Thursday, 1 January 2015

Libra - Career 2015

Your dreams, intuitions and hunches will guide you.

A strong need for inner growth initiates. Your creativity reaches new heights starting from the month of January and February. 

Be confident of voicing your ideas and explore new job opportunities by the mid of 2015. You remain in the spotlight as those in higher authority appreciate the work you put in. 

Overall the coming year will be full of pleasant surprises and good news in terms of promotions and appraisals.

Keep a balance between personal and professional life in 2015. Do not get swayed one way or the other.

Believe in the divine and the power of the universe, positive energies make things happen. 

Your greatest fulfillment comes in learning about your needs and then going for them. 

God Bless.
Dolly Manghat
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Virgo - Career 2015

Be patient as the last quarter of 2015 is lucky for you, you may unexpectedly land a job of your dreams.

You need to experiment a lot in order to keep your morale high and get recognition in your field of career or business. Nothing will come easy, but your hard work and efforts will certainly not go waste. 

Your communication skills need to get honed as the way you put things across has an important bearing on getting accepted or rejected. 

For job seekers it is tough and also interesting if you are prepared to go with the flow. 

It will be to your benefit if you look for a job that suits your potential. 
Be mentally alert and prepare yourself for the change. 
You are in a period where you need to come to terms with your past. 
You need to assimilate its wisdom and move on from there.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Leo - Career 2015

Confidence is the key word to your success.

Professional and business success is guaranteed especially if you have worked towards sowing the correct seeds in 2014. You must retain full confidence in personal as well as business partnerships. Colleagues play a significant role so motivating and appreciating the work of others will help reap rich rewards. 

You could expect good job opportunities so grab them as they appear. The tone is of prosperity and joy.

Bring in innovation as much as you can in your professional field in order to get noticed and appreciated by those who are in authority. 

Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead will be fulfillment of body mind and soul. 

A revised world view, a revised philosophy of life will change every other department of life in a positive way.

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God Bless.
Dolly Manghat

Cancer - Career 2015

All the changes happening in your career have a cosmic agenda behind them.

Pursue a healthy lifestyle and daily disciplined health regime. Be motivated to start new beginnings in your professional life. 

The initial months are conducive to start your own business or venture out in the field that inspires you the most. 

You could expect good incentives and promotions in your career. Foreign trips are very much on the cards. 

Those looking out for jobs will have to be patient for some time as luck starts to figure after your birthday month of July. 

Wisdom lies in investing money in new business ventures especially around the mid of 2015. Buy what you need and not what you desire. Temptations need to be avoided.

There is liberation happening. You may start following the career of your dreams, many obstacles and obstructions will be blasted away. 

Change is a liberation so embrace it.

Get a personalized consultation from me to enhance your personal and professional strengths and win in life. Fill out your details here: 

Stay updated about your astrology forecast. 

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Gemini - Career 2015

Be a follower this year 2015 so that you can lead next year 2016. 

Time to execute your plans. Mars encourages you to take calculated risks in business or professional affairs especially in the months off March and April. 

Be careful in negotiations read the blueprint and fine tune your awareness before signing any contract. 

Jealousies from colleagues is expected but you should learn how to handle office politics, by staying away from gossip.

New openings at work should come your way sometime in October November.

Though it is difficult proposition for the Gemini, yet not impossible. Appreciate and follow the advice or ideals of your boss. Working in accordance to methods of work without any question. 

Stay updated about your astrology forecast. 

God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Visit me at

Taurus - Career 2015

Listening to your inner voice will always pay off.

Rediscover yourself towards success. Professional success is expected and you will be able to achieve all from August on-wards. 

There could be trouble brewing in old business partnerships sometime in November or October which should be ignored or sorted out through an open conversation. 

Sharpen and hone your skills to get the best and more benefits out of your business. 2015 is a great year to expand your business and look out for new opportunities. 

Ignore any negative comment passed by colleagues or bosses. 
Do not get carried away by what others perceive, use your own judgment, or else you may deviate from the right path. Sometimes when the world says West but your sixth sense says East then go East. 

God Bless
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Aries - Career 2015

Overall 2015 will be a satisfying year in terms of work. 

Expect nothing, be prepared for everything. Career may feel stressed out in the beginning first half of the year. 

The second half picks up and you may find yourself immersed in various projects. Foreign trips are evident for business and pleasure. 

Your professional life will bring in special rewards and recognition in the second half of the year. 

Be confident of your ideas and put them to use, eventually you will slowly and steadily move towards professional goals by the year end. 

Keep your motivations high and complete all your unfinished tasks before starting new ones. 

God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Connect with me through my website,