Saturday, 25 January 2025
The 7 Planet Celestial Alignment - Part 1 - Encouragement To Feel Deeply, Act Decisively
Monday, 24 July 2023
Demystifying Saturn The Lal Kitab Way
We do studies in the eastern way, in the Western way, the Chinese way, the Japanese way...I have also read through and made myself amicable or made myself aware of how in the olden days also Saturn was considered as the most powerful planet. So according to the Lal Kitab, which is the most popular and the most famous book of the olden era, let us work on what it has to say or let me just apprise you of what it does say or what it denotes. It also speaks about Saturn in a very powerful way.
It says, Saturn commonly known as the Shani is the slowest moving planet in space but has a very strong effect on all the kundalis that is the natal charts. It gives good as well as the bad effects according to the job that you are doing. Its presence is considered auspicious in the 2nd, 7th, 3rd, 10th and the 11th house. But inauspicious in 4th, 5th and 8th house. It controls life, death, wealth, home, children, results of legal suits, theft, illnesses related to intestine that is your digestive problems. It can do wonders if it is favorable but can be very evil if inauspicious.
A slight translation from my personal experience and my personal studies - say it can do wonders when you are aware but it can be otherwise if you are unaware. The
awareness can help you protect and safeguard yourself, so that the life is more successful. So discipline, determination and dedication can actually take off the ill effects and also can take off it be inauspicious and it is up to us and our attitude how to make it auspicious when we learn the lessons. It's like a child going to a school and he has to be under the strict observation of the teacher. The teacher teaches the child what to do and during the examinations when the child is tested how well the child answers on how well he is prepared to answer the questions actually determine his going to the next step of life or not or in the next class or being promoted or not. So similar is the Saturn. He's like the strict teacher.
In case of the benefic Saturn, a person becomes a great scholar with good command over language. Saturn is capable of turning gold into ashes. Obviously, if you are not going to be aware of it, if you are not going to be prepared, so even what you have earned it turns into ashes. But when it is benevolent, it gives immense profit. That means when you've prepared hard and you've prepared well for your exams, it gives you immense profit. The people who Saturn favors have high possibilities of engaging into the trade of machinery, furnace, leather, cement, wood, iron, oil, transport as well as your intellectual property. However if Saturn is malific, the
person has to face struggles in life. He may suffer from diseases related to stomach. There are high chances that he may also lose wealth or fall prey to inprisonment. My take on this is that when the Saturn is weak, it means you have to work harder. It means you have to work hard to prove yourself. But definitely if you work hard and you proved yourself, the results that you get increases your confidence but if you don't work hard and if you just take it like oh! it's sometimes when children come back home and say that they have not been able to do well because of the strict teacher. That is the time when the parents say that the strict teacher is only because he is trying to test your resilience and your patience. And why have the stomach problems come? Because under-confidence increases the mental stress and the mental stress is always the first thing that affects your stomach. So this is what is my take on this paragraph from Lal-Kitab.
Some effects of Saturn in the different yogas and combinations also exist. It says as Saturn is the lord of the eighth house it shall adversely affect any other house regardless of where it is placed. Drinking, gambling, telling lies or indulging in frivolities suppress the positive effects of Saturn. If Saturn is placed with Rahu and Ketu it becomes insignificant. If Saturn comes under the aspect of Sun it brings harm to the Venus. If Saturn is under the effect of Venus then the native may experience financial loss but on the contrary if Venus is under the aspect of Saturn, it proves to be beneficial. If Saturn is debilitated at the time of birth that comes in the debilitated house in the annual horoscope, then it causes great loss in the 9th, 18th, 27th and 36th year of life. The beneficial effects of Saturn normally begins after the 36th year of the birth.
It is generally believed the Saturn brings hurdles and difficulties in the lives of people. But this is far from the truth. Saturn influences the lives of the individuals as per his or her karma or actions, the good and bad actions. Do you want to know the impact of Saturn on your life? Then know yourself, know your natal chart, know your positives and negatives and be an architect of your fate.
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Tuesday, 2 May 2023
Saturn The Great Teacher Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-2)
Saturn The Great Teacher Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-2)
Afraid of Saturn's Karma Justice Fury? Did you know Saturn can actually bestow with gifts no other planet can offer? In this course learn about Saturn's aspects, cycles, transits and its ways of testing you before rewarding you handsomely.
Learn to guide your Saturn energies to bring abundance in your life. Join the course now. Click on
2 Years access to your LMS account to access courseware (generally its 1 year)
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Special invites to eClasses being conducted by Dolly Manghat under Integrated Level 2 Astrology
Looking Beyond eBook
Hurry Signup for Integrated Astrology Courses!
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Setting The Foundations
Setting The Foundations
Namaste and a big virtual hug to everyone. Firstly I hope this message finds you healthy and all of us are having to make adjustments in our lives right now, one of them is structuring a day so that we are productive and positive during these challenging times.
To help you with this here are my 10 steps, daily routine that I am following and is also used by experts and high achievers to do what to increase productivity and focus increase energy be more positive and optimistic lower the fear and stress and anxiety that we are all facing be the person you want to be throughout the day increase levels of your body's feel-good factor and the chemicals should keep flowing you keep learning you prioritize tasks to take you closer to your goals maintain your diary and develop the gift of having mental toughness this is the right time to do..
So now I will be pondering over the learnings at the transformation throughout our life we keep learning and learning and learning more but until we apply and transform ourselves with those learnings, we never will feel complete within ourselves in fact the cravings keep increasing until the bubble bursts the question I give myself every day is that all my learnings helping me transform and grow in the true sense.
I believe in what Jim Rohn said, a life does not get better by chance it gets better by change and change within yourself the call of the is transformation the energy of Pluto it says you die in one sphere and you take a rebirth again so you transform yourself let your own self be offed now you need to transform yourself not only physically but also maintain the configuration of the planets are prompting us from above the stars would not be in the heavens if we were meant to walk in darkness.
I will help you step by step in applying your learnings to transform yourself only then will you evolve and be contented with the life that you are living right now beginning of this year 2020 I had sounded you all of the three major planetary cycles which completes and begin a new so it is a death and a renewal creating a societal reset and the start of the great transformation occurring throughout this decade so 2022 to 2030 you will realize that we are transforming our minds our bodies and our souls are being healed that was one of the reason that I got my journal published on self-awareness 2020 which is available on Amazon.
I myself use the zodiac my own zodiac of Capricorn and I write down that these are the things I need to achieve because these are the planets that are going to help me complete it now this is an potent catalytic and exceptionally significant planetary configuration that initiates the societal reset this Saturn Pluto Sunoltt of January 10th 2020 expressed itself through one geocentric conjunction which occurred on January 12th 2020 just rewinding it the Saturn Pluto transits and life changing with long-term consequences at the forefront of this year's astrology we have Saturn Pluto and Jupiter having conjunctions with one another throughout the year and they are all in Capricorn the three are the most slow-moving planets with Saturn and Jupiter being social planets and Pluto being a generational planet so it would make sense that they combined effect would affect the entire collective as a whole.
Now while Saturn rules restrictions and boundaries Pluto rules viruses and deaths rivers and Jupiter rules abundance as well as magnitude being the biggest planet in the solar system Jupiter expands everything that it touches it represents the world now we have the oncoming April 4th Jupiter in conjunction with Pluto which is happening in another couple of days and the affects you would have been able to actually start feeling immediately the first turn occurred on the December 26th 2019 now this stone brought emphasis to all facets of the societal infrastructure and to ecological environmental agricultural and health-related matters now is the second tone which is set by the palace Jupiter Pluto synthesis now this stone overlays upon the first stone and begins in late March which is now as the Pallas Mars Jupiter and Pluto are co-joining it continuous throughout the synchronous retrograde of the palace.
Jupiter and Pluto extending through November now this stone accelerates and magnifies changes set in motion during the first term it brings emphasis to social justice matters of social disparity and impairs us to redefine and elevate not only a personal ideas but a personal ideas affecting the social ideals and the standards now all of this the societal reset explains our entry into the new decade the great transformation I miss sound intense which are my intention is not to be so serious but it may seem that the time period is creating challenges for Humanity to face and surmount but keep in mind that we are amid our old world patterns deconstruction and this makes room for and provides the impetus for a new world paradigm to emerge we have to break the old patterns only then will the new patterns emerge and new patterns when they emerge are always very refreshing and definitely invigorated.
