Build Your Own Prophecies, instead of believing in predictions. Life is what you make it... Leverage energies from the planets to carve your life of Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Birth gems and stones are gems and stones associated with a person's birth month. Each birthstone is believed to bring good luck, health, and prosperity to the person wearing it. Gemstones are believed by some to have unique energies and properties that can affect a person's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
For ages in fact today we have doctors who prescribe us various medicines when there were never any medicines in the world the doctors used to prescribe powders made out of these mineral stones that helped in eradicating the root cause of all illnesses from your body that's how the stones came into existence, even today when we need to take out the root causes of the illnesses that are happening in our body and you must be aware of the fact that always the illnesses are from the mind, the mind of a body we say.
If a mind is stressed out if it is worried what are the things that happen to a body is the result of those negative energies that are formed in a might we either have skin eruptions or we tend to eat so much or drink so much that a liver gets bad now why do we get into all these bad habits because we have a reason for it our mind is finding an escape from so unhealthy habits are formed within us which affect our body directly.
Stones since from olden days have been very useful in changing the attitude of your minds that is why I always say attitude is your altitude, now basically when I like I've always said in my videos earlier regarding the gems that our body is made of before energies water air earth and fire one of these energies are missing in a body that is why our attitude becomes the way it is people with lesser water energy to certain situations they become rigid and stubborn and when they are forced to do things which they don't want to do that results in the mental stress or into the heart stress invariably your nervous system gets back invariably the functions in your body get a little disordered so when they are particularly wearing a particular stone which balances the water energies in our body everything seems falling into place similarly when fire energies unless a person is unable to take initiative he is lacking in confidence so what happens at this time when you are forced to do a thing but you're not confident about it invariably reacts our mind and a body in a different manner and illnesses are the outcome of such.
If you see people who are confident will start breaking out and sweat very easy would feel that the blood pressure are dipping or the blood pressures are going high these are all results of complexes of confidence under confident overconfidence similarly goes between air energies when a person is unable to think ahead when he is unable to feel as creative as he sees the people around him it again results in some kind of agony within your system within your mind within your body and so on with the earth energies when you don't feel grounded when you feel loose when you feel loneliness creeping up to you because you are unable to share feelings with people or you're unable to form a social network which is so important and loneliness leads to depressions..
Depressions come out in various form you develop diabetes you develop heart problems you develop all nervous problems now to eradicate all these problems all these deficiency of energies in your body is where stones come into being having told you so much about why stones are important or how they help us grow up mentally and physically I really felt like reaching out to your and explaining to your how each stone or what are the properties of each stone since 2016 has been a year of openings for me and year of introspection for me and I want each one of you to realize and accept yourself the way you are becoming aware of how we can improve the deficiencies in ourselves.
I felt it's very important for me to speak about each stone and it is something known as wearing your birthstone which lasts a lifetime then there is something also short-term profits which means that we can wear stones which are due for a particular month or which can help you in a particular month overcome your obstacles because every human being undergoes this journey in life where in a particular month his energy is dipping and we're in a particular month his energy is uplifting now this is applicable to all zodiacs differently if you actually see that let's, for example, say you're in Arian and you meet another Arian in that particular month you will feel it is strange coincidence what we see as that hey I'm also feeling the way you are feeling, and then you try to find a solution to it.
So I came with my studies and experience I came to a conclusion that apart from the birthstones there is something known as the stone for the year there is something known as the stone for the month but before I go into the stone for the month or before I go into the stone for the year I am going to actually explain to your very vividly what are the properties of each stone and which is the inner energy that they can elucidate.
A Zodiac is a band of sky divided into 12 equal parts, each named after the constellation that appears in that part. A Natal Chart, on the other hand, is a map of the positions of the celestial bodies at the exact moment of an individual's birth, used in Astrology to understand their personality traits, life events, and astrological influences. Zodiac is one part of the Natal Chart, as it represents the position of the Sun in the Zodiac at the time of birth.
How is the zodiac different from the Natal chart??
