Unresolved issues come up for cleansing.
The month ahead is affected by all the happenings in your personal life. There can be shake ups in love or marriage, its actually a testing time when circumstances test your relationships.
You need to be honest, which actually comes with clarity of mind and heart. Speaking clearly and precisely will help you overcome half your problems, a patient hearing and calm response sorts the other half out.
You could even experiences technical glitches your equipment may need an overhaul or servicing so back up your important files. Love life can be made exciting even though it shows turbulence and instability.
Be a risk taker and learn to move on in life if the present relationship is flawed. You need rest and relaxation of mind to think situations over before making major decisions.
Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances. http://www.dollymanghat.com/prediction.html
You can also connect with me via email connect@dollymanghat.com. Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat