Showing posts with label 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2015. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Gemini Horoscope April 2015

Pay attention to your intuitions and dreams as they hyperactive and prophetic. 

The lunar eclipse this 4th is a very powerful one and has a double impact on most of us. Your finances will be impacted in a positive way, as you get the opportunity to revise your thinking and strategy matters concerning finance job or investments. 

Travelling will bring in additional benefits other than pleasure, in fact you could consider mixing business with pleasure. Your loved ones around you are considering redefining themselves, changing their self-concept and changing the image that they present to the world. 

So next six months do not sit judgmental or jump to any conclusions. 

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Taurus Horoscope April 2015

There would certainly be some excitements and happy developments this month.

There would be plenty of energy and charisma, you will outshine in all your endeavors and get the deserved results. The time ahead does look very prosperous, after the 14th you could experience some windfalls and financial opportunities too.

The aspects of the planets point towards job changes as opportunities are seeking you. You could expect a lot of drama and life changing events happening. This is also a period of testing close relationships.

Patience is needed with your partner, as he or she will tend to be more irritable and highly-strung. Love challenges should be resolved amicably. 

Give yourself a complete overhaul of freshening up your mind body and soul. 

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aries Horoscope April 2015

Patience will be needed to understand what exactly is going on. 

Off late things have been going easy for you, monetary wise or relationships they have been happy. 

There is an important development happening this lunar eclipse which falls on the 4th of this month, it’s a testing time there will be upheavals repressed feelings and grievances will be thrown up that need to be dealt with. 

A good strong relationship will be able to sustain and sort out issues calmly. These eclipses normally are like omens or warnings of what is good or what is bad?

A period of testing, times and relationships. The strong withstand and the weak wither away.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Monday 2 March 2015

Libra Horoscope March 2015

Just learn to go with the flow, and you will be happy and comfortable

Love surrounds you actually the entire year around, some of you may extend those bonds and bind them forever.

In between you may face some obstacles and love could be tested, just remember confidence and understanding becomes stronger when love gets weathered. 

Be prepared for some financial disturbances and you may be forced to change some of your plans. 

You must make a habit and way of life by saving for rainy days, its important that you learn to make yourself secure before you start making others secure.

A little bit of planning will help you go a long way and you will be able to put your plans into action comfortably if you have taken care of the life’s necessities first.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sunday 1 March 2015

Pisces Horoscope March 2015

Its time  to redefine your personality both mentally and physically. 

Present a new look to the world, there are bound to be dramatic financial changes happening around you. Use your intelligence, your strategies will be impressive and you will be a winner in the end only if you use your alertness and intuition.

Pisceans are known for their sixth sense. Be more realistic make adjustments where necessary and you will fare exceedingly well.

Prepare yourself for job changes they could be within your own company or you may change and switch over to an entirely new organization.

Health remains good as long as you stick to your regime and discipline your routine. 

Singles realize love pursuing them, so need to look around its just there with you.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aquarius Horoscope March 2015

New awakenings helps you alter your practice, attitude, and perhaps beliefs in life. 

Spirituality takes precedence over other matters in your life. 
This is the time to avoid any kind of risky deals or activities.

Your current relationships have been undergoing a kind of testing all through the past year, dramatic events continue and now you need to take some appropriate decisions and actions. Big financial changes take place and you could also face some financial crisis.

A stitch in time can save nine, so a careful study in your investments will help you restructure your resources. Be prepared for some unseen expenditure and expenses coming up. Meeting influential people can be very rewarding.

Health and energy needs careful monitoring and you need to review your diet and exercise routine.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Capricorn Horoscope March 2015

Listen carefully absorb all that you feel hear and see, before taking any step. 

Even though your own needs and interests are important yet now is the time to think of others in your sphere.

Your ability to get on with others and gain their cooperation will be the main theme this month. 

Any weird happenings in your life will be like omens, the cosmos is trying to explain something important to you. 

You could actually be witness to dramas in your life or off others. All your goals will have a smooth beginning and even if you encounter certain obstacles your way, be calm as you are also ensured of a smooth happy ending.

Over all health remains good, trust your spiritual therapies and enhance your health by following the discipline of yoga regularly.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sagittarius Horoscope March 2015

Career will demand much of your energy so a fit mind in a fit body is important. 

The health scene spills over this month too, you need to build a strict regime for your diet and exercise.Do not allow tension to accumulate, avoid all kinds of stressful activities, this is best dome when you actually do your best and leave the rest.

It’s a universal phenomena, that good rewards come when you work hard with conviction. 

If you feel that your relationships have some flaws then now is the time to face them and sort out differences amicably. 

Family members or loved ones could be high strung and temperamental as they could be undergoing their own personal dramatic experiences.

In such a situation its best to extend a patient hearing. Prosperity will happen albeit with delays.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Scorpio Horoscope March 2015

Unresolved issues come up for cleansing. 

The month ahead is affected by all the happenings in your personal life. There can be shake ups in love or marriage, its actually a testing time when circumstances test your relationships. 

You need to be honest, which actually comes with clarity of mind and heart. Speaking clearly and precisely will help you overcome half your problems, a patient hearing and calm response sorts the other half out.

You could even experiences technical glitches your equipment may need an overhaul or servicing so back up your important files. Love life can be made exciting even though it shows turbulence and instability. 

Be a risk taker and learn to move on in life if the present relationship is flawed. You need rest and relaxation of mind to think situations over before making major decisions.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Virgo Horoscope March 2015

Avoid any kind of stressful risk taking activities, try spending some quality time with yourself. 

You are in a period of maximum power and independence, you could perhaps utilize this month to make those changes you have been thinking for long.

You can indulge yourself into creating the world you want. People around you will co-operate with your plans and there is a smooth progress seen.

Meditation gives you lots of insight and introspection, which helps you becoming the person you want to be. It seems that the next few months completely change you not only in your outward experience but also mentally. How you look and feel will be the real you. 

Healthy and energy remain good, you only need to curb your hastiness and impatience.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Leo Horoscope March 2015

Your loved ones are redefining themselves and will start to project a new image to the world. 

This could also mean altercations with your belief system, you need to be calm either go with the flow or make your point of view clearly without any force.

Even though this month seems a bit volatile, yet the plus point is that career shows an upswing. Barriers to your goals are slowly being eliminated and success would be at hand directly in proportion to the hard work put in. 

Job seekers will have plenty of job opportunities you only need to keep your head firmly in place. Pay rises and promotion could happen. 

Finances see prosperity, if you have any kind of issues with the government then now is the perfect time to resolve it. Do not procrastinate anything, as minor mistakes can cause major delays. 

Create romance in your life.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Cancer Horoscope March 2015

Good progress is seen as success in the coming couple of months. 

Career has been the focal point ever since the beginning of the year and continues to remain so for the next six months. 

Its important for you to focus and down play your home front. Career is a long term project and in your case never ending. 

You slowly and steadily are progressing towards your ultimate goals. Those of you wishing to have a change of career by all means start working towards it now so that by half a year you are clear of where you wish to be. 

There could be some upheavals and changes at your home front which does require your attention. 

A clear calm and patient hearing will help you resolve issues much faster than anticipated. Whenever changes occur they always should be presumed to be for the better.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Gemini Horoscope March 2015

Temper needs to be controlled and avoid confrontations. 

Health and energy needs carefully monitoring, in case of any surgical requirements do not hesitate and take precaution and expert help if need be.

While focus on Career is necessary yet a balance between work and rest is the main requirement. 

It will be a good idea for you to go about your work and communications in a more defensive manner than aggressive. 

Things go better with each passing day on your personal front. 
Thinking off get married it will be advisable to give some more time to the relationship. 

Anything done in haste during this period can be disastrous. 
Its important for you to create a world of comfort for yourself.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Taurus Horoscope March 2015

You have the power to create conditions as you desire them to be. 

You have entered a period of maximum independence and personal power now, and this continues for the next two months. 

You need to concentrate on what is good for you, no matter what others think, its their problem you need to be selfish and work on what is good for you. 