A natal chart is a personal chart when you do it with your date of birth time of birth place of birth and name it is an individualistic chart whereas a Zodiac is a general chart which people who are born under one zodiac means for Aries if it is March 20th to April 20th it's an Aries sign so all those who are born between these dates that's a Zodiac so when we are making the predictions for the zodiac for the entire people so it is more general but yet it is apt, yet you must listening to the predictions or when you are taking the best dates into consideration or for your love or for your romance you must pick up what is suiting you at that particular moment and probably and my predictions are always helping people to create their own prophecies my predictions are never let this is going to happen, now that's not right at all...right? Basically, the predictions are a guideline to you of how you should be on, how you should deal during that particular period so that's the difference between zodiacs and your natal chart. The natal chart is your personal chart, your birth chart.
Are Scorpio Women Unsuccessful? By Astrologer and Life Coach Dolly Manghat.
It is a baseless and unfair generalization to suggest that Scorpio women are unsuccessful. Success is a highly subjective and personal concept and can take many forms, including financial stability, career advancement, personal relationships, health, and happiness, among others. There is no astrological evidence to support the idea that Scorpios, or Scorpio women in particular, are inherently unsuccessful. People's experiences and outcomes are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including their personal choices, motivations, and circumstances, as well as cultural, societal, and environmental influences. To suggest that someone's success or failure is solely determined by their zodiac sign is both inaccurate and unhelpful.
Is it true? Women who were born in the Scorpio moon sign generally don't prosper in careers, they don't do well in life. Now this is a very strange phenomenon that has no iota of truth in it if you take the biggest icon in the film industry as Aishwarya Rai, she's Scorpion and she's successful, Shahrukh has Scorpion he's successful. My own daughter has a scorpion ascendant and she's successful so it does not mean that if your woman is born in a scorpion sign you will be, that means all females who were born scorpions are never going to be successful and that's enough.
Please stick in your mind please use your intelligence in fact the scorpion women are very secretive. The scorpion women are very determined, they have very strong willpower and once they make up their minds that they want to succeed in a particular field nothing can stop it.
Decision-making is the process of choosing a course of action from among several alternatives. The power of decision-making lies in its ability to shape our lives, both individually and collectively. Effective decision-making enables us to set goals, solve problems, and capitalize on opportunities. It helps us to control our destiny and make informed choices that positively impact our future. The ability to make good decisions is a valuable skill that can be developed and honed over time and can bring us closer to realizing our aspirations and achieving success.
There are many people who have come to me and have written to me and say that I am NOT able to take decisions in life I am NOT able to make up my mind and then you help yes y'all have made a decision to seek help I repeat you have made a decision to seek help that means you're capable of taking a decision, you have made a decision that you cannot decide that means you've made up your mind that you cannot decide in life.
Why are we not able to take decisions in life, why are we not able to make up our mind now there are two reasons for it which I see are two very valid reasons one your dependency upon other people or other factors of life is huge it's large and second is because you are lazy you do not want to wrack your brains and you feel that if I don't make this decision I need not be responsible for my actions now these are two very valid reasons like if I have somebody else to take care of my life if I have somebody to take the decision for me why should I wrack my brains and second is when I feel being responsible of my actions I fear that if I take a particular decision it may backfire I don't want to take the decision.
My simple question to you all there is that when I am weak I want to be strong how do I become strong I become strong if I become responsible for the actions that I think if I become responsible of the decisions that I think automatically makes me strong automatically it helps me to take out fear from my mind body and soul so you must understand that with one decision you are actually empowering yourself with three great things one is I take out the fear from my mind and heart second is I become strong and third is I am liberated I become free from dependency these are the things that empower a person making a decision or not making a decision is a decision by itself so if every sphere of life in every I would say sector of our life or in every walk of life the major factor is a decision, we do make a decision.
I will help you not like when we are professionals we have options in front of us we choose to decide which option we want or which option we are going to be comfortable in of which option we want to follow or we decide to follow but not choosing that option and expect somebody else to choose that option for you is going to make you feel not empowered, it is going to make you feel dependent but yet listening to the advice of the other person is a decision by itself, so again I clear to the everybody out there is that learn to make decisions for yourself if you actually introspect and see every individual hundred percent whether you are a decisive person or an indecisive person it's very easy to decide for other people I need not be able to make a decision for myself but I will be very ready and eager to make that decision for somebody else because it empowers me when I'm trying to decide a course of action for somebody else I feel great about it.
Now imagine when you are making the decision for yourself how great you will feel and you can make the correct or wrong comes later whether you are making a correct decision or whether you are making a wrong decision is immaterial now how can you overcome the fear of thinking whether it's a wrong decision or a correct decision is by being responsible for the decision that you take if you are responsible and if you are ready to fall you will be ready no but if you're not ready to fall if you are not ready to take responsibility or whatever action you take then I'm sorry you have no right to say that I want to be a part or I want to be successful.
I want everybody to understand that if you want to be strong in life if you want to be successful in life if you want to be happy in life empower yourself with a simple phenomenon by being able to take decisions for yourself right or wrong doesn't matter trust me you'll feel so liberated you'll feel so happy after having taken it and say okay let me walk on that path in case if I'm not successful I decide and I can choose another path so again the bottom line comes as decision.
Second I have seen why people don't take decisions because they have chosen or they have decided to create to God or to their higher energies for taking a decision for them so we get into this I would say rut or we get into the spiritual shopping by saying I have left everything on God I have left everything on my higher energies whatever he chooses or whatever he tells me to do is what I am doing but remember the decision to walk on that path is again yours the decision to leave everything on God is again yours and at times I have seen people say I pray so much I'm a very honest person I'm a person who's working with my purity of intent I am a person who's correct and they're wrong now who has given you the power to choose whether you're right and wrong it's your decision it's your inner consciousness and prompting you and telling you that I am right I am honest I am walking the correct but yet things are not happening to me why aren't the things happening to me that when it is important to take a decision whether to choose a profession a or profession b or go with a particular relationship or not go with a particular relationship you are unable to execute first you take a decision and then unable to execute that decision so you leave it up to the other people and you feel that if things go wrong I don't have to be blamed but I can blame the other person for not giving me the correct decision.
Listening to that other person is your decision the other person has given the answer or whatever you've asked but you have chosen to agree to him so you cannot blame the other person for giving you a wrong decision and last but not the least when you take a decision and you confidently take a decision by being responsible for whatever repercussions you may have to trust me you won't believe because you end up saying I thought that path was good I thought that work was good but MA it has taught me experience even though I have not got the results with this experience now I choose correctly and I am going to be successful so learn how to decide and choose what is good for you
Aries 2023 Horoscope - Churning the Ocean of Health, Wealth, And Happiness
This year, Aries will be focused on their health and well-being, as well as their financial stability. It is a good time to take care of their physical and emotional health and to find a balance between work and leisure. They may also want to focus on finding new ways to increase their income and improve their financial situation. Overall, this year is about finding a balance in all areas of life to achieve happiness and success.
hello everyone light and darkness are a part of creating the universe light and darkness we have the light and darkness within ourselves there is a story churning of the ocean you should perhaps read the story or Google it up there is a strong message in this story it is commonly believed that both the ocean and the unconscious Avast reservoirs of unknown wealth Dr. Carl Gustav Yang once wrote the sea is the favorite symbol for the unconscious.
The mother of all that lives the ocean as a source of wealth known and unknown is a message that is strongly great in the cultural memory we look at how the mythological churning of the ocean is an invitation to reflect on the vastness of the ocean its unlimited potential it's Beauty and the possibility of its existence within us as an untapped unconsciousness.
The year 2023 is all about turning the ocean of your unconsciousness so that you could bring out your talents to their full potential and live the life of your dreams through your own efforts.
Become the person you want to be, having understood what I mean by churning the ocean and how looking deep into your Consciousness can bring out the best in you so what do I have for you Aries in 2023, well the major Trends are it an action-packed and a prosperous here both for you and the World At Large.
The cosmic chess board is being rearranged as three long-term planets change signs in 2023 which is a rare phenomenon.
Pluto will move temporarily out of your 10th House of career into your 11th house he will drift in to and fro between the two houses this year and the next so on March 8th 2023 Saturn in your career Planet will leave Aquarius where he's been for over two years and will move into Pisces Jupiter which is now in your own sign will move into your money house on May 17th Jupiter in your sign until May 17th implies good life and travel it helps in the expansion of your willpower in obtaining whatever you Aspire from Saturn's move into your spiritual 12th house on March 8th helps you make adjustments or changes in your career an important career shift is on the horizon so we you'll be thinking more holistically about what you expect from your career.
Your career and your work will be important to you as long as it helps the world become better your actions will help you become the person you want to be so from January 1st to May 4th Mars the ruler of your horoscope and a very important planet for you will be out of bounds for a very long time this year this implies that personally you may do things which could be outside your normal scheme of things you may learn something new with all the long-term planets in the Eastern sector of self-2023 is me oriented year, of course, the short-term planets will energize the Western social sector later on in the year but the social sector will never dominate you should be more focused on whatever takes up your passion or interests.
From March 24th to June 12th Pluto's move into your 11th house is merely a foretaste of things to come this Transit impacts on friendships although not necessarily on romance, friendships were tested over the past two years also but soon they will get a serious long-term testing 20 to 25 years the whole Social Circle will completely change the Dynamics will completely change in the coming years you probably would select a few a handful of them which will last for you a lifetime in regards to your health it's a good year the long-term planets are either making harmonious aspects or are leaving you alone sometimes in the year the short-term planets can cause some stress and your health and energy could be less than usual at these times but these are temporary glitches not trends for the year good though your health is you can make it better give more attention to your diet and exercise regime so until May 17th Jupiter will be in your sign while this is a happy transit in general it does have some cavities your weight will need to be watched remember Jupiter bestows expansion on whatever you focus on this is the natural consequence of living the good life women of childbearing age are also extremely fertile during this period and pregnancy would not be a surprise.
Mercury is a fast-moving Planet so there are many short-term Trends in health that depends on where Mercury is at any given time and the kind of aspects he receives these are best covered in the monthly reports but it will be in retrograde motion more than usual this year generally he retrogrades three times a year but in 2023 it'll be four where your home and family is concerned this year your fourth house of home and family is not prominent it's not a house of power so the situations at home remain status quo there is no need to make dramatic changes this will change in a few years’ time though but for now this is the way that it is.
A parent or parent figure in your life becomes more spiritual this year and seems involved in your spiritual life it's likely that the karmic relationships between you and this person will become more profound just ensure that you or the parent don't resort to alcohol or drugs because this also comes from spiritual urges a desire to transcend this world your family planet is the moon so watch out for your mood swings during discussions with loved ones you can at times send mixed signals the moon phenomena are short-lived eight times in any given month she will re-stimulate Eclipse points causing emotional disturbances or shake-ups at home eight times at any given month she will make stressful aspects to the long-term planets that is the Saturn and Uranus this also causes upheavals and high passions everyone around will also be affected by these Trends you should Endeavor to fix yourself instead of trying to fix others or correcting others.
In regards to your financing career well as I mentioned earlier the year ahead is a prosperous year for you Aries Jupiter in your side not only brings money per se but it brings an elevated lifestyle you live as if you were Rich the cosmos supplies for this more importantly Jupiter will move into your money house on May 17th and you will feel prosperous and lucky in a very tangible way assets you want will increase in value happy Financial opportunities can come perhaps from foreign lands or through foreigners your focus at work will help increase in your earnings Uranus has been in your money house for many years now this Transit has brought much experimentation to the financial life as well as well as excitement and surprises you did experience a volatility here sometimes high and sometimes low but now with Jupiter traveling near Uranus the transit will help you in your concentration for work automatically your focus helps in high earnings so Uranus in your money house favors technology the online world and companies that are involved with new inventions and Innovations it favors startups if you're an investor these are good companies to look at although always do your due diligence before investing but even if you're not an investor online activities and your technology skills are important in your Finance regardless of what you actually do.
Jupiter's position in your money house flavors foreign companies the travel business Airlines and education business-related travel is also likely so you could mix business with pleasure fast moving Venus your financial Planet will make one of the rare retrogrades once every two years in the year ahead from July 23rd to September 3rd this will be a time to avoid major purchases Investments or other important financial decisions instead it'll be a time to achieve clarity about your finances and to resolve doubts a solar eclipse on April 20th occurs right at the cusp the border of your first and second house and is thus an influence in both the houses so this will bring changes to your financial thinking and your planning.
Your 10th House of career remains very strong the Pluto will move in and out of this house in the coming year the past 20 plus years have completely transformed your career and sense of mission you should be in your ideal career path and life now more importantly your career planning Saturn changes signs this year he moves into Pisces your 12th House of spirituality on March 8th and will stay there for the next two and a half years so as I spoke earlier your career may be laced with the holistic approach for the betterment of the World At Large adopting the policy of never explaining or complaining will help boost your own positivity so the love and social life your seventh house is not a house of power if you get a bit stronger later in the year but only for short periods so those of you who are married will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single the year ahead is about getting your body image and personal interests and goals in your right order the focus is on you yourself, though marriage is not likely for singles there will be love affairs as Venus Your Love Planet spends an unusual amount of time.
In Leo your fifth House of Fun and creativity so normally Venus spends approximately a month in any given sign or house this year she will spend a bit more than four months in Leo so this indicates some love affairs happening but such Affairs are not likely to lead to marriage they are more about entertainment fun and games and there's nothing wrong with that Venus being a fast moving Planet means that there are many short-term Trends in love that depend on where she is and the kind of aspects she deserves as she receives now whatever dates I have spoken about if you can just make a short note in your Diaries accordingly it will help you plan your 2023 much better in regards to the self-improvement spirituality has been important for Aries for many years Neptune your spiritual planet has been in your 12th House of spirituality and will be there for many more years to come last year Jupiter moved through your 12th house expanding and emphasizing spirituality even more you had many spiritual breakthroughs last year and by spirituality I actually means when you listen to the voice of your heart which is actually the path to your soul you had many spiritual breakthroughs last year.
This year we expected new structure as the discipline as the disciplinarian Saturn will occupy the 12th house from March 8th onwards now it's time to pull in the horns of it time to focus on the essence of your own spiritual practice your values and let go of to realities no more Indulgence in spiritual shopping Saturn in your 12th house signals a need for steady discipline practice choose a path and follow it in a disciplined way Saturn in your 12th house favors the traditional mystical paths the ones that have stood the test of time there is also another way to read Saturn's Transit your spiritual practice or your values that you're forming your growth is your actual career your personal inner growth your actual Mission this year and for the next few years to come so your Social Circle is being transformed the cosmos is giving birth to the social life of your dreams your ideal of friendships this won't happen overnight but over the periods or over the years as a process Happy New Beginnings which may seem painful initially but very rewarding as time goes by it's like the birth of the child it could be painful but the moment you see the result your child you forget the pains and you know that life has changed for the better.. so, enjoy the process and stay blessed while you're going to have a great 2023.
I would like to say in the end that many of us remain unaware of our true potential and strength my studies show that astrology can greatly influence and even validate a person's self-concept as well as increase their certainty about their personal attributes, in short, the ruminative nature of astrology encourages self-reflection enabling individuals to understand themselves and the environment more clearly every human being has the power to change his Destiny by changing his karma only we can create the future that we want one has no power to control the karma but has all the power to change the karma shape your destiny and be a master of your life through your natal chart and Progressive charts it's important to say stop living predictions and learn how to create your own prophecies by strengthening your inner core.
Astrology School QnA - Dealing with Planetary Aspects
Planetary aspects in astrology refer to the geometric relationships between planets as they orbit the Sun. These relationships are used to interpret the influences and dynamics between the planets, which in turn can provide insight into a person's life or events. Understanding and interpreting planetary aspects require a solid understanding of astrology and the symbolism of each planet. Consulting with a professional astrologer is recommended for a more in-depth analysis.
This square all the planets are dominant in those squares in the sextiles in the trines in the opposition. It's like sabi khiladi hai.
so you all have to see that which can be the most stronger see then, let's say the square has come in okay and there are four planets in different size, four of them are stronger, that time, okay.. have you got it in the trine the elements are almost the same, so you have to work according to the elements and according to the modes.
In a square I think the modes are different and elements are different.
How you will handle that let's say the sun is telling the opposition Jupiter that you please keep your expansion to yourself now I am ruling whereas, Jupiter is telling him from the other side, when it is in a square, Jupiter says come on you may be very powerful but you cannot be powerful until you get my help, let's say the sun and moon the two luminaries are in a square so what does the moon tell the sun and what does the sun tell the moon is your imagination.
If the moon is in libra the moon will tell the sun okay look here you have to balance things out you can't be just doing it on, let's say the sun is in the opposite side in the sign of Aries now Aries is a fire sign the sun says I am going to do things impulsively because I need to shine out so I don't care either I will do it personally or I will do it professionally so the moon says no whatever decisions you take to make sure the family doesn't get hurt. that is how you create a picture.
