Tuesday 19 May 2015

Cancer Horoscope: Jun 2015 Predictions

21st of April you entered one of your spiritual periods, since half of the planets were moving through your 12th house. Though the 12th house is still strong and remains so till the 21st, you will experience internal growth and would be keen on expanding your inner life. With the financial planet also affecting the 12th house you will involving yourself to good causes.

Last February and March your intuition in regards to finances was excellent the same holds true this month too. You will experience a vivid and intense dream life. You will experience supernatural uncanny experiences. Your haunches and intuitions will be bang on and accurate. The invisible world lets you be aware of its presence.

The period from 21st of April to the 21st of May is excellent and beneficial for reviewing your past and evaluating your progress correcting past mistakes and setting goals fro the year ahead. As your birthday approaches so commences your new year, so get ready to set your targets all anew.

Health and energy remain good personal power is now at its maximize this power to create what you want in life. The month ahead is very prosperous too. On the 21st the financial planet crosses the ascendant and enters your 1st house. You are entering a multimonth long cycle of prosperity.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on connect@dollymanghat.com with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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