Monday, 19 December 2022

Leo Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth And Happiness


Leo Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth, And Happiness

Would you like to know about Leo's 2023 horoscope and its effects on your life??

Great !!! all you need to connect with Astrologer and Life coach Dolly Manghat.

Here she explains in short about planets and their effects.

Saturn's move from Aquarius to Pisces on March 8th  Improves overall health and energy More Importantly, the love life is improved. With Saturn In your 8th  house of regeneration for the next two and half years, you will have to be more careful in amorous matters. There will be a need to focus more on quality rather than quantity, you would need to be more choosy. more discerning, Saturn In your health planet demands discipline.

Health and energy are much improved this year. Saturn, your health planet, will move away from his stressful aspect to you on March 8. Pluto will put some slight stress on you from March 24 to June 12 - but this will only impact those of you born early in Leo July 22-24). Most of you won't feel it this year.

Download Astro eBook, Personalized Horoscope Report, Calendar, and Planner.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Friday, 16 December 2022

Young Adults Vs Parents - How To Bridge This Generation Gap?


 Young Adults Vs Parents - How To Bridge This Generation Gap?

Dolly Manghat participated in an open discussion at a university, on the conflicts between young adults and their parents. The age-old problem is where parents say that their children are unapproachable/ungrateful/rude and the youngsters say that the parents are over-demanding/restrictive and don’t understand. Obviously, this is a problem that troubles both sides and needs fixing.

But first, let’s review some basic facts:

Parents choose to bring children into this world, whereas, children don’t.

We all are shaped by our families, parents, and children alike.

Ultimately, we are all alone in our lived experiences on this earth. 

A strong emotional tie exists between parents and children. 

The problem calls for a longer meditation on how we live our lives, why, and what impact this has on our loved ones. This will give important clues to the past, so we can understand each other better. As it’s impossible to fix the past, all we can do is fix the present, in the hope that the future looks healthy. 

With time, the courage to have an open dialogue, and an empathetic mindset, most relationships can be fixed and even become stronger. 

To Know More About Dolly Manghat, Follow her on Facebook.

Visit here to download Astro eBooks, Calendars, and Planners.

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Why Habits Fail Us By Dolly Manghat


Why Habits Fail Us...

There are elementary reasons why we cannot keep up with our habits to succeed in life. If we can address them, life would be so easy to handle and manage. Right?

If you are bel creating a new habit and need a little help with a Simple Method for habit creation – if you need advice, suggestions, and a community to get you over those rough spots, Here is Dolly Manghat's  Why Habits Fail Us -Looking Beyond.

For your habit-building endeavor to succeed, you must create a system with the cues that support your habits, all the while removing the triggers that are detrimental to your success.

If you want to create a sustainable habit, you need to know what works and what doesn’t. You need to know why some people create multiple life-long habits while most of us keep failing.

To Know More About Dolly Manghat, Follow her On Facebook.

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Gemini 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth And Happiness

Gemini 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth, And Happiness

Your view or perception of life and the world may also change as you yourself transform from within. Saturn moves into your 10th house of career on March 8.  Which is basically a career house for which your health needs to be monitored. Your success will be proportionate to your hard work. This year success must be earned.

Saturn's move on March 8 from Aquarius to Pisces will be stressful for you, and this stress will go on for the next two and a half years. So, you may not feel your normal energy which could be less than usual. This isn't anything serious, as the other long-term planets are either making nice aspects or are leaving you alone. Nothing alarming about it, you just need to care that you don’t force yourself into doing anything, take it easy.

** Key Dates in 2023 **

Mar-07 Saturn enters Pisces

Mar-23 Pluto enters Aquarius

Apr-20 New Moon Solar Eclipse (A. Total) in Aries

May-05 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

May-16 Jupiter enters Taurus

Oct-14 New Moon Solar Eclipse (Annular) in Libra

Oct-28 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Download Astro eBook, Personalized Horoscope report, Calendar, and Planner.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 4 Eclipses


Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 4 Eclipses

Eclipses NavigateYour Way

The Navigate Your Way Program is a self-paced program into the practical side of astrology to help you take control of your life and move forward with confidence and clarity.

You will learn in this course:

The deeper meaning of eclipses

- Eclipses and lunar nodes

- The story of your evolving soul

- Karma and Free will

- The types of eclipses

- Subtle and powerful differences among them

- Saros cycle advanced technique

- Eclipses in your natal chart

Download Astro eBook, Personalized Horoscope Report, Calendar, and Planner.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Monday, 12 December 2022

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 3 Pluto The Great Transformer

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 3  Pluto The Great Transformer.

Would you like to know about: Part Pluto plays in the journey of life, Pluto’s aspects with other planets, the strength, and intensity of Pluto, and much more about Pluto.

Here Dolly Manghat is presenting the new course Integrated Astrology Level-2, Slab-3 Pluto – The Great Transformer.

You will learn in this course:

- Introduction

- Part Pluto plays in the journey of life

- Pluto's aspects with other planets

- The strength and intensity of Pluto

- Pluto's cycle

- Understanding the most important transit of our lifetime

- Experience of a Pluto aspect 

- Pluto's transits

- Pluto vs. unique elements of our natal chart

- Advanced Pluto's techniques

- Progressed Pluto

- Rulership Scheme 

Sign Up for Dolly Manghat's Integrated Astrology Self-Learning Courses Visit:

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 2 Saturn The Great Teacher

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 2 Saturn The Great Teacher

Where is your Saturn placed in your natal chart? Where is your Saturn placed in your transit charts? Where is your Saturn placed in your progression charts? Understand the position of Saturn in your chart and chart your destiny to success!

Looking for where to get all this knowledge from? Don't worry, astrologer and life coach Dolly Manghat introducing the new course Integrated Astrology Level -2 Saturn, The Great Teacher.

In this course you will learn :

- Saturn's 7 stages development process

- Understanding and working with Saturn

- Saturn in your Natal chart

- The strength and intensity of Saturn

- Saturn's 29-year cycle

- Saturn return

- Saturn's transits

- Understanding the unique mission of Saturn

Sign Up for Dolly Manghat's Integrated Astrology Self-Learning Courses.

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.