There would certainly be some excitements and happy developments this month.
There would be plenty of energy and charisma, you will outshine in all your endeavors and get the deserved results. The time ahead does look very prosperous, after the 14th you could experience some windfalls and financial opportunities too.
The aspects of the planets point towards job changes as opportunities are seeking you. You could expect a lot of drama and life changing events happening. This is also a period of testing close relationships.
Patience is needed with your partner, as he or she will tend to be more irritable and highly-strung. Love challenges should be resolved amicably.
Give yourself a complete overhaul of freshening up your mind body and soul.
Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.
You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat