Showing posts with label Mars Direct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars Direct. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Rahu Mars Dasha In Aries - Period of Happiness And Progress In Career


Rahu Mars Dasha In Aries - Period of Happiness And Progress In Career

Well it's a double whammy means this is a period where which can give you a bestow you lots of happiness and lot of progress and Mars the planet of action is actually telling you now is the time to take action in your career because 10th house is always applying and doing things for career and that too it's a house of Aries which means it's a Fireside so rahu is telling you progress is going to happen now is the time to strike it while it is hot take actions in what you truly are convinced about and you have the conviction of your plans.

It doesn't say that you need to become aggressive there'll be a lot of anger now the anger should be more constructive and passionate rather than anger which destroys you that is the thing what you need to take care of because the normal traditional astrology they talk about rahu as a planet of disillusionment Planet which is which can make you hazy a planet which not helps you think well when in this case because Mars and rahu both are very strong potent  points I would say but Mars is a planet over an imaginary dot of the Moon.

So moon is all about that internal, you know internal passions about your internal desires and about the internal, you know how internally you feel towards your own progress and how you want to be shining in the world right so Mars is a planet which is taking action so obviously the actions have to be taken as well calculated deliberated not from the rebellious point of view but from a passionate point of view which can be very constructive and probably take you very high in your career or business.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

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Wednesday 26 July 2023

Mars In Your Birth Chart: You Have To Fight For What You Want


Mars. The symbol shows the cross of matter above the circle. If you actually see the symbol of Mars, it shows the circle and is a small little cross on top. So the symbol shows the cross of matter above the circle of spirit. That circle is always known as a spirit, which indicates active goal-oriented feeling of Mars. The placement of the cross over the circle symbolizes the material goals, which are emphasized over the spiritual matters. That means the material and spiritual if you see in a human being is always in a conflict and that's what the Mars represents. In some human beings it's more, in some human beings it's less. So the percentages vary but it's very important to know that all these planets are within us. They do affect us. 

So Mars is known as an angry red planet named after the Roman god of war. In astrological terms, Mars represents our will power, the energy possessed by our ego that is the Sun that enables us to go after gain and accomplish what we want. Mars shows us how we assert ourselves as individuals. Through Mars we go strong, through challenge, competitions and debates by being forced to confront the strength of a desire and dedication. Mars rules the head, our intelligence and face our expression of what goes on in our head. 

So as a message of Mars for the human beings - accomplish your goals without any personal compromise. That means always be true to yourself. What's the warning that Mars gives us? It says that if you are going to use my energy for mindless hostile aggression, you will quickly find that you are not the only one with strong desire. So understanding mars, you perhaps can understand yourself better, that okay, where is this placement of Mars and how should I behave because Mars behaves differently in different houses. But the crux of the Mars of what he is giving to the individual remains same. It uses our mind, it helps us to be constructive, it makes us angry. Now the anger can be used constructively or destructively. So that's how the warning of the Mars is that if you use my energy for mindless hostile aggression, you will soon find that you are not the only one with the strong desire.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Monday 7 September 2020

Mars Goes Retrograde 9th Sep '20 - Introduction - Feeling Restless, Irritable And Angry?

As Mars begins its two month retrograde in Aries, it is a period of hibernation for the fiery, aggressive and action oriented planet. This might lead to an energy drain or feelings of being restless, irritable and angry overall.

Mars is about your vitality and action energy, so when it goes retrograde - this becomes a key focus. Maintain your health, diet and habits overall to keep your energies high all the time. Counter the drain with rest, rejuvenation and relaxation measures.
Please note that - everyone of us is going through this phase, so empathy, patience and calmness are virtues that need to be practiced during this period.
In the upcoming videos, how this Mars retrograde will impact each zodiac and the houses accordingly?
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#MarsRetrograde #MarsDirect #MarsTransitAries #DollyManghatAstrology #MangalVakri #MangalDosh #KujaVakri

Monday 27 August 2018

Mars Goes Direct On 27th Aug 18: Move Ahead Confidently - Motivation To Pursue Your Goals


After 2 months of retrograde motion (from 27th Jun 2018), Mars now turns direct on 27th Aug 2018. How has this 2 month period been? Felt lazy? procrastinating? unable to move ahead with vigor? 

All this gets sorted out once Mars starts its forward motion. You will feel more confident and energetic to make your plans for projects, relationships, agreements and overall life issues. 

During Mars retrograde, you realize issues that need fixing, you establish areas to work on but the low energies prevent you from taking action or implement them. 

Mercury going direct last week, adds intelligence to that energy making you more logical and planned in your approach. Mars will show you the way and methods to address issues identified during the retrograde to act upon.

In the next week, Saturn will turn direct as well.
Couple all these planets together and you have a clear highway in front of you to drive on. Discipline remains the keyword though.

Looking for a personal consultation?

Please write to me on or signup on my website and my admin team will help you schedule a consultation for you with me.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat