Excellent time for job seekers as there are abundant opportunities seeking you just need to explore.
With the lunar eclipse many areas of your life get affected but its effects are relatively benign for you for you. The impact will probably be stronger on the world at large.
It also impacts your house of friends as your friendships get tested. Good ones survive, flawed ones can break up- and this is as it should be. It is good that friendships get tested every now and then although it’s not pleasant when it happens.
Disruptions are temporary and you might just need to read just reinvent yourself or your career.
Its good idea to have some back plans for yourself. This eclipse tends to bring financial change for your family or partner or current love and this one is no different.
Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances. http://www.dollymanghat.com/prediction.html
You can also connect with me via email connect@dollymanghat.com. Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat