Saturday, 2 September 2023
September 2023 Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs
AskDolly - Saturn Moon Ketu Conjunction In Birth Chart
Friday, 1 September 2023
AskDolly - Can Individuals With Medium Mangal Dosha Marry Each Other?
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Traditional Matchmaking Good Or Bad?
Dolly Manghat and her students discuss about the traditional match making, where parents or families fix up the marital relationships of their children.
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Mercury in Virgo - The Second Retrograde Of The Year - Double Checks
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Leo New Moon - Fixing Your Inner Self
The universal intelligence in its
discipline has an opportunity portal reserved, which opens once a year, it’s
called the LION’S GATE. It opens during the Leo season anywhere between July
28th and August 12th every year. Though the official activation date is August
8th, yet the effects are felt more intensely during the new Moon Phases.
Most of us would have been experiencing different kinds of emotions that sometimes overwhelm us and a feeling emerges from the depths of the heart. A feeling of wanting to change the circumstances that we often create for ourselves, unknowingly by giving importance to our mind, thoughts which are never ending, or I might as well say can be counterproductive to our happiness.
This is the time when your inner spiritual power will support you emotionally, especially if you are willing to listen to the dictates of your heart. As calmness pervades, you will learn to decipher your emotions from feelings. Emotions always come with filters, a mask that we put on for the world which stresses us out as we feel burdened.
This gives rise to expectations, whereas feelings of the heart are always unfiltered & unmasked, giving rise to our authenticity, & acceptance of our true self. Which in turn boosts our self-confidence as slowly but steadily we inch forward to our liberation and self-dependence.
Authenticity means having the courage and allowing yourself to be led by our
feelings without falling a prey to analysing them. This is the time of reconnecting
with our inner child and venting out our heart’s longings which paves way for happiness.
Renowned Swiss psychiatrist and
psychotherapist Carl Jung was a Leo , and he really couldn’t have said it
better: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
Working upon our inner core and strength makes it easy for us to rekindle the glow from the inside out. The New Moon opens ‘The Lion gate’ reminding us the need to realign ourselves with our inner core. This is a part of the celestial mission.
The source of all creation, the Luminary sun is symbolic of
our divinity and our soul’s purpose in life. Now it’s comfortable in its own house pulsating with high vibration bringing sunshine & energy,
to every living being. This, in turn, inspires and encourages us to be our most
authentic selves, which is the only way to becoming who you are as a person
unfiltered. The New Moon in Leo helps generate and garner our feelings giving
us confidence in building our life the way we truly desire.
The new moon occurs when the two Luminaries
join exactly in the same degree of a
zodiac sign. Every Zodiac New Moon as a different message for us.
In Leo, it is the opportune time to reflect on
the changes you would like to make or manifest in the coming six months. Specifically
when it comes to themes of creativity, leadership, passion projects, and
Venus the planet of honey and Money
still lingering in the shadows conjunct with the Sun behind the Moon is
supporting and nudging you to wipe out the past and emerge the new you.
We cannot justify our new self until
we integrate the shadow, dark unacknowledged part of our psyche. The time
period now helps us to give shape to our feelings tangibly. Everything is
possible endeavour to make a fresh start and be prepared to embrace the unknown
wilfully. Faith is the outcome of will
power. Just resolving to make a fresh new start, without a clue, by just being curious, awakening your true being helps in shaping
the life you would like to lead.
The Leo Moon urges us to give
importance to our feelings, we all are
worth the thoughts of ourselves.
August 13 Venus in Conjunct with Sun
turned into a Morning star. After two days August 16th onwards it flavours the
Moon with its charm making it an opportune time to set our intentions through
our feelings or heart.
When we
start with a clean state it’s very important what kind of seeds we plant - what we sow now will grow affecting ,
impacting our life majorly in the oncoming 584 days of the Venus Cycle .
The Leo Moon advocates, that now is
the time to deliberately stop looking back, it’s more about tuning in to our
feelings, our heart it’s all about being in the present, and counting our
blessings. Ruminating about the past and willowing in self-pity or being a victim
of circumstances diminishes our blessings.
Take advantage of this great energy shift or else we may have to wait
for another couple of years to recharge our self.
The new moon in Leo takes place on
August 16 at 9:38 AM GMT .
Both New Moon and Venus Retrograde will be at odds with the maverick Uranus. The planets along with the luminary is forming an alarming and volatile Square. This configuration makes us uncomfortable with our own feelings. This tight constricted feeling awakens our inner core as we are forced to reassess & re-evaluate everything from our financial stability to our relationship dynamics.
Self-love is important advises Venus and the New Moon in Leo advises new beginnings where we can take the stage, and manifest our heart’s desires. The energy of Uranus, which largely affects your mind makes you fear the disruption and unexpected changes to this new beginning, specifically when it comes to our sense of security.
A bit of understanding and courage will help us realize that
despite the chaos we’re likely to endure under this lunation, the rebel planet
is shaking things up in our favour, and liberating us in the process.
There’s a silver lining though, as disruptive Uranus will simultaneously harmonize with Mercury & Mars in Virgo, bringing some much-needed grounding and support. For instance, where Uranus is prone to bringing unexpected changes, Mercury & Mars are providing us with the mental focus and problem-solving skills needed to simplify things moving forward.
begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable
right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not
an ending. ~ Neale Donald Walsch
How well we value ourselves is where
we come face to face with what is our priority in life. Hence it is the perfect
time to get our priorities in order for us to get to the heart of what makes us happy and fulfilled. How well we value ourselves and
what we have to offer
will set the tone for the duration of the next 19 month cycle of Venus.
With The Leo New Moon we are fired with our creative potential, tis luminary gives us vital
energy and a passion for life. Today is the time for setting the intention to be open to
inspiration, to follow through with any creative insights, to reclaim our joy,
as well as our passion. With Uranus energy we have the ability to bend
the rules.
The New
Moon still serves the purpose to inspire others, but it may even inspire those
who are not normally inspired, because of this ability to shift gears, go in a
new direction, or do things a little differently.
This is one of the rare configuration
of New Moon & Uranus for this year as the next one comes up on May 7th, 2024, which is conjunct (in the
same degree of Taurus as) Uranus.
Next 9 months be prepared to embrace Changes, unpredictability. Exercise your original & authentic self unabashedly. Feeling free and liberated from the past helps encountering Miracles, Surprises, and Glimpses into the
Adjusting to changes already happened
or happening we need to make our intentions with the new Moon that help us to
be open
to the
changes that are being brought to us, for they are trying to open up our lives to new
possibilities. And resisting them will be futile. Doing so will
bring growth in ways that you might not have thought previously possible.
Resisting changes will be frustrating
. When frustration or restlessness is experienced it is the universe ways of
making us realise that the past circumstances are not favourable anymore for
our growth. Its time to explore new avenues for our evolution or progress in
Uranus is involved with the New or Full Moons it is indicative of the need for:
Authenticity, Freedom of personal Expression, Change and Flexibility.
This New
Moon is also trine to Chiron,
indicating that change is required to bring in fresh new perspectives and be willing to make the sorts of
changes that will allow us to grow on some fundamental levels, which will help us heal and renew our core hurts or betrayals if experienced in the
If you
wish to make intentions or affirmations, the best time to do so will be after
the New Moon on August 16th thru the Crescent Moon on the 20th.
Speak your truth, love yourself.
Trust and have faith in your intelligence by listening to your
Value yourself and feel worthy of
being and inspiration for others.
Stay Blessed Always.
** Key Dates in August 2023 **
Aug-01 Full Moon in Aquarius Aug-16 New Moon in Leo Aug-23 Sun enters Virgo Aug-23 Mercury Retrograde Aug-27 Mars enters Libra Aug-28 Uranus Retrograde Aug-30 Full Moon in Pisces Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website All Consultation Options Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #August2023Horoscope #DollyManghatAstrology #ContemporaryAstrology #August2023Predictions #August2023Astrology God Bless @DollyManghat
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
Rahu Mars Dasha In Aries - Period of Happiness And Progress In Career
Rahu Mars Dasha In Aries - Period of Happiness And Progress In Career
Well it's a double whammy means this is a period where which can give you a bestow you lots of happiness and lot of progress and Mars the planet of action is actually telling you now is the time to take action in your career because 10th house is always applying and doing things for career and that too it's a house of Aries which means it's a Fireside so rahu is telling you progress is going to happen now is the time to strike it while it is hot take actions in what you truly are convinced about and you have the conviction of your plans.
It doesn't say that you need to become aggressive there'll be a lot of anger now the anger should be more constructive and passionate rather than anger which destroys you that is the thing what you need to take care of because the normal traditional astrology they talk about rahu as a planet of disillusionment Planet which is which can make you hazy a planet which not helps you think well when in this case because Mars and rahu both are very strong potent points I would say but Mars is a planet over an imaginary dot of the Moon.
So moon is all about that internal, you know internal passions about your internal desires and about the internal, you know how internally you feel towards your own progress and how you want to be shining in the world right so Mars is a planet which is taking action so obviously the actions have to be taken as well calculated deliberated not from the rebellious point of view but from a passionate point of view which can be very constructive and probably take you very high in your career or business.
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