Sunday, 6 December 2020

2021 Personalized Monthwise Astrology Report And Consultation


2021 Personalized Month wise Yearly Chart Report Order Your 2021 Personalized Report Here:

Understanding your present year is extremely important to plan and align yourself for the year ahead. Hence, Varshaphal or Present Year Horoscope provides a great insight into how you can plan your goals and objectives in a step by step (and monthly manner).

We all plan for our year in a broad manner and try to realign based on events happening around us. What if you received a guideline for your present year telling you what to expect and how to go about your planning in month wise manner? Whatever challenges life throws at you are actually opportunities to change, grow and mature. This astrology guidance report helps you know yourself better. Planets and their positioning guide you on what actions to take to avoid defeats and attract success. Would you like to know your Present Year Horoscope? Based on your date-time-place of your birth, I will create your birth chart and provide a month wise detailed guidance report for your present year (birth date this year to birth date next year). This report would include personal insights on your career, relationships, love, money, peace of mind and everything that you look for. Order Your 2021 Personalized Report Here:

I don’t believe in predictive astrology. I believe in building your own prophecies. Do not take this report as predictions, they will not work. Instead take them as guidelines to align and action yourself towards your goals. You can always write to me with your questions/queries to clarify or understand guidance provided, although you may not need to. I ensure very simple to understand language empowering you to take actions and live life to the fullest. Whatever we get in life is actually a result of the choices we have made consciously or unconsciously. What we get in life is because of our actions generated through our mind and body. Who are we? How we think? And what we do? Astrology teaches us to explore ourselves gain insights and discover our potentials and opportune moments to manifest them. Use the inherent patterns in your chart to discover yourself then use your free will to bear against the patterns that disturb you, after all, you create your destiny. Remember improving your fortune starts with you. Astrology and numerology helps us to shifts our gears and provides us with a reality check. Providing us with the essential mental Attitude for success. Use the knowledge of yourself through astrology for succeeding in life, love and business. What is life? They say it’s from B to D … from Birthday to Death … But, what’s between B and D?? It’s a “C” – Choice … Our life is a matter of choices …? Live well and it will never go wrong… God Bless @Dolly Manghat

Order Your 2021 Personalized Chart Report Here:

Saturday, 5 December 2020

The Great Conjunction Of 21st Dec - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn - PRELUDE - New World Order


If you thought 2020 was overwhelming and felt powerful energies all around, well, we are heading to the climax, the apogee of this energy and vibration. Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at 0 deg, Aquarius on 21st Dec 2020 (Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer solstice in Southern Hemisphere). Coming on the back of two eclipses, this is the transformational energy we are geared up for - the Air era. Rigid structures outlive their purpose and corrupt. They either need changed or purged. This is exactly what happens now. Top-Down hierarchies will be demolished for more flexible-flat structures that imbibe the Aquarian qualities of "We over I". This is the new world order. Are you stuck in any such rigid structures of habits? relationships? mindsets? professional vision? - this is the time to rethink, recalibrate and restructure it for the new paradigm awaiting us. What does this transit mean for your zodiac sign? What areas should you work on? Please stay tuned for upcoming videos for every sign and you can get going with your process to progress from 2021... Looking for a personal consultation? Write to us with your date-time-birth details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat Get Your 2021 Annual Chart:

#JupiterSaturnConjunction #SaturnJupiterConjunction #TheGreatConjunction #SaturnJupiterAquarius #AquarianAge #ShaniGuruYuti #GuruShaniGochar

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Beginning of A New Era - 21st Dec 2020 - Jupiter Saturn Conjunction


We begin the new year (and era) on Dec 21st with the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction. Do stay tuned for my guidelines for all Zodiac signs as we gear up for the transformative future in coming weeks. 

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 30th Nov 2020 - Transformation Through The North Node Opportunities

As we enter the eclipse season, to culminate a tumultuous year, they will bring clarity from confusion, direction from disruption and transformation from trepidation as we begin 2021 with a sequence of cosmic events - the eclipses and the grand conjunction (Saturn-Jupiter). The lunar eclipse (a north node (Rahu) focused one, indicates new openings of opportunities in the direction your life path ought to move into. Delve deep into your lunar energies - both logical as well as emotional to feel the movement and get going.... Looking for a personal consultation? Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #LunarEclipse #FullMoonLunarEclipseNov20 #PenumbralLunarEclipse #EclipseSeason #Eclispes2020 #JupiterSaturnConjunction

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Mercury Direct 3rd Nov 2020 - How Does It Impact Your Zodiac Sign?

As Mercury completes its three retrograde cycles for the year and moves direct a final time in 2020, its motion will clear your path of communication and clarity in relationships. So, how is this direct motion impacting your zodiac sign? Check this video...

Looking for a consultation? Write to us with your details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #MercuryDirect #MercuryTransitLibra #MercuryRetrograde #MercuryMotion #DollyManghatAstrology

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Mercury Goes Direct - Surprises In Store Due To Saturn-Mercury Square

As Mercury turns direct to end its cycles of retrogrades for a tumultuous 2020, it marks a beginning a direct sequence (Mars following soon) that will go all the way to the end of the year straightening some of the warped and strangled energies that we all have been experiencing all year long, especially the last 3 weeks when it was retrograde.

The direct motion comes with its set of interesting aspects, especially its square with Saturn in Capricorn throws in surprises (perhaps more pleasant ones) as Mercury starts going the right way. Coupled with it are major events including the third Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of the year, Mars going direct and culmination of the eclipse cycle of the year. Stay tuned for those videos too. Looking for a consultation? Write to us with your birth details to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #MercuryDirect #MercuryTransitLibra #MercuryInLibra #MercurySquareSaturn

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Nov 2020 Horoscope Predictions - All Zodiac Signs

Video Playlist:

Finally after Moon cojoined Uranus in Taurus the truth of our life is in plain view, for every one of us see. To a point, where with our much required transformation we all can create our reality.
Beliefs create your world. Become the change you want to see around you.
The festive season has already started so let’s make a collective decision to change our inner core and spread it in the universe. With All planets now almost going to go direct we must execute our plans and redefine ourselves.
Your Horoscope Nov 2020 is curated and analysed expertly through time & space.
While creating the horoscope of Nov 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on you in Nov 2020.
The effects of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu on your zodiac sign have been thoroughly analysed in this horoscope.
Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.
Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness.
An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.
Get your Natal/ yearly charts through