Now coming back to the Jupiter Pluto conjunct in 2020 Jupiter will conjunct Pluto three times April 4th June 30th and November 12th the first one that is happening on April 4 is like birthing ambition and passion from the core of your heart and souls every 13 years or so Jupiter brings its significations for expansion and progress into union with the in hence the curses and empowerment of Pluto journey 2020 Jupiter and Pluto will begin a new cycle in Capricorn with Saturn also present in Capricorn for most of the year in fact the year began with a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto and will end with a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter with the transit of Jupiter in 2020 cohering the meaning of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto all have beginning new cycles together now Jupiter and Pluto will invite a deepening of growth digging into the roots of circumstances to discover what truly matters we will be able to regenerate vision for possibility through dealing with difficulties and facing our fears whatever has ruptured during the past year of Saturn and Pluto beginning a new cycle.
Now Jupiter and Pluto will form three conjunctions in Jupiter you will see on April 4th you will see that as a result we expect an initial narrative of the changes coinciding with Jupiter's union with Pluto to be generated in April with an important turn of events or necessary revision occurring in June and July that will require integration and contemplation for how to proceed more effectively so that by the time we reach November we will have learned how to adjust to whatever developments have coincided with being at the threshold of a new cycle between the Jupiter and Pluto and we will also be able to understand more fully how to work with whatever insights and awareness we have paid.
Now since Jupiter and Pluto are uniting in Capricorn they be under the rulership of the slow and steady Saturn bringing tests that temper the potential excess and inflation of Jupiter the Jupiter Pluto and Saturn transiting through Capricorn will bring lessons of maturity responsibilities which are cultivated through acceptance of natural cycles of change the combination of Jupiter and Pluto can incite extreme ambition for personal power yet they transit through Capricorn along with Saturn means that we will need to adjust aspirations to contend with the limitations we face in regard to material resources and the available time and space the difficulties of crisis we endure will bring revisioning of what needs to be nurtured and develop and what needs to be shed and let go now this is very very very personal the gift of Jupiter conjoining Pluto in Capricorn is its capacity to guide us beneath the surface of material circumstances so we make that into the roots of form and turn visions of what to manifest from our subconscious awareness Jupiter combined with Pluto can bring an intense devotional focus to work that expands beyond whatever conditioning and societal influences have convinced us was possible or impossible we will feel the rejuvenating influence of Jupiter and Pluto when fully participating in moments of creation becoming absorbed in bridging the immaterial with the material and bringing imagining ideas into manifestations we all 100% have to be creative rather than becoming overly attached to external validation and expectations and allow Jupiter and Pluto to help you discover the essential inner purpose you truly desire to achieve.
Remember tomorrow the Mars is also conjunct in Saturn so fear and anger will be intensified during this time as isolation begins to take a huge toll on us because this is one of the most destructive aspects of the year it could represent one of the darkest moments during this pandemic now when Jupiter is conjunct in a Pluto soon after on April 4th Jupiter is about growth and opportunity while Pluto is about destructive forces then break down and composed anything that is past its due as a result of this pandemic this conjunction will begin a big shift in the financial and governmental spheres as we try to manage the current radical changes of our times by growing and rebuilding however a little of these changes will be hidden and happening below the surface now the Sun is also in the Aries which is squaring Pluto in April by April 14th today is bound that means April 14th is bound to be filled with conflict and rage so from today to April 14th it is there is going to be conflict and rage as the Sun increases our need to be in control bringing moments of crisis and exposing the deep psychological issues the pandemic is creating this aspect also represents that point in time in which many of us will realize that this pandemic will eventually bring us to work that very much collective rebirth is about you need to be creative within yourself you have no choice when you don't have any choice you need to start working towards our devising ways and means where you can actually be truly spiritual and learn the art of living by yourselves.
Now Pluto April 25th Saturn May 10th and Jupiter may 14th are going retrograde I am telling you all these things in advance because you will feel all these changes within yourself much before they actually go retrograde it now both Saturn and Pluto the seal practice of the virus begin to lose power as they begin their long retrogrades so it would make sense that during this time life will slowly begin to go back to normal Jupiter going retrograde also means that virus will begin to be contained around the world at least for now so now you understand how retrograde can also be beneficial.
My last video on this conjunct did explain all about the impact of its injunctions did you do your homework what I have told you have to do did you find out what sign was your natal Jupiter and Pluto Placed in and which houses did it represent if you still cannot figure out where your natal planets were place then perhaps you could connect with me on my website to get your planets defined for you on Wednesday the 1st of April I will make you understand what impact does your natal planets have for you I will make you understand how to actually know about yourself which is the part of your life that requires transformation and that is what is going to help you.
Trust me the more happier you are at this time the more you're doing good for yourself and you will be able to transform yourself through the learnings that I'm trying to impart or share with you every time when people ask me how do I change when do I change my answer is know where you’re Jupiter's placed where you're Pluto is placed, what is the universe asking you to actually negate and what are the positives that you can work on so till the 1st of April I meet you next time and I will explain to you how these planets are affecting or having an impact of what needs to be changed which part of your needs to be changed meanwhile get back to your desks and know where are your planets of Jupiter and Pluto place including your Saturn good luck and wishing you a real good healthy day ahead and take care of yourselves again a virtual hug and God bless.
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To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Saturn Wisdom V Rahu Intelligence - What's Your Choice in Life?
Saturn Wisdom V Rahu Intelligence - What's Your Choice in Life?
I'm going to read out a couple of lines in which I firmly believe intelligence versus the wisdom which is so applicable to certain and also applicable to the Rahu and Saturn combination and more so if you go further into details its application is also applied to when Mars or your moon or your Jupiter or Rahu and Saturn are coming very in close proximity whether they are expecting each other or pineal conjunction.
So How efficiently it says intelligence leads to arguments and wisdom leads to settlements intelligences power of well, when its wisdom is power over the well, intelligence is heat its burns wisdom is won't it comforts right...? intelligence pursuit of knowledge and it tires the seeker whereas wisdom is in pursuit of the truth.. it inspires the seeker right.. it tells us is holding on wisdom is letting go intelligence leads you whereas wisdom guides you.
I am completely applying to Rahu because Rahu and Ketu and moon and Jupiter they're all intelligence how you balance it how how it can inspire you how it can actually entice you but Saturn is complete wisdom how it can guide you further on it is an intelligent man thinks he knows everything whereas a wise man knows that there is still something to learn an intelligent man always tries to prove his point a wise man knows there's really no point so Saturn, another intelligent says I will prove..! see sometimes when you're ambitious you the Rahu is you know it can happen.. but what the Saturn says if this thing is not working pick up something that is suitable to you. that will start working no point in proving a point and be foolish and then they're going on getting into a mess..
Similarly, it says an intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice whereas a wise man keeps his counsel and if all options are considered so Rahu is going on giving advice and unsolicited advice and Goodman enticing and your mind is becoming a monkey mind where is the Saturn says I have all the options but I need to be structured and now I need to know what I need to do so an intelligent man understand what has been said a wise man understands what is left unsaid so you have to learn how to read between the lines then an intelligent man speaks when he has to say something a wise man speaks when he has something to say and the intelligent man sees everything as the relative whereas a wise man sees everything as related...
An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow whereas a wise man navigates the mass flow an intelligent man reaches a wise man ridge, I've always believed and I've stuck it and drill it in my mind that a wise man where is an intelligent man always keeps trying to prove a point and that's also believes in the element of luck.
I do believe in one percent of element of luck but 99% I believe in respiration and hard work and 1% I leave that okay if it is not to be but then again wisdom lies in if it is not to be I don't feel bad that I had put 99% of respiration because I feel the knowledge that I have gained while I was perspiring can also be utilized in a much better way and in fact manifesting my own luck and that is where I say that please stop living predictions and start creating your own prophecies and how do you create your own prophecies by knowing your strengths and your weaknesses by knowing what are your potentials and what are your talents by going through your natal chart then how that particular chart or how your own personal chart can help you become wiser and how you can utilize your intelligence in a much much more wiser way and not run after wrong trees of bark on the over wrong trees but in fact start believing yourselves start believing your potentials because here I can vouch for that 100% we are all talented we just need to find out which is the sector that we can be passionate about
Download Astro eBook, Personalized Horoscope Report, Calendar and Planner.
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Thursday, 23 February 2023
Saturn The Grand Master
Saturn The Grand Master !!