Power Of Planets - Part 1 - Addressing The Challenges Within (Mercury Direct Prelude)
Planets are always the profound influences in guiding your life and the planets and the signs are the keys to opening the doors of your fortune only if you pay attention to their communication fete the bents within you your traits habits and capabilities sculpt your path the path that you must walk through the trip of your life creating stress in your life is creating disunion in your body and draining your powers creating stress in your life is like creating disunion in your body this drains your powers out if there's disunion within you also, that means forget about the challenges of the outside world you first need to address and overcome the challenges that you erected within yourself.
The planets help you to come up with a stylish interpretation of yourself and you should accept nothing but that stylish interpretation of yourself. Soon you'll realize that following the discipline of the planets actually helps you understand that nothing in life is a problem they're all possibilities and maybe a perception and a probability the words of our great pundits are captured in the holy books for us to learn from practitioner Nanak I’ve actually said veritably profoundly.
Literally, when we conquer the mind we conquer the world now each earth has a communication to deliver for man to learn from scholars of divination who studied the planets and their goods on the mortal mind and concluded that the first five planets in their order form your personality since they fairly move briskly their powers change in agreement to the constellation that they're passing through so as we grow in our life our personality also evolves and so do our literacy. still, we can make our life fairly stressful and achieve by the peace of mind not only in our mind but in our body and soul, a relaxed mind can produce endless joy and endless exertion If we cleave to the dispatches radiated by the discipline of the planets. I’ve been looking and actually following the discipline of the earth since my veritably youthful days I was induced of the power of the planets at the demesne that the planets held since the age of 25.
I ’ve understood imbibed and followed what the planets guided through their transitions they were my preceptors who did not force me to do anything in fact they suggested and I made my own opinions so while making my own opinions I came the mastermind of my faith understanding the planets will help you sculpt your way easily and I explosively endorse that how you deal with life is your particular decision what you get from life is your air it's the consequences of the conduct taken of your own free will the planets are like the lampposts that guide your way and walking is your variation now since there are 10 planets always radiating in a particular sign and the house of the wheel the results also vary in fact the results are a fascinating diversity of mortal experience it takes the skill of an expert prophesier or I would say an astronomer too to sort it out into patterns while the sun incontrovertibly is the canter of our macrocosm the planets modify its influence according to their own special natures and their powers keep in mind that the planets always indicate they no way compare, in fact clinging and starting to produce your own prognostics is actually a veritably good mantra in the age of mindfulness my studies haven't only given me independence but liberated me from carrying any internal baggage in life the sun is your power it gives you tone- expression and individuality the moon impacts your emotional portions your response perceptivity and your moods.
The mercury influences your communication your intellect and of course the way you relate to people around you in fact mercury also influences your perceptiveness how you distinguish the blights ignites your impulse action tone- reservation and your action whereas the Jupiter courteously gives expansion sanguinity and your foresight this pattern instructs discipline through limitations restrictions obstacles and detainments Uranus which is your advanced octave of mercury gives freedom independence originality and ingeniousness and Neptune which is your advanced octave of Venus bestows dreams imaginations alleviations your church and to some extent deception too now Pluto which is a advanced octave of blights is each about rejuvenation renewal rejuvenescence and resolution since we're in the age of Aquarius and Aquarius being the wisdom of the sign of scientific knowledge and invention it rules the airwaves those who understand or have studied the description of planets hold the responsibility of explaining how the psychology of macrocosm is impacted than on earth.
Now especially the mortal minds now Aquarius is a internal sign and as I go through my own map I realized that Aquarius represents my fifth house signifying tone- protuberance creativity and manifesting the ideas that are being downloaded in my mind all what I believe in and all that has helped me change my life in further ways than one by being guided and following the discipline of planets needs to be put on display so that this is my bit of returning back to the world so that each one of us whoever pays attention to the planets can actually profit from that times of studying for the scholars and mystics discovered I feel it's my calling to put forth what each earth implies when it's going retrograde or direct or breaking before changing direction this time it's each about mercury spinning forward after the new moon of 30th may on June 3rd stay tuned for my forthcoming videotape of the most succulent earth with a binary nature locally direct a time to direct your ideas and your powers by laying your foundation in the coming 24 days don't miss the occasion of refining and realizing your dreams stay blessed and stay tuned because I would be talking about mercury direct and its impacts you.