Friday, 11 September 2020

Jupiter Goes Direct 12th Sep 20 - Preview - Gaining Perspective Of The Current Situation In Life?

We saw Mars go retrograde couple of days ago, slowing the steam engine down but Jupiter starts his as he prepares to move direct giving us insights, perspectives and wisdom of situation at hand and months ahead. 

 From the disruptive period, since beginning of the year, we are taking steps towards corrections - perspective and wisely, personal and professional. Jupiter gives us the ability to deflect the unwanted away and focus on the real core needed to build our life of health, wealth and happiness. 

 In this introductory video, Dolly Manghat explains the Jupiter energies and how its direct motion will initiate, expand your actions in direction of thought. 

 Looking for a personal consultation?
Write to us with your details to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. 

God Bless 

Dolly Manghat

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Mars Retrograde Sep 20 - Which HOUSE Of Your Natal/Transit Chart Is Impacted?

In our previous videos, we read about the Mars planet, its energies, aspects and how its retrograde impacts the overall cosmos? We also saw how it impacted your zodiac sign individually? In this video, we will see how this current Mars Retrograde cycle impacts you individually based on its placement in a particular house in your Natal and Transit chart.
Is the Mars Retrograde in your first house of self or 7th house of partnerships, 4th house of the home or 10th house of career. Where is your Mars placed during this motion? Do find out and listen to impact of Mars on that house; in this video.
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your birth details on and we will help you schedule a reading.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
#MarsRetrograde #MarsTransit #MarsDirect #MangalGochar #MangalVakri #KujaVakri #DollyManghatAstrology #MarsInAries

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Mars Retrograde Sep 20 - Impact On Your Zodiac Sign?

In our previous introduction video, we read about the Mars planet, its energies, aspects and how its retrograde impacts the overall cosmos? In this video, we will see how this current Mars Retrograde cycle impacts your individually through your zodiac sign?

Are you the fiery Aries or Scorpio, ruled by Mars or the airy Libra or the earthy Capricorn? How does the Mars Retrograde behave for you. Please watch video for full details.
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your birth details on and we will help you schedule a reading.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#MarsRetrograde #MarsTransit #MarsDirect #MangalGochar #MangalVakri #KujaVakri #DollyManghatAstrology #MarsInAries

Monday, 7 September 2020

Mars Goes Retrograde 9th Sep '20 - Introduction - Feeling Restless, Irritable And Angry?

As Mars begins its two month retrograde in Aries, it is a period of hibernation for the fiery, aggressive and action oriented planet. This might lead to an energy drain or feelings of being restless, irritable and angry overall.

Mars is about your vitality and action energy, so when it goes retrograde - this becomes a key focus. Maintain your health, diet and habits overall to keep your energies high all the time. Counter the drain with rest, rejuvenation and relaxation measures.
Please note that - everyone of us is going through this phase, so empathy, patience and calmness are virtues that need to be practiced during this period.
In the upcoming videos, how this Mars retrograde will impact each zodiac and the houses accordingly?
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your birth details to and we will help schedule your consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#MarsRetrograde #MarsDirect #MarsTransitAries #DollyManghatAstrology #MangalVakri #MangalDosh #KujaVakri

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Sep 2020 Horoscope Predictions

Sep 2020
#Sep2020 #HoroscopePredictions for all #ZodiacSigns

Your Horoscope Sep 2020 is curated and analysed expertly through time & space. While creating the horoscope of Sep 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on you in Sep 2020. 

The effects of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu on your zodiac sign have been thoroughly analysed in this horoscope.

Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.

Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness. 
An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.
Get your Natal/ yearly charts through  

By #DollyManghat

Amazon Books:

#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

Monday, 31 August 2020

Sep 2020 Horoscope - Preview - Ready For The Energy Transition Period?

As we turn into Sep 2020, the most powerful energy month (in the already most powerful energy year in decades) - we are entering into massive energy zone that is churning things around.
While Jupiter and Saturn and readying to go direct during the month after their 4 month retrograde cycle, Mars will begin its 2 month retrograde cycle in Aries. To top it all, The Rahu-Ketu will make their 18 month transit into Taurus-Scorpio respectively (their exaltation signs).
All this energy is pushing us to realign, restructure and reposition our lives to the "new normal" we are moving toward post Covid-19 situation globally.
Understand the position of these planets in your natal and transit charts to establish what area of your life is most impacted by these transit movements?
You can check your zodiac wise Sep 2020 monthly horoscope on this channel.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#Sep2020Horoscope #HoroscopeSep2020 #MonthlyPredictionsSep2020 #DollyManghatAstrology

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The Grand Earth Trine Of 25th Aug 2020 - Part 4 - What It All Means For ...

#GrandEarthTrine between Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus from Aug 25 2020 to Aug 30 2020
Mercury in Virgo
Jupiter in Capricorn
Uranus in Taurus
In this 4 part series, Dolly Manghat explains this beautiful cosmic phenomenon and all associated astrological questions
What are trines?
What are earth trines?
What do the planets imply as part of the trine?
How do they impact each other?
How do they impact you and the house they are placed in your charts?
How to look at your Natal and Transit charts to understand trine impacts?
Here are some tips to get you on the right track.
Evaluate your possessions. Consider what it would look like if you got rid of things that other people might think you’d be crazy to get rid of—like your car or your computer or your house. You might be surprised at what you learn.
Stop throwing good things away. Now that you have reevaluated your possessions, take deep and attentive care of the things you own. Learn to work with your own hands. Move away from a disposable culture
Celebrate beauty. Revere the rise of new beauty standards and relationships with gender. Let Uranus in Taurus liberate you from oppressive, rigid modes of viewing physical beauty and presentation. Practice beholding, displaying, and appreciating.

Transform the way you eat. This can be something that is both luxurious and deliberate. We’ll likely be seeing a worldwide shift in diet and food culture, perhaps even the long-awaited downfall of the agro-industrial complex as we focus on local, bio regional, sustainable, and indigenous food sources
Start a garden. Even if it is just a planter box of herbs in your apartment window, take this opportunity to connect with the process of growing your own food.
Invest in alternative economies. Prepare for the rise of cryptocurrencies and the potential of upheaval in the global financial markets. Begin to participate in barter and gift economies in your communities.
Separate your worth from your wealth. It is hard for us in a late capitalist society to do this. We were raised with the adage “time is money,” but time is not money. Time is not anything except an arbitrary way of measuring our experience in a constantly changing universe. And, while we’re on the subject, money is not anything either! It is merely an outmoded symbolic system that technology can replace, as soon as we are ready to let go of attachment to hierarchy.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#GrandEarthTrine #JupiterTrineUranus #JupiterTrineMercury #MercuryTrineUranus #TransitTrine #NatalTrine #DollyManghatAstrology #TrineEnergy