If you're ready to take your astrology skills to the next level, you won't want to miss Dolly Manghat's Integrated Astrology Level-2 Slab-2 - "Saturn the Grand Master" course!
In this course, you'll explore the astrological significance of Saturn and learn how to work with this powerful planet's energy. Dolly will guide you through the various aspects of Saturn, including Saturn returns, Saturn transits, and Saturn in various signs and houses.
With Dolly's expert guidance, you'll gain a deeper understanding of Saturn and learn how to harness its energy to bring positive changes to your life. Whether you're an astrology beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this course is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of astrology.
So don't wait - sign up for Dolly Manghat's "Saturn the Grand Master" course today and discover the transformative power of astrology!
Visit for more information and to enroll.
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Integrated Astrology Courses by Dolly Manghat.
Integrated Astrology Courses by Dolly Manghat.
Attention all Astrology Enthusiasts!
Are you looking to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the planets? Look no further! Dolly Manghat is offering 5 incredible astrology courses that will take your skills to the next level.
- Integrated Astrology Level-1 - Basics of Astrology, Planets, Zodiac Signs, and more
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-1) - Transits
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-2) - Saturn, The Grand Master
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-3) - Pluto, The Great Transformer
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-4) - Eclipses
Enroll now for any of the self-learning courses and unlock the mysteries of the planets!
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Saturn The Grand Master.
Saturn The Grand Master.
Sign up for Integrated Astrology Level-2 Course - "Saturn, The Grand Master" at half the price!
Learn all about Saturn in astrology in this Integrated Astrology Course. It blends Vedic and Western Astrology concepts beautifully.
7 Stage Saturn Development
Saturn In Your Natal Chart – Part 1
Saturn In Your Natal Chart – Part 2
Saturn Aspects
Saturn Cycles (Need Content)
Saturn Transits – Part 1 (Need Content)
Saturn Transits – Part 2, and
Saturn Takeaways.
To find more information about all integrated astrology courses, visit:
Hurry, sign up fast. Get this self-learning course at a 50% discount. Only a few hours left!
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Monday, 6 February 2023
Integrated Astrology Courses By Dolly Manghat.
Integrated Astrology Courses By Dolly Manghat.
Dolly Manghat's Self-Learning Astrology course is a great gift to yourself or your loved one! This is a perfect time to sign up for any of the astrology courses now. Get New Year's offer: Get 50% off on all the courses. Hurry, take advantage of this limited-time offer.
Choose the one that is right for you.
- Integrated Astrology Level-1 - Basics of Astrology, Planets, Zodiac Signs, and more
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-1) - Transits
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-2) - Saturn, The Grand Master
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-3) - Pluto, The Great Transformer
- Integrated Astrology Level-2 (Slab-4) - Eclipses
Sign up today for a self-learning course, which you can learn at your own pace!
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Thursday, 2 February 2023
Integrated Astrology Level 2, Slab 2.
Integrated Astrology Level 2, Slab 2.
Monday, 30 January 2023
Integrated Astrology Course: Saturn, the Grand Master
Integrated Astrology Course: Saturn, the Grand Master
Saturn is known as the Grand Master in astrology, as it is associated with discipline, structure, and responsibility. In an Integrated Astrology course, Saturn is explored as a significant planetary influence that can provide valuable insight into an individual's life path, challenges, and growth opportunities.
The course focuses on understanding the :
7 Stage Saturn Development
Saturn In Astrology
Saturn In Your Natal Chart
Saturn In The 12 Houses
Saturn In The 12 Signs
Saturn Aspects
Aspects With Personal Planets
Aspects With Jupiter
Your Saturn Strengths and much more.
Sign up for Integrated Astrology Courses and get Flat 50% Off !!!
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Tuesday, 3 January 2023
Integrated Astrology Level-2 Slab 2
Integrated Astrology Level 2, Saturn the Grandmaster
Do you know about 7 stages of Saturn’s development, Saturn’s cycle, and Saturn’s transit
Don't miss out on a chance to know all the details about Saturn and its effects on one's daily life and how to deal with it
Here Dolly Mangat introduces her new course on Integrated astrology Level-2, Saturn the Grandmaster
To get your Login created by Dolly Manghat, at 50% OFF
Visit: -
Hurry Limited Offer.!!!
For more detail visit:
Friday, 9 December 2022
Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 2 Saturn The Great Teacher
Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 2 Saturn The Great Teacher
Where is your Saturn placed in your natal chart? Where is your Saturn placed in your transit charts? Where is your Saturn placed in your progression charts? Understand the position of Saturn in your chart and chart your destiny to success!
Looking for where to get all this knowledge from? Don't worry, astrologer and life coach Dolly Manghat introducing the new course Integrated Astrology Level -2 Saturn, The Great Teacher.
In this course you will learn :
- Saturn's 7 stages development process
- Understanding and working with Saturn
- Saturn in your Natal chart
- The strength and intensity of Saturn
- Saturn's 29-year cycle
- Saturn return
- Saturn's transits
- Understanding the unique mission of Saturn
Sign Up for Dolly Manghat's Integrated Astrology Self-Learning Courses.
To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Saturn Squares Uranus Webinar Recording
Monday, 17 October 2022
Integrated Astrology Level-2 Saturn, The Grand Master e-Course by Dolly Manghat.
Integrated Astrology Level-2
Saturn, The Grand Master
Where is your Saturn placed in your natal chart? Where is your Saturn placed in your transit charts? Where is your Saturn placed in your progression charts? Understand the position of Saturn in your chart and chart your destiny to success!
Looking for where to get all this knowledge from? Don't worry, astrologer and life coach Dolly Manghat introducing the new course Integrated Astrology Level -2 Saturn, The Grand Master.
All you can learn in the course:
Saturn In The 12 Houses,
Saturn In The 12 Signs,
Your Saturn Strengths,
The 29-Year Cycle,
Calculating Past, Present & Future, and much more about Saturn.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Integrated Astrology Level-2 Saturn, The Grand Master
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
#UnlockingTheStars - Season 9 - The Great Lineup of Moon, Jupiter, Satur...
Its a great Cosmic Social Distancing? Even as Jupiter, Saturn and Mars queue up to meet the Moon in the skies from 14th to 16th Apr 2020, they maintain their safe distance as though obeying the lockdown rules.
What does this great alignment mean for you?
- how does this mix of energy affect you?
- what are they telling you? pushing you for?
- what do you need to work on?
All these questions answered here.
Looking for a consultation? Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth and our admin team will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless@Dolly Manghat
#UnlockingTheStars #MoonMarsJupiterSaturn #StarLineUp
Wednesday, 25 December 2019
6 Planet Conjunction on Solar Eclipse Day - Rahu and Mars Aspects - Big Bang At The End Of 2019?
A very interesting cosmic activity lining up in the skies this 26th Dec 2019. As many as 6 planets conjunct in Sagittarius on this day - which is also the big day of the annular solar eclipse.
Sun, Moon, Ketu, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury all line up in the heated Sagittarius. To top it all, Rahu aspects all these planets from the 7th house in Gemini. WOW .... isn't that awesome?
Are you feeling the chaotic energies already? It's like a clash of the titans in the cosmic world. The concoction of these energies together makes for a confusing scenario but if you look carefully and relate these energies wonderful patterns arise. Not just that, these energies are just the tonic you needed to start the new year on a fresh and assertive note.
So do not fear and be ready for 2020 with your courage and energy to build your life of health, wealth, and happiness.
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will schedule your consultation accordingly.
God Bless@Dolly Manghat
Monday, 16 September 2019
#AskDolly - Saturn Special - Saturn Has Beaten Me To Pulp. Am Devastated...
#AskDolly series with #SaturnSpecial questions asked by subscribers, customers, and viewers. With Saturn going direct on 18th Sep 2019, she answers questions pertaining to the wise old taskmaster and its energies impacting us.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will schedule your personal consultation.
God Bless
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Saturn Wisdom V Rahu Intelligence - What's Your Choice In Life?
As #Saturn turns direct on 18th Sep 2019, it ends a period of massive cosmic corrections, upheavals and realignments. What did you learn in this period dominated by Jupiter and Saturn?
Did you use Saturn's wisdom? or Rahu's intelligence? What works? How it works? Short term or Long term? All these questions answered by Dolly Manghat in this video. Read and think about it.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and our team will help you schedule a private reading accordingly.
God Bless,