously work with the Mercury retrograde and use the intense energy much to your advantage.
The truth is things do go wrong under Mercury retrograde- particularly with communications and foggy mind - all of which can be annoying, inconvenient and frustrating. But you can prevent and avoids these effects and use it to your advantage. For example, as the Mercury retrograde stations, start evaluating, examining, reviewing the work already in process re-check everything, before moving forward.
The periods just before Mercury goes retrograde and just after it goes direct again are known as the shadow phases. During the shadow phases the energies you feel are very intense, this is because the start and finish of any cycle in astrology is considered potent.
The pre shadow phase before Mercury goes retrograde indicates that we need to prepare for its effects. Not an ideal time to make decisions and also the need to be flexible. The post shadow phase sometimes called the echo, after the retrograde when it prepares to go direct again allows you to process its effects, so it’s wise to tread cautiously and review your plans before you execute or put them into action.
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Would You Like To Understand The Rahu-Ketu Transit For Yourself (Mar 2022 to Oct 2023)? Check Out Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #Sep2022Horoscope #Sep2022Predictions #Sep2022Astrology #Sep2022Jyotish #DollyManghatAstrology God Bless @DollyManghat

Thursday 1 September 2022

Sep 2022 Horoscope Predictions


The other day hearing the Sermon of Sadhguru Jaggi Vaudev he very aptly said “Prediction means we don’t have a plan”. I support his philosophy for I believe that an individual is capable of creating their own prophecies.

Astrology teaches us how to Plan- we can take the help of the planets, which I term as universal intelligence for its always in discipline and nudging us every now and then how to handle situations. Of course following is our free will. Taking the help of universal intelligence we are more than capable of reengineering our minds & thought process.
Just be committed to your plans and success will follow in many ways. Transformation of your thoughts is the call of the month September which is The Virgo season.
Knowing the configuration of the planets you can very well plan your month ahead, and be the master of your own destiny.
** Key Dates in Sep 2022 **
Sep  5 Venus enters Virgo
Sep  9 Mercury Retrograde
Sep 10 Full Moon in Pisces
Sep 21 Jupiter semi-square Saturn
Sep 22 Sun enters Libra
Sep 25 New Moon in Libra
Sep 29 Venus enters Libra
Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website Would You Like To Understand The Rahu-Ketu Transit For Yourself (Mar 2022 to Oct 2023)?
Check Out Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #Sep2022Horoscope #Sep2022Predictions #Sep2022Astrology #Sep2022Jyotish #DollyManghatAstrology God Bless @DollyManghat

Sunday 1 May 2022

May 2022 - Monthly Horoscope Overview

 ** Key Dates in May 2022 **

02-May Venus enters Aries
10-May Mercury turns Retrograde
10-May Jupiter enters Aries
11-May Jupiter semi-square Uranus
16-May Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Total)
20-May Sun enters Gemini
22-May Mercury Retrograde enters Taurus
24-May Mars enters Aries
28-May Venus enters Taurus
30-May New Moon in Gemini

Would You Like To Understand The Rahu-Ketu Transit For Yourself
(Mar 2022 to Oct 2023)?

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#Apr2022Horoscope #Apr2022Predictions #Apr2022Astrology #Apr2022Jyotish #DollyManghatAstrology

God Bless

Saturday 29 May 2021

DM Astro Calendar 2021 - Mercury Retrograde


Mercury Retrograde

What does that mean for you?

How are planets affecting you in 2021 and What to do?

Download the AstroCalendar2021 here:

Powered by: Dolly Manghat

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#DollyManghat #Astrology2021

Monday 3 May 2021

May 2021 Horoscope Predictions

Watch Here:

**Key Dates And Highlights for May 2021** May 3 Mercury enters Gemini May 5 Jupiter quintile Uranus May 6 True Node sextile Chiron May 8 Venus enters Gemini May 11 New Moon in Taurus May 13 Jupiter enters Pisces May 19 First Quarter Moon May 20 Sun enters Gemini May 23 Saturn Retrograde May 26 Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse May 29 Mercury Retrograde

Don't Forget To Register For The Latest Webinar #DecodingYourMahadasha: LEARN ASTROLOGY TO EMPOWER YOURSELF AND OTHERS (Next eClass Batch starts 15th May 2021) The DM Productive School of Contemporary Astrology Learn More: Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website MISSED THE SATURN-JUPITER Conjunction Webinar? You can subscribe to our Webinar Recordings Here: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: #May2021Horoscope #2021Predictions #2021Horoscope #2021Jyotish #DollyManghatAstrology #NewMoonInTaurus #FullMoonInSagittarius #LunarEclipse #SaturnRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde God Bless @DollyManghat

Thursday 5 November 2020

Mercury Direct 3rd Nov 2020 - How Does It Impact Your Zodiac Sign?

