Monday 15 February 2016

Pisces Horoscope March 2016: A Bitter Sweet Kind Of Month

On the one hand there are many planets in your own sign indicating pleasure peaks nut eclipses shake things on the other.

The Solar eclipse of the 9th in America it is occurring on the 8th occurs in your own sign affecting you strongly. It shows the need to redefine yourself your personality your image and your self concept.

Generally this happens because others are slandering your reputation and you need to salvage or resurrect it. Thus over the next six months you need to totally change mentally and physically.

The career is affected by this eclipse too as Jupiter your career planet is impacted strongly. Thus you could experience major career changes and shake ups in your company or industry. you need to handle the temperamental changes of people around you be they family friends or workers.

This eclipse impacts Saturn bringing in much dramas in the lives of friends as relationships get tested over time. You could also experiences glitches in communications and technical equipment.

Every Solar eclipse brings in job changes and changes in your health regime because the Sun is your health  and work planet. Sometimes the job changes are within your present company or a new one. Often there are health scares with Solar eclipse and these will probably cause changes in your health regime. Overall health remains good. Just take it easy and rest relax more.

The lunar eclipse of the 23rd is more benign for you and it wont hurt for you to take it easy. This eclipse occurs in your 8th house indicating that your partner or current love is making dramatic financial changes. events happen that show that the current strategy and thinking is not realistically.

The 8th house is the house of death or death like experiences. You need to understand that it means putting an end and closure to a certain kind of work and remerging yourself in a new form. When you truly understand the meaning of death a new understanding of life begins.

Every lunar eclipse affects family or those connected to you emotionally. They are likely to more temperamental, just be more patient with them, they are redefining themselves too.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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