Saturday, 22 July 2023

How Do Planets In Transit Charts Affect Us?


How is it possible that planets are affecting our life so much?

A body, which is made of water, air, earth and fire, the planets are affecting those energies in our body. There are some planets for example, the moon that affects the water energy in our body. Then we have the Sun planet that affects the fire energy. Then we have Venus that affects the water as well as the air energy in our body. The Jupiter affects partially all energies in our body. Mercury affects the fire energy in our body making us very talkative, making us very communicative. Jupiter, since is affecting the earth energy in your body, it also helps you expand abundantly. Whether your attitude is positive, you will expand abundantly there. If your attitude is negative, you expand abundantly there. Then we come to Saturn, which affects again the air energy and the earth energy in our body. It can make us very lazy, it can make us very hard-working. It helps us knowing where our Saturn is placed because we actually come to know whether truly we are disciplined or indisciplined. Because Saturn teaches you discipline. Saturn teaches you how to balance the energies in your body. Then we come to Uranus and Neptune, which again  affect the fire energies in our body helping us to become rebellious, helping us to do more introspection, helping us to create unique things in life. 

So all planets, which are roaming around in the universe or all stars like you would say, they do send some kind of electromagnetic rays on the earth. That is why sometimes where holistic healing is concerned, they actually ask the people that when there is full moon, it's important that you sit down under the clear sky and you breathe in and you breathe out. It's basically taking in the energies of those planets, taking in the energies of the Moon planet or the clear sky that will help you build your attitude that will help you detoxify your system. 

Astrology is a centuries-old art. People used to just look up to the skies. The learned men could read where the planet placements were, how they were activated and how they were going to affect the earth at large. And they had the person's date of birth and person's timing in their hands, so they exactly knew that people born in the summer months behaved in a particular way, people born in the rainy season behaved in a particular way. People born in autumn behaved in a particular way and people born in the winter season behaved in a particular way. So they actually helped people know what needs to be done at a particular month like the winter people need to know how are they to behave in the summer months. How are the energies in their body affecting their mind in the summer months or in the rainy season. That's how we come to know that if you do a particular thing in a particular month, these are the results that are going to follow. So that's how the lucky days and the lucky periods have come into being. It's very important to know that what is the year transiting for you. 

The second most important part is to know that what is the present year bringing for you. It's so important to know because the planets are moving and retrograding all at different times - different times other than your natal chart when you were born. So knowing well in advance before the new year begins that the next year or the present year, let's say in January if we come to know that this year which is the main planet that is ruling my life. Let's say for example, the main planet that is ruling your life is Mars. Now Mars is known as a destructive planet. Mars is also known as a planet, which closes certain things in persons life. So what is the advice for the individual who is undergoing Mars? It is important to know that since Mars is the planet that is ruling a particular individual's life during that period, you need to be aware, you start accepting the fact that certain doors are going to close and new ones are going to open. So the fear becomes less.

You actually become well prepared that I need to close down the old strategies because they will not work and I need to start thinking new. The people who are not aware of this phenomena, what they will do is they'll start becoming fearful because automatically things they feel are slipping from their hands, people are slipping from their lives. So they start feeling insecure. That insecurity can lead to a number of things. Insecurity can lead you to be fearful, it can lead you to keep clinging on to old things and you become frustrated because they are not working. Whereas when you visit an astrologer and get your personalized chart made, the astrologer can actually tell you that this is the main planet that is ruling on you and this is how you need to prepare yourself. So what you say in life when you are fore warned, you are forearmed. This knowledge of knowing which is the main planet that is governing your life is what will help you be better prepared for the particular year. So you can actually manage your life in a much more smoother way. 

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Thursday, 20 July 2023

Venus In Your Birth Chart: Everything Looks Beautiful

Venus In Your Birth Chart: Everything Looks Beautiful

Planet Venus. The symbol shows the circle of spirit above the cross of metal. This symbol indicates that with practical considerations furthermore what is pictured is the attempt to unite the perfection of the absolute with the material world by imposing its laws. Beauty, harmony and love on all that is personally connected or contacted. Venus is the planet of romantic love, beauty and the arts that are associated with them. Sociable Venus rules over parties and pleasurable meetings. 