As Mercury completes its three retrograde cycles for the year and moves direct a final time in 2020, its motion will clear your path of communication and clarity in relationships. So, how is this direct motion impacting your zodiac sign? Check this video...

Looking for a consultation? Write to us with your details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #MercuryDirect #MercuryTransitLibra #MercuryRetrograde #MercuryMotion #DollyManghatAstrology

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Mercury Goes Direct - Surprises In Store Due To Saturn-Mercury Square

As Mercury turns direct to end its cycles of retrogrades for a tumultuous 2020, it marks a beginning a direct sequence (Mars following soon) that will go all the way to the end of the year straightening some of the warped and strangled energies that we all have been experiencing all year long, especially the last 3 weeks when it was retrograde.

The direct motion comes with its set of interesting aspects, especially its square with Saturn in Capricorn throws in surprises (perhaps more pleasant ones) as Mercury starts going the right way. Coupled with it are major events including the third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of the year, Mars going direct and culmination of the eclipse cycle of the year. Stay tuned for those videos too. Looking for a consultation? Write to us with your birth details to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #MercuryDirect #MercuryTransitLibra #MercuryInLibra #MercurySquareSaturn

Friday 10 April 2020

#UnlockingTheStars - Session 7 - Mercury In Various Houses

In this series, Dolly Manghat explains Mercury's expressions under the influence of various zodiac signs. While energies support, others restrict, some complement while others oppose. It's fascinating to understand how the fastest planet behaves and impacts our lives throughout its cyclic journey in the zodiac wheel. God Bless Dolly Manghat

Saturday 1 February 2020

Feb 2020 Horoscope Predictions

#Feb2020 #HoroscopePredictions for all #ZodiacSigns

By #DollyManghat

#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

Thursday 31 October 2019

Mercury Retrograde on 31st Oct 2019 - Checkpoints Before Marching Full Steam into 2020

With all planets moving forward/direct giving us extra energy and vitality to zoom, it needs some caution too. You don't want to really grow at the cost of getting the fundamentals wrong. Right? .. Here comes Mercury to take stock and check your energies to get your communication in place. 

Check those documents, contracts and agreements carefully, speak assertively, not aggressively and most importantly collaboratively. Mercury pushes you one step back to jump across the cliff with more confidence and courage. Ready?

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God Bless

Saturday 6 July 2019

Mercury Goes Retrograde On 7th Jul 2019 - Evaluate And Revaluate

Sandwiched between the two eclipses in the second Mercury Retrograde of the year. What timing? July has Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and now Mercury in retrograde in addition to the two eclipses. Phew .. that is some cosmic energy at work!

The retrograde gains even more significance than just minding the tongue. Written communication, legal agreements, contracts all need careful examination and review before signing off. Be mindful of your language written or verbal. if you take care of these aspects, you should be able to safely tide this period over. 

Looking for a  personal consultation?
Write to us at with your birth details and we will schedule your consultation accordingly.

God Bless

Monday 1 July 2019

July 2019 Horoscope Predictions

#Jul2019 #Horoscope #Predictions for all Zodiac Signs

#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

God Bless

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Mercury Joins The Explosive Dynamics In The Rahu-Mars Bonhomie Until Jun...

As if the Mars-Rahu Opposition with Saturn-Ketu wasn't enough, Mercury joined the show in Gemini (in its own sign) making things even more explosive. With Mercury comes communication. 

Being conjunct with Rahu (manipulative and illusive) and Mars (impulsive and aggressive) makes matters tricky. Caustic Talk could be a problem in this period. Refrain from any communication during this period to avoid issues with relationships.

Take that extra minute to gather yourself, define the logic and speak out is the key to this already restless and volatile period leading upto Jun 21st when Mars transits to Cancer easing of the aggression and impulse.

Overall, stay calm and keep control over your communication. You will do well to observe, note and initiate discussions after this period is over. 

Looking for a personal consultation?
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God Bless

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Understanding Mercury Retrograde Through The Houses: Where Is Your Mercury?

We have generalized the Mercury retrograde effects and impacts in a separate video.

In this video - we see how the retrograde needs to be interpreted based on Mercury position in your natal and transit charts. What aspects of your communication would be affected by this retrograde based on its positioning. 

E.g. in personal houses, it could impact your personal communication relationships. In the professional houses - your deals, contracts and sales communication would need introspection.

This is time for an inner study and manifest your thoughts into the right words for building stronger relationships all around.

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God Bless