Monday 15 February 2016

Sagittarius Horoscope March 2016: The Midnight Hour Of Magic In Your Zodiac

Things seem dormant and quiet on the outside but inside many good things are happening.

You are in the midnight hour of your year also known as the hour of  magic. Things seem dormant and quiet on the outside but inside many good things are happening. The new day the new cycle is being born. Emotional wellness and inner harmony should be your main concern now.

The two major eclipses are guaranteed to bring change both in your personal and professional life. The solar eclipse on the 9th In America on the 8th occurs in your 4th house of family and relationships. those around you or connected with will undergo a dramatic kind of change within themselves and may also seem temperamental.

Emotions run high during this period. Bad dreams should not be taken seriously as your dream is bound to be disturbed till 10 days before the actual eclipse. Equipment cars and communication disruptions are to be experienced.

Get a total makeover mentally and physically over the next six month, resolve to be a completely new person. This eclipse impacts Saturn your financial planet, so there are important financial changes happening All in all it is a very dynamic period.

The lunar eclipse of  the 23rd is milder on you  but it is still not advisable for you to indulge in risky deals or daredevil type stunts during this period.

The eclipsed planet Moon, the ruler of your 8th house of transformation brings death or near death like experiences. The dark angel pays a visit not to scare you but just to let you realize the importance of life and your purpose on earth. This eclipse is stronger on your partner than on you.

They need to make important financial changes and make important decisions in regards to money. Your relationships will also get tested. The strong survive and the weak wither away.

Health needs watching this month especially until the 20th and around the 9th during the Solar eclipse. As always the most important thing is to get enough rest and relaxation during this period.

High energy repels most of the problems. Until the 12 enhance your health through holistic rubbing of calves and ankles. Be alert and cautious before trying out new therapies. The feet contains reflexes of the entire body if you feel under weather you will respond well to spiritual therapies.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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