She accomplishes her goals by attracting only what she wants and rejecting the rest. Thus making test, values to offer most special talents, that is you test it and then you value it, right? Diplomacy, tact and gentleness are a few of the arts that are ruled by the Venus. In fact Venus rules beautiful art in general, art that involves refined forms and designs because everything must achieve harmony before usefulness. If you actually sit down to eat and if the dish is not appealing to you, you probably will not value it much. You will like to taste it and then value it because it wasn't appealing to you. 

So Venus gives the appealing factor and then it gives the value factor. The love and beauty of Venus has a power to both unite and heal us a more desirable and powerful combinations difficult to imagine. So Venus rules our senses of touch, taste and smell. What is the message that we're getting from Venus? The message is love the good in all things and observe how all good things will be attracted to you. The warning from the Venus is the beauty I see is not merely that on the surface of things. 

What good is a beautiful fruit if it is rotten at the core. Because I understand planets, I am endeavoring you to understand them so that you will be able to create your own prophecies by the use of your own free will.

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Saturn Wisdom Vs Rahu Intelligence - What's Your Choice in Life?

In Astrology, Saturn is associated with wisdom, discipline, structure, and practicality. Rahu is associated with intelligence, innovation, and disruption. The choice between the two is a personal one and depends on an individual's values, goals, and priorities in life. Some may value the stability and wisdom provided by Saturn, while others may prefer the creative intelligence and innovative thinking associated with Rahu. Ultimately, the choice depends on the individual's needs and aspirations.


I'm going to read out a couple of lines in which I firmly believe intelligence versus the wisdom which is so applicable to certain and also applicable to the Rahu and Saturn combination and more so if you go further into details its application is also applied to when Mars or your moon or your Jupiter or Rahu and Saturn are coming very in close proximity whether they are expecting each other or pineal conjunction.

So How efficiently it says intelligence leads to arguments and wisdom leads to settlements intelligences power of well, when its wisdom is power over the well, intelligence is heat its burns wisdom is won't it comforts right...? intelligences pursuit of knowledge and it tires the seeker whereas wisdom is in pursuit of the truth.. it inspires the seeker right.. it tells us is holding on wisdom is letting go intelligence leads you whereas wisdom guides you. 

I am completely applying to Rahu because Rahu and Ketu and moon and Jupiter they're all intelligence how you balance it how to how it can inspire you how it can actually entice you but Saturn is complete wisdom how it can guide you further on it is an intelligent man thinks he knows everything whereas a wise man knows that there is still something to learn an intelligent man always tries to prove his point a wise man knows there's really no point so Saturn, another intelligent says I will prove..! see sometimes when you're ambitious you the Rahu is entices. Like you know it can happen.. but what the Saturn says if this thing is not working pick up something that is suitable to you. that will start working no point in proving a point and be foolish and then they're going on getting into a mess..

Similarly it says an intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice whereas a wise man keeps his counsel and if all options are considered so Rahu is going on giving advice and unsolicited advice and Goodman enticing and your mind is becoming a monkey mind where is the Saturn says I have all the options but I need to be structured and now I need to know what I need to do so an intelligent man understand what has been said a wise man understands what is left unsaid so you have to learn how to read between the lines then an intelligent man speaks when he has to say something a wise man speaks when he has something to say and the intelligent man sees everything as the relative whereas a wise man sees everything as related...

An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow whereas a wise man navigates the mass flow an intelligent man reaches a wise man ridge, I've always believed and I've stuck it and drill it in my mind that a wise man where is an intelligent man always keeps trying to prove a point and that's also believes in the element of luck.

I do believe in one percent of element of luck but 99% I believe in respiration and hard work and 1% I leave that okay if it is not to be but then again wisdom lies in if it is not to be I don't feel bad that I had put 99% of respiration because I feel the knowledge that I have gained while I was perspiring can also be utilized in a much better way and in fact manifesting my own luck and that is where I say that please stop living predictions and start creating your own prophecies and how do you create your own prophecies by knowing your strengths and your weaknesses by knowing what are your potentials and what are your talents by going through your natal chart then how that particular chart or how your own personal chart can help you become wiser and how you can utilize your intelligence in a much much more wiser way and not run after wrong trees of bark on the over wrong trees but in fact start believing yourselves start believing your potentials because here I can vouch for that 100% we are all talented we just need to find out which is the sector that we can be passionate about.

For more questions you can always comment or email me.
I will do my best to get back to you with the answers of the same.
Likewise if you have any queries please visit my website and fill the consultation form or write to me at with your details (Name, Date of birth, Place of birth and Time of birth)
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Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Cancer New Moon - 17-18th July 2023 - Whatever You Initiate Now Can Reward You Beyond Expectations


Astrology can help us live life with courage and imagination. We always understand the world through our deepest emotions, past our heart. There is no better way to understand ourselves than through the gamut of emotions. Since the beginning of our time on earth Moon has played an integral part in our lives also has been significant to all theories of celestial influence. Be it any phase of the Moon, it helps us understand the reality of our existence. Last night we were a witness to the new Moon of Cancer. The Cancer sign ruled by Moon makes it very potent, it helps us actively explore the entire realm of our emotions. The past couple of days we would have felt restless, ruminative, active and self-motivated all at the same time. Such feelings can make us a wee bit domineering and also empower us to explore our best qualities of being enterprising, independent creative, spontaneous and forceful. All these emotions are felt because of the New Moon being in its favourite sign of Cancer its domicile. The sign Cancer is both Cardinal and Water this motivates us from deep within. We want to initiate and explore new dimensions in our life, be it personal connects or professional enhancement. As a Water sign, Cancer is the most subtle of the Cardinal signs when expressing his independence and ambition. No matter how understated or elusive you want to be but winning in life becomes a powerful incentive. The transit of New Moon in Cancer gives you the ability to accept, initiate or even embrace change wherever you feel it is necessary. The journey for you during the next ten days can be very profound and impressionable as you are going to experience the highest of high and also the lowest of low. This is due to the energy coloured by the sign Cancer it believes in being realistic and cautious and adventurous at the same time. Be tenacious, determined and resilient while making your plans, write down your intentions and work decidedly & dedicatedly towards your goals, no matter what it takes but complete your initiated projects without a thought of giving up. Whatever you initiate now may just breeze through and the rewards will be exceeding your expectations. During this lunar phase we all naturally develop our ability to tune into our intuitions and instincts. Working instinctually helps us structure our life personally and professionally in accordance to whatever we desire. Do not miss this opportune time for the Cancer Moon says that we need to adapt and adopt every single moment for its profundity. Procrastination can be our biggest sin. Just like a rivulet instinctively makes its way to the ocean, the next 10 days can help you reach your targets faster if you just follow your heart. This is the only time when being spontaneous works, and planning obstructs. Be instinctual. Remember that there is never a perfect opportunity or perfect time. Recognising your own potential and cultivating will help you attract opportunities to your benefit. Just listen to your heart and decide what changes you need where in your life and go for it. New Moon In Cancer Aspects is sextile Uranus in Taurus, giving us opportunities to be independent, and because it’s in trine with Neptune in Pisces it impresses our connection with ourselves internally. Being in equanimity with our inner soul, gives us confidence of our own inner energies, talents and potentials. Building trust and a connection with your heart will help you rest of the year through in a confident and persuasive way. This phase helps you achieve the self-motivation that we all need from time to time. The New Moon is also opposite Pluto in Capricorn, encourages us to be confident of taking action in creating new opportunities. This is a time to pay attention to your inner core by loving and being kind to yourself. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. I learnt from my masters that “Mindfulness exercises are not meant to shut down our mind, but to help us recognize the natural flow of our thoughts and emotions. They come and go. The idea here is not to dismiss these thoughts and feelings – but on the contrary, to acknowledge them”. Life is full of pure energy, every emotion that we feel or undergo, the mood swings that we experience, our impulses or instincts are felt for a reason. Focusing and concentrating on our emotions can create a very powerful potential that is there within you. It just needs to be manifested for the benefit of our life. By actualising and believing in our talents we are sure to reach the heights that we have envisioned for ourselves. Manifest your inner desires by working and trusting your own inner core. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to others or not, you do your thing because that is what your heart has prompted, it’s the voice of your soul. Time to initiate whatever makes you happy. Stay Blessed. God Bless Dolly Manghat

Monday, 10 July 2023

Astrology School QnA - Dealing With Planetary Aspects.

Planetary aspects in astrology refer to the geometric relationships between planets as they orbit the Sun. These relationships are used to interpret the influences and dynamics between the planets, which in turn can provide insight into a person's life or events. Understanding and interpreting planetary aspects require a solid understanding of astrology and the symbolism of each planet. Consulting with a professional astrologer is recommended for a more in-depth analysis.



This square all the planets are dominant in those squares in the sextiles in the trines in the opposition, so you all have to see that which can be the most stronger see then, let's say the square has come in okay and there are four planets in different size, four of them are stronger, that time, okay.. have you got it in the trine the elements are almost the same, so you have to work according to the elements and according to the modes.
In a square I think the modes are different and elements are different.

How you will handle that let's say the sun is telling the opposition Jupiter that you please keep your expansion to yourself now I am ruling whereas, Jupiter is telling him from the other side, when it is in a square, Jupiter says come on you may be very powerful but you cannot be powerful until you get my help, let's say the sun and moon the two luminaries are in a square so what does the moon tell the sun and what does the sun tell the moon is your imagination.

If the moon is in libra the moon will tell the sun okay look here you have to balance things out you can't be just doing it on, let's say the sun is in the opposite side in the sign of Aries now Aries is a fire sign the sun says I am going to do things impulsively because I need to shine out so I don't care either I will do it personally or I will do it professionally so the moon says no whatever decisions you take make sure the family doesn't get hurt. that is how you create a picture.

For more questions you can always comment or email me.
I will do my best to get back to you with the answers of the same.
Likewise if you have any queries please visit my website and fill the consultation form or write to me at with your details (Name, Date of birth, Place of birth and Time of birth)

Sunday, 2 July 2023

July 2023 Horoscope Predictions - Second Half Of The Year Begins, Time To Reflect And Recharge

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** Key Dates in Jul 2023 ** Jul-03 Full Moon in Capricorn Jul-10 Mars enters Virgo Jul-11 Mercury enters Leo Jul-17 New Moon in Cancer Jul-22 Venus Retrograde Jul-22 Sun enters Leo Jul-23 Chiron Retrograde Jul-25 Pluto square True Node Jul-28 Mercury enters Virgo Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website All Consultation Options Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #Jul2023Horoscope #DollyManghatAstrology #ContemporaryAstrology #Jul2023Predictions #Jul2023Astrology God Bless @DollyManghat

Friday, 30 June 2023

Jupiter conjunct North Node - A Momentous Transit Bringing Universal Blessings And Turning Points

Challenging Transits Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-1)

Why is the Jupiter transit over North Node considered demonic? Is Saturn's transit over Moon (Sadhe Sati) troubling you? Do not fear. Learn the energies associated with these challenging transits in your chart.

Jupiter conjunct North Node - A Momentous Transit Bringing Universal Blessings And Turning Points

Over the next two months starting from June 1, Jupiter while transiting conjuncts the North Node, implying that together they are showering immense blessings, shining their light & energies on our path of life. We shall be able to gain immense clarity on everything that’s important to us. The clarity and awareness of things, situations and people, will help us take the correct measures of steps in order to gain our health, wealth and happiness.

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