Health and energy remain excellent, you can enhance it even further by giving more attention as you go in for some special therapies like massages etc.

Finances look good as the money planet which was not moving finally starts to move forward.

Your good professional reputation is a major factor in your earning power until the mid of this month. Guard that reputation and remain the way you are. 

Family members could be temperamental at this time so just be patient with them.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/ Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aries Horoscope March 2015

Look into your personal and professional interests. 

The next two months are very crucial for your internal and external growth as you would be entering a period of personal power. 

Anything that can enhance your lifestyle should be manifested now. 

Being selfish is not bad, you need to look into your own internal needs and work accordingly. Remember the age old saying “ if I am not for me who will be for me?” 

Create conditions as you desire, change whatever you want to the way you want to.

If you do not do it now then it would be difficult in the coming months so do not squander away the opportunity. 

Health and energy does remain excellent, more so because of the attention you are giving. Keep it up and make it your lifestyle mantra. 

Trust your intuition and follow it.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sunday 1 February 2015

Pisces Horoscope February 2015

Career remains all time high, and you need to still give it more attention. 

By mid of the month you could perhaps think of a breather. Focus on your inner conditions as its the strong psychological infrastructure that actually makes success easily attainable. This is also the time to indulge your personal affairs and concentrate wholeheartedly to your love life.

Health needs to be build up with a strong regime of diet and exercise. Job seekers have a great period, for opportunities open up abundantly. Live life on your terms, just keep in mind that your terms should be constructive for yourself and those around you should also benefit. 

The Cosmos supports your personal happiness, so being a little selfish now will be alright. This is a happy and prosperous month.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aquarius Horoscope February 2015

Excellent period for starting the projects you have in mind. 

All your new ideas should be executed and put into action. Finances finally look upward especially after the stressed out period. Money comes from different directions and sources. 

A business partnership or joint venture could come to fruition. Your family will support your decisions in whatever you take, so confidence and self esteem should be all time high. 

Love surrounds you so singles should be ready to mingle in case they are in search of a prospective partner. Those already in a relationship can enhance it further by spending some quality time together. 

Health and energy remains good. Still its important to get your yearly check ups done.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Capricorn Horoscope February 2015

Success kisses your feet especially when you put in hard work.

Your rewards are directly in relations to the efforts you put in. You need to detox your financial life, eliminate the waste and needless expense.

Prosperity is not so much about earning as much it is about getting rid of unwanted stuff. This is a good period to attract investors and make sound planning for the future. 

Your love life gets better and better, as social networking increases. Your social magnetism is at its peak , people get attracted to your overall personality and wish to reach out to you more and more. 

Your house of communication and intellectual interests are powerful so reaching out to the masses becomes easier. Health remains excellent and you will have plenty of energy to reach your goals.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sagittarius Horoscope February 2015

Health and energy remain delicate.

Earnings look good but you need to worker harder to overcome challenges that are being foreseen in the coming days. 

There could be some financial disharmony between your elders professionally or personally. If you are convinced and sure of what you have done then there is no need to worry. 

You must have all your answers ready in order to win over arguments. Things usually are not what they seem, so investigating before coming to any conclusions will be a good idea. Do not form any kind of assumptions before you form a clear picture. 

Health and energy remain delicate so you need to monitor your energy levels. Be sure to get enough rest as half of the health problems get eliminated when we are able to balance our work and recreation.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Scorpio Horoscope February 2015

Romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your health goals.

You need to work harder and in a more innovative way if you are interested in raking in more money. There could also be fair chances of the need to review your output and input of your expenditures and deposits. 

Its important that you take stock of your situations at the beginning of new financial year and make appropriate constructive changes to live a happy life the year around. 

Health needs to be taken care off, take precautions and get your yearly check ups done. If you feel any niggling problem then now is the time to get it diagnosed. A detox is required and its also important to maintain social harmony as disharmony can create physical problems.

For a detailed personalized consultation you can connect with me by filling the "Consult Now" form on my website 


Write to me directly at or (Make sure you have your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth clearly indicated in your email)

God Bless
Dolly Manghat