How is it possible that planets are affecting our life so much?
A body, which is made of water, air, earth and fire, the planets are affecting those energies in our body. There are some planets for example, the moon that affects the water energy in our body. Then we have the Sun planet that affects the fire energy. Then we have Venus that affects the water as well as the air energy in our body. The Jupiter affects partially all energies in our body. Mercury affects the fire energy in our body making us very talkative, making us very communicative. Jupiter, since is affecting the earth energy in your body, it also helps you expand abundantly. Whether your attitude is positive, you will expand abundantly there. If your attitude is negative, you expand abundantly there. Then we come to Saturn, which affects again the air energy and the earth energy in our body. It can make us very lazy, it can make us very hard-working. It helps us knowing where our Saturn is placed because we actually come to know whether truly we are disciplined or indisciplined. Because Saturn teaches you discipline. Saturn teaches you how to balance the energies in your body. Then we come to Uranus and Neptune, which again affect the fire energies in our body helping us to become rebellious, helping us to do more introspection, helping us to create unique things in life.
So all planets, which are roaming around in the universe or all stars like you would say, they do send some kind of electromagnetic rays on the earth. That is why sometimes where holistic healing is concerned, they actually ask the people that when there is full moon, it's important that you sit down under the clear sky and you breathe in and you breathe out. It's basically taking in the energies of those planets, taking in the energies of the Moon planet or the clear sky that will help you build your attitude that will help you detoxify your system.
Astrology is a centuries-old art. People used to just look up to the skies. The learned men could read where the planet placements were, how they were activated and how they were going to affect the earth at large. And they had the person's date of birth and person's timing in their hands, so they exactly knew that people born in the summer months behaved in a particular way, people born in the rainy season behaved in a particular way. People born in autumn behaved in a particular way and people born in the winter season behaved in a particular way. So they actually helped people know what needs to be done at a particular month like the winter people need to know how are they to behave in the summer months. How are the energies in their body affecting their mind in the summer months or in the rainy season. That's how we come to know that if you do a particular thing in a particular month, these are the results that are going to follow. So that's how the lucky days and the lucky periods have come into being. It's very important to know that what is the year transiting for you.
The second most important part is to know that what is the present year bringing for you. It's so important to know because the planets are moving and retrograding all at different times - different times other than your natal chart when you were born. So knowing well in advance before the new year begins that the next year or the present year, let's say in January if we come to know that this year which is the main planet that is ruling my life. Let's say for example, the main planet that is ruling your life is Mars. Now Mars is known as a destructive planet. Mars is also known as a planet, which closes certain things in persons life. So what is the advice for the individual who is undergoing Mars? It is important to know that since Mars is the planet that is ruling a particular individual's life during that period, you need to be aware, you start accepting the fact that certain doors are going to close and new ones are going to open. So the fear becomes less.
You actually become well prepared that I need to close down the old strategies because they will not work and I need to start thinking new. The people who are not aware of this phenomena, what they will do is they'll start becoming fearful because automatically things they feel are slipping from their hands, people are slipping from their lives. So they start feeling insecure. That insecurity can lead to a number of things. Insecurity can lead you to be fearful, it can lead you to keep clinging on to old things and you become frustrated because they are not working. Whereas when you visit an astrologer and get your personalized chart made, the astrologer can actually tell you that this is the main planet that is ruling on you and this is how you need to prepare yourself. So what you say in life when you are fore warned, you are forearmed. This knowledge of knowing which is the main planet that is governing your life is what will help you be better prepared for the particular year. So you can actually manage your life in a much more smoother way.
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