Showing posts with label Win-O-Win By Dolly Manghat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Win-O-Win By Dolly Manghat. Show all posts

Friday 21 April 2023

Happiness - The State Of Being Happy


Happiness - The State Of Being Happy

On the tenth of Jan 2016, after having received heaps of wishes and goodwill from the world at large, I was thinking of how can I give back to the world what I have learned in life or what my experiences are. This is when I conceived the idea of Life 101. I felt that I am going to pick up one topic every time and talk about my experiences of what I feel, and how people can actually benefit and transform their lives the way I transformed mine. So starting with today its Life 101 series and we start with happiness, which is the most important in our life. Happiness, is the state of being happy. 

The pursuit of happiness is a centuries-old sport. Books have been written about it, songs have been sung and whole religions have been based on attaining this one elusive state. The operative word here is, mind you, "elusive". It's a mistake to view happiness as a goal, rather you have to view your happiness as a by-product, much like fame, glory, riches, and love. From many years of studying human beings and their afflictions, I can confidently say that there is not one, but many happiness-producing paths. In my life, I realize that it's not only one way that you can be happy, there are so many ways that you can keep yourself happy. Now which one is yours is specific to your particular circumstances. So we can't say that what makes me happy can make everyone happy. You have to find your own path. This is why today I will not speak of how to make you happy, but rather with my experiences, I want to inspire you to find your own way. 

Let's start with one very basic quote from the Mahabharata. It says, "He who, being one thing, represents himself as another thing to others is like a thief or robber to his own self." If you actually see, it stresses us out when we want to say something but we end up saying something else. We want to be one thing, but we represent ourselves being something else. It does create a lot of stress in our life. So, what are the basic things that you need to do is to learn to accept yourself. Spend some time getting to know yourself. Accepting who you are and what you have right now and by finding yourself, I don't mean in the career counseling department or while having hallucinate drugs with the standing babas, wherever they are giving you drugs. You can't be drinking alcohol and saying that oh, this makes me happy or having a particular drug that induces that happiness. These are all short lived and physically they are debilitating to your body. I mean find time to quietly reflect every day for as long as it takes. Meditating, running, taking long walks, yoga, doing sports, knitting, painting, climbing, climbing a mountain, gardening, singing, dancing, screaming....whatever your avenue is, but keep it healthy. So accept yourself for what you are. This is your first step towards gaining happiness. 

Then you come towards acknowledging the fact. Once you accepted yourself, the second step is acknowledgement and this helps for you to get into your current state of mind. If you are unhappy or sad or angry or disgusted all the time, then your emotions are trying to tell you something about your current state of affairs. Normally what happens is, people start saying oh, I'm angry or feeling sad. But you are not realizing that these emotions are actually trying to indicate something in your life. They're trying to send you messages and they're trying to tell you something about what is happening presently in your life. The worst thing you can do is to suppress or ignore these emotions. It's often a sign that you're moving or rather being dragged through life too fast and often against your own good sense or wishes. So you need to acknowledge this. Acknowledge also means address this, that why am I having these emotions in life. 

Now what is the third step? It's last but not the least. It's becoming aware. Awareness. Awareness about yourself and the world that you are living in. Don't accept rules, values and models at face value. Explore them, question then and then find out what works for you and your loved ones. Be it your friends or family or community members. Be aware of the world you live in. How it affects you and how it can and how you affect the world. Make your own rules, values and models and make those values, rules and models, which are real and which can do good for you and once you have become the change, the world around you changes. Use this information that I have told you. It's an experienced information. I also accepted the way I was. I acknowledged my world. I became aware of the values, the models and I actually made my own path. Now you should also use this information that you have gained about yourself and take these above steps and trust your instincts to guide you with coming up with an understanding of what gives you happiness. 

So to end for today, I'll leave you mulling over a quote from Einstein. He says, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one." So don't get conditions. Don't say, I am conditioned by a thing. Break off from those traditions. Develop your own conditioning. Make your own reality. Even though it will be tough, but remember to keep it real and it won't be impossible. Be it simple things or long-term goals, you need to comment on yourself and maintain a diary. Maintain a diary whenever I am going to speak about a particular subject, I want you to write down how you feel about it and how you can change the circumstances for yourself on how you want your life to be. Make it simple. Keep your long-term goals. Make it real and write it down what makes you happy. Thank you.

