Monday, 1 April 2024
Taurus April 2024 - The Spring Arrives With Deep Introspection For Abundance
When Venus enters Aries on April 4th its gives vent to your inner longings, you will feel passionate about your life and feel the need to travel and explore, singles have all the opportunities to meet like-minded friends who can be prospective partners. Financially you are in a good space as Venus your lord is benevolent. When Venus enters your own sign on April 29th you are all set to fulfil what your heart desires.
The solar eclipse of April 8th urges you to clean up your act, get out of your mundane routine and recognise your potentials. You are capable and meant to set an example on the value of independence. Liberation can only be enjoyed when you are self-sufficient.
Take your time as Mars conjunct Saturn on April 10th implores that action must take like an initiation, tread softly and discreetly. Yet be patient about the results. Any aggressive attitude will backfire. You may feel confused in the process but nevertheless listen to your heart and you will gain clarity. The two powerful energies of taking action and yet being patient can only be harnessed if you have faith in your abilities and consider yourself worthy.
Good Days: 1, 2, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29
Stressful Days: 3 ,4, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 30
Honey Days: 3, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28
Money Days: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27
Career Days : 2, 3, 4, 10, 29, 30
2024 - Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Aries April 2024 - The Spring Arrives With Deep Introspection For Abundance
The lunar eclipse helped you understand your deepest desires & needs. The solar eclipse on the 8th will push you ahead and support you in reshuffling your plans. This period thrills you it’s serves as an outlet for all your energy and ambition. Expend your energies in a positive way and channel them constructively.
When Mars conjuncts Saturn on the April 10th, it just alerts you to tread cautiously, be discreet & curb impulsiveness. Indulge in things and situations that make you happy. Do not indulge your competitive spirit. Mars wants all action while Saturn encourages patience. Be patient & use your energies constructively. It’s all about discreetly utilising these two different energies action & patience to gain your worth. Resilience of mind & heart results in enduring strength.
Love unconditionally, making demands under the pretext of relationships often dissipates the excitement. Singles should be ready to mingle as your optimistic auras attract likeminded people. For those already in a relationship make time for each other to reconnect. Venus in Aries also nudges you to make fresh starts in love, money and self-awareness. Old patterns and lackluster relationships have no place anymore once Venus enters Aries and Mars conjuncts Saturn.
Good Days : 7, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27
Stressful Days: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
Honey Days: 7, 8, 16, 17,21, 22,27, 28
Money Days: 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17,18,19,27, 28
Career Days: 1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24, 28, 29
Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs
Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs
The planetary configuration urges us to look deep within align ourselves with our true identities, so that we are able to face the challenges with confidence and create abundant opportunities for growth. By focusing on health and holistic practices you will be able to strengthen your core and bring in stability to life.
With the prevailing exciting & heavy energies there may be times when you could feel situations out of control, just find avenues that interest you so that you can anchor yourself. Situations in life keep changing and manifesting in accordance to your thoughts and frame of mind.
The call of the hour is to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy. Build and replenish your support system, be it relationships, finances work area, anything that helps in sustaining a happy life. Changing yourself instead of trying to change your circumstances are the keys to open your own fortunes.
Watch Apr 2024 Monthly Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs Here:
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Born Between Two Eclipses
Is it inauspicious to be born between two eclipses? Definitely not! Dolly Manghat explains why and what does it indicate.
Monday, 11 March 2024
Maintaining Stability Through Planetary Shifts
Subscribers, customers, and viewers ask their questions. Dolly Manghat answers these questions and guides to build our life of health, wealth and happiness.
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Sunday, 10 March 2024
Pisces New Moon - 10th Mar - Redefine Yourself For Personal Growth (Impacts Until 7th May 2024)
March 10 th to May 7 th Mirror to redefine yourself and Manifest or sow seeds of personal Growth. Spiritually the New Moon urges us to introspect. When in the sign of Pisces, the call is more powerful to delve within.
If we are keen on pursuing our goals and achieve success then resetting of mind is important. We need to eliminate what holds us back and evolve to redefine our personality.
Pisces the water sign operates from a place of intuition , it feels before it thinks, it visualizes before scrutinizing, absorbs before reacting. When life becomes deary and dark and there is no light we automatically rely on our senses and feelings rather than sight or logic. This New Moon is also known as the dark Moon before light.
In astrology, the equinox signifies the onset of the new year; Pisces is the last sign before the beginning of the next astrological year. The celestial energies are very potent and powerful during this time, they urge us to assimilate what needs to be integrated and obliterated for our well beings and healthy future. In my learnings which I share with you is that time to time especially on the New Moon we need to start afresh or correct the incorrect in our lives, especially if we feel stuck or the need to be on track.
Integration and obliteration are two sides of the same coin. What divides these two expressions is not the experience of pain but a willingness to deepen and develop through it rather than to be defined by it.
The intuitive, introspective energy of this new moon calls to mind the Buddhist belief in the 12 Nidanas that make up the Wheel of Life and the sequence of all existence.
Also known as the 12 links of dependent origination, each link is the result of what came before it and the cause of what will come next. If we extrapolate this to the zodiac wheel, Pisces is the end of a cycle as we begin a new cycle once again. It’s the ending to a beginning. You don’t change your core, it’s just that you eliminate to evolve first deep within and then redefine your world.
You could take advantage of these energies and redefine yourself from March 10 th to May first week.
Liberate yourself from Emotional barriers by connecting to your inner core. The energies encourage us to delve into our most intimate dreams and aspirations. Be encouraged and adhere to your intuitions go by your gut feelings and senses.
This new moon marks a significant transition point from the past into the present, inspiring us to welcome changes and new experiences with an open heart and renewed confidence.
Declutter to welcome freshness in your life.
This moon cycle reminds us of the need to let go and allow situations in life to dissolve in order to make room for the new. The two luminaries the Sun and the Moon source of life are in conjunction with Neptune the modern ruler of Pisces, which amplifies our intuition and sensitivity, adhering to which strengthens our conscious and core strength. The key to unlock all the strengths within is to redefine our ability to embrace the changes and move through life's challenges with faith and a different perspective.
Any planet that enters the sign of Pisces urges us to be introspective in that particular characteristic of ours which it rules. For example the Sun represents ego, Moon our emotions Mercury our communication skills Venus our desires and Mars our actions.
From 10 th of March there is an emergence of New Moon in Pisces conjunct with Neptune. Moon that rules our emotions and Neptune that gives a boost to our dreams, fantasies and desires. More so because both these celestial bodies are also in a comfortable aspect with Uranus. This period urges us to understand our deepest longings, yearnings and aspirations while encouraging us to manifest them through sheer will power, faith and confidence.
Thus making it an auspicious period filled with the potential for sharpening our talents and shaping our destiny. While we put forth efforts and hard work we will be experiencing serendipities and unexpected opportunities, that make life interesting and worthwhile.
With our intuitions amplified, it’s time to bring forth our ideas and have the courage and confidence to manifest our dreams into reality. With the New Moon in Pisces anything is possible only if we open ourselves and embrace the changes happening around us. Trust yourself and the universal intelligence that encourages you to go with the flow. Refrain from resisting, being stubborn or getting stuck in the past will only slow down
your progress.
March 10th, 2024 – Mercury Also Enters Aries in the forward motion which helps us articulate our words more clearly as we communicate our thoughts and ideas, thereby inviting likeminded people who can join up with the projects we have in mind. During this period you are bound to feel energetic, assertive and focused on taking initiatives rather than wasting time on perfecting details or overthinking.
Mercury is going to be positioned for a rather long time in the sign of active Aries within close proximity to Chiron and North Node. This configuration instigates you to better your circumstances and delve deep within in order to remove your self- sabotage behaviour, habits and self-defeating negative thoughts.
During this transit (which is active until May 7th, 2024), you could pave your way to happiness and gaining equanimity of mind through self-motivation by embracing new perspectives that align with your highest potential.
On March 11th, 2024 – Venus also enters Pisces it’s like the celestial energies are conspiring to re-establish and
renew your personality, by becoming the person you truly wish to be. With Venus in Pisces its energies being exalted you become more deeply aware of your desires. Venus rules money and honey and all the things that makes Life beautiful.
When Venus enters Pisces it urges you to connect with your own self heart and soul. And with New Moon in Pisces your self -nurturing is what brings in happiness and satisfaction.
With The New Moon we are encouraged to find our own peace, then through Mercury we are encouraged to find ways and means to manifesting our truth, after which enters Venus making us aware of our deepest desires of being financially independent that helps us further bond in our relationships which connects us to our spiritual dimension. True spiritualism is when we liberate ourselves from dependency and yet learn the true form of co dependence.
Starting with the New Moon of the 10 th in Pisces we need not shy away but instead welcome our heightened awareness and realization of our potential and level of achievements which is all deep within us. Now is the time to awaken and manifest all that we visualize our life to be.
This New Moon is the harbinger of all new things to happen while closing in the doors of the past. The new Moon brings closures and surrender. As we awaken to our potential, we increase the possibility, of converting our dreams into reality.
The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a reminder that life does not end but in fact it is the doorway to the emergence of a new cycle of life. It’s time to awaken the divinity of infinite possibilities from deep within.
Dare to dream as your visions is what will make them a reality. Open and embrace the great possibilities for yourself.
Be able to obtain through your grit and determination what you desire for yourself. Remember your birth, a new born always pushes itself into the world. The mother is the source that is available for you to come from. By utilising the available sources at hand you need to work towards fulfilling your own prophecies. Make the best of your resources and raise levels of being self-prophetic under this perfect Lunation of self-realisation.
Love yourself, be compassionate and gentle in understanding your true nature. Once you stop being harsh or feeling victimised, you will be able to recognise your own true strengths which when utilised will help you pave your way for Health wealth and happiness. Love epitomises divinity only if you nurture and love yourself. Learn to give and receive love.
Pisces reminds us that we all are unique expressions of something divine. The divinity that we seek is all within, the help that we seek outside is actually all within our heart.
This entire week the Sun- which is our ego, Venus- our desires, Mercury – our intelligence and Saturn our structure, and Earth’s Moon- our emotions and responsibility, each of which fall under the spell of the astrological sign of Pisces.
This actually means that your Sun is urging you to relax and revel in others success thereby attracting & creating good energies for your own success. Express yourself confidently and live life according to your own beliefs.
The Venus reflects your desires in life and destiny plays its role intuitively urging you to make changes in key associations. For instance to be logical, discreet and cautious in close relationships. Any emotional, impulsive or impetuous action may affect the course of your love life. Action is required for you to improve your luck in money and love.
Mercury initiates you to exercise independence in thoughts words and action. Be assertive, not aggressive. Think up new ideas. Trust and utilize your flashes of intuition. Tune in and listen to the signals of your body, make decisions to boost your health and wellbeing. It is time to adjust your thinking and let go of outmoded ideas. You may need to let go of a person, project or contract rather than let negative thoughts drag you down.
Your key to success right now is to keep the lines of communications open. If you have important decisions to make then, consider all of your options.
Saturn reminds you to take a look at the structures in your life. This can range from the smallest of details such as your daily diet through to larger matters such as the house in which you live.
Question yourself if the current habits and structures of your life still suit your life choices? Perhaps your feelings, family or work has changed and you need to adapt accordingly? This can be a testing time if change or settling down is a challenge to your nature. You may become unsure of certain aspects of life which once seemed to offer safety and security. It could be that someone else is shaking things up.
Either way you are being forced to reassess your plans and purpose, leaving behind any ineffective support systems. The good news is that you can now build new support systems that boost your sense of purpose health and wellbeing.
Finally the Earth’s Moon The Moon's passage through Pisces calls for a quieter and slower pace of life. If ever the time was right for daydreaming, then it is during this period. You can slow down, rest, and participate in activities that are soothing or that inspire your imagination.
This is also the transit during which you can pay attention to the subtle areas of your life – which create happiness love and well-being. Trust your intuition, have faith in your feelings. It’s time to get organised as you readjust and embrace the new norm
You are capable to Create Magic and miracles in your life.Utilise this once in a blue Moon configuration especially when our personal planets are close to each other affecting our lives in more ways than one.
Neptune with its illusionary energies , egoistic Sun, and emotional Moon hanging out together in Pisces, it is easy to slip into old habits. Neptune might make the Moon feel a bit dreamy or spaced out, and the Moon might end up expressing all its feelings without holding anything back. Release your feelings cautiously and discriminatively.
Uranus is also part of this celestial event, positively connecting with the Sun and Moon from its position in Aries. While the New Moon conjures up feelings of introspection and despondency in reflection to what is happening in life, Uranus throws in optimistic energies and encourages to have a different perception of life and it’s situations.
Remember now that the Sun and Moon have moved away from Saturn, its good to know that if you stop living in the past or thinking about the past difficulties, you would then be utilising your energies more constructively, thereby creating miracles in your life through sheer magic created from the strength within. Look forward optimistically create your world by being open minded and embracing the new. Go with the flow and be ready for the magic that this new Moon of Pisces promises.
A ready reckoner for all Zodiacs
Exercise your instincts and be an architect of your fate by using your freewill.
Acknowledge your emotions & use your intuition and wisdom to figure out your next steps in finding solutions to your challenges. Trust yourself—you have the strength to overcome whatever comes your way.
Don’t let the zest of life dwindle within you. Be adventurous trust your gut feelings there is so much to life, yet to be
Self-defeating thoughts are a sure way to self-sabotage. Stay open-minded and let the universe guide you. There is always a new perspective. This new Moon compels to liberate yourself from all that holds you back.
Let go off your pride, stop pretences or manipulation. Sharing your vulnerabilities reflects your honesty. No point trying to play the victim card.
Stay open-minded and be self-motivated. Co-existing but conflicting needs create self-sabotaging behaviours. Honesty to yourself will bring in confidence well-being.
Get your priorities correct, don’t burn yourself out with self-importance. Narcissism invites negative energies. Seek help when needed.
Relationships are important. Learn from past experiences and be open to receiving the grace of the universe with good purpose and intentions in life or else you may loose out.
Being liberal or generous is good as long as it is not done to impress others. You need to take a grip over your finances realistically and conserve your energies for your well-being.
Your emotions need to be handled with grace. Mistakes can happen, being vulnerable is not weakness. Preserve your dignity style.
A serious look at your finances are required. Discipline and correct attitude is prerequisite of happiness.
Reflect on your success and growth. Time to manifest for your future without looking back. Journal the person you are becoming. Negativity has to be deliberately pushed away.
To Sum up if you seek answers and ways to the means of achieving your desires, get into the yogic Shavasna pose which is lying on a yoga mat and being still listening to the silence of your breath. You will get your answers. With the earth at your back and the sky above, there is no limit to what can be discovered and felt, what can be eliminated or redefined.
As I adhere to my voice within and focus on listening to the voice of silence I am sure to get my answers to the questions I seek. Without wasting any time I leave you to work in peace on your exercise.
For Further guidance or clarifications to achieving your personal goals you could always connect with me through
Loads of wishes and blessings
Dolly Manghat
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