Enroll for Integrated Astrology Courses by Dolly Manghat

To know more about Dolly Manghat, subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Monday 20 March 2023

Power Of Decision Making


Power Of Decision Making

Decision-making is the process of choosing a course of action from among several alternatives. The power of decision-making lies in its ability to shape our lives, both individually and collectively. Effective decision-making enables us to set goals, solve problems, and capitalize on opportunities. It helps us to control our destiny and make informed choices that positively impact our future. The ability to make good decisions is a valuable skill that can be developed and honed over time and can bring us closer to realizing our aspirations and achieving success.

There are many people who have come to me and have written to me and say that I am NOT able to take decisions in life I am NOT able to make up my mind and then you help yes y'all have made a decision to seek help I repeat you have made a decision to seek help that means you're capable of taking a decision, you have made a decision that you cannot decide that means you've made up your mind that you cannot decide in life.

Why are we not able to take decisions in life, why are we not able to make up our mind now there are two reasons for it which I see are two very valid reasons one your dependency upon other people or other factors of life is huge it's large and second is because you are lazy you do not want to wrack your brains and you feel that if I don't make this decision I need not be responsible for my actions now these are two very valid reasons like if I have somebody else to take care of my life if I have somebody to take the decision for me why should I wrack my brains and second is when I feel being responsible of my actions I fear that if I take a particular decision it may backfire I don't want to take the decision.

My simple question to you all there is that when I am weak I want to be strong how do I become strong I become strong if I become responsible for the actions that I think if I become responsible of the decisions that I think automatically makes me strong automatically it helps me to take out fear from my mind body and soul so you must understand that with one decision you are actually empowering yourself with three great things one is I take out the fear from my mind and heart second is I become strong and third is I am liberated I become free from dependency these are the things that empower a person making a decision or not making a decision is a decision by itself so if every sphere of life in every I would say sector of our life or in every walk of life the major factor is a decision, we do make a decision.

I will help you not like when we are professionals we have options in front of us we choose to decide which option we want or which option we are going to be comfortable in of which option we want to follow or we decide to follow but not choosing that option and expect somebody else to choose that option for you is going to make you feel not empowered, it is going to make you feel dependent but yet listening to the advice of the other person is a decision by itself, so again I clear to the everybody out there is that learn to make decisions for yourself if you actually introspect and see every individual hundred percent whether you are a decisive person or an indecisive person it's very easy to decide for other people I need not be able to make a decision for myself but I will be very ready and eager to make that decision for somebody else because it empowers me when I'm trying to decide a course of action for somebody else I feel great about it.

Now imagine when you are making the decision for yourself how great you will feel and you can make the correct or wrong comes later whether you are making a correct decision or whether you are making a wrong decision is immaterial now how can you overcome the fear of thinking whether it's a wrong decision or a correct decision is by being responsible for the decision that you take if you are responsible and if you are ready to fall you will be ready no but if you're not ready to fall if you are not ready to take responsibility or whatever action you take then I'm sorry you have no right to say that I want to be a part or I want to be successful.

I want everybody to understand that if you want to be strong in life if you want to be successful in life if you want to be happy in life empower yourself with a simple phenomenon by being able to take decisions for yourself right or wrong doesn't matter trust me you'll feel so liberated you'll feel so happy after having taken it and say okay let me walk on that path in case if I'm not successful I decide and I can choose another path so again the bottom line comes as decision. 

Second I have seen why people don't take decisions because they have chosen or they have decided to create to God or to their higher energies for taking a decision for them so we get into this I would say rut or we get into the spiritual shopping by saying I have left everything on God I have left everything on my higher energies whatever he chooses or whatever he tells me to do is what I am doing but remember the decision to walk on that path is again yours the decision to leave everything on God is again yours and at times I have seen people say I pray so much I'm a very honest person I'm a person who's working with my purity of intent I am a person who's correct and they're wrong now who has given you the power to choose whether you're right and wrong it's your decision it's your inner consciousness and prompting you and telling you that I am right I am honest I am walking the correct but yet things are not happening to me why aren't the things happening to me that when it is important to take a decision whether to choose a profession a or profession b or go with a particular relationship or not go with a particular relationship you are unable to execute first you take a decision and then unable to execute that decision so you leave it up to the other people and you feel that if things go wrong I don't have to be blamed but I can blame the other person for not giving me the correct decision.

Listening to that other person is your decision the other person has given the answer or whatever you've asked but you have chosen to agree to him so you cannot blame the other person for giving you a wrong decision and last but not the least when you take a decision and you confidently take a decision by being responsible for whatever repercussions you may have to trust me you won't believe because you end up saying I thought that path was good I thought that work was good but MA it has taught me experience even though I have not got the results with this experience now I choose correctly and I am going to be successful so learn how to decide and choose what is good for you 

Saturday 19 November 2022

Happiness The State Of Being Happy


Happiness The State Of Being Happy

The pursuit of happiness is a centuries-old sport, books have been written about it, songs have been sung and whole religions have been based on attaining this one elusive state. The operative word here is ‘elusive’. It’s a mistake to view happiness as a goal, rather than a by-product, much like fame, glory, riches, power, and love. 

Dolly Manghat will not speak of How to make you happy but try to inspire you to find your own way.   
Spend some time getting to know yourself, accepting who you are and what you have right now. And by finding yourself,

She means that, find time to quietly reflect every day, for as long as it takes - meditating, running, taking long walks, yoga, doing sports, knitting, painting, climbing a mountain, gardening, singing, dancing, screaming - whatever your avenue is. But keep it healthy!

From many years of studying human beings and their afflictions, Dolly Manghat can say, that there is not one, but many happiness-producing paths. Now, which one is yours, is entirely specific to your particular circumstances. 

You can plan your path according to the monthly Calendar and Planner under the guidance of Dolly Manghat.
To Know More About Dolly Manghat, Subscribe to her YouTube Channel

Thursday 3 November 2022

Relationships - The Art of Liking People


Relationships “The Art of Liking  People”

We all have relationships, what make them great depends on how we relate to each other. 

For nurturing a healthy relationship: 

Trust the other person, and acknowledge his/her feelings and thoughts. If you can provide support, then great! But the most fundamental way to show that you trust someone is by paying attention to him/her.  

To Learn More Do Watch Dolly Manghat's Webinar Relationships “The Art of Liking  People”

The way society is run these days, distances have gotten larger between people, both geographical and emotional. People are more independent and used to a certain space. The tactics we use to deal with our relationships need to change and we need to try harder at keeping in touch with how people important to us are changing.

Invest in a small-strong network that you can count on. This is much harder to build and easier to take for granted and yet the only thing which will make your ship easier to sail in rough weather and keep you going strong. 

To Know More About Dolly Manghat, Subscribe to her YouTube Channel

Tuesday 4 October 2022

The Power Of Decision Making by Dolly Manghat

 The Power Of Decision Making

Become strong by being responsible for your decisions and actions. 

If you are having a hard time making a decision of what choice to take, Here Dolly Manghat will guide you on how to make good choices in life and not fall in the trap of wrong decisions. To know more about Decision making Do watch The Power Of Decision Making by Dolly Manghat 

By taking a decision, you will :

 - Overcome fear from decision making

 - Gain strength of responsibility of those decisions 

 - Liberate yourself from dependencies

The decisions we make exhibit our values. Our exertion testify more effectively than our words what we believe in.

One of the most paramount aspects of life is ‘decision making’, and for every choices involves making the right decision. Every choice that we had decided on doing can impact our lives either in a good or in a bad way, it helps shapes us to identify who we are to ourselves and to other people.

But how do you make good choices? How can you improve your decision-making skills? Especially if you are being confronted by countless of choices each day? Well, start by weighing out your options, make sure to always choose a possibility that will show you the right direction  and give you purpose in life, however small or big of a choice that is.

To Know More About Dolly Manghat, Subscribe YouTube Channel