Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

Monday 19 January 2015

The Heart Chakra - Governs The Heart And Circulatory System

Body Chakras define the inner and outer health of your body and mind. 

The Heart Chakra lies in the middle of the chest and opens frontward. It governs the heart and circulatory system. It also influences the functioning of the thymus gland and the immune system.

The one whose heart chakra has been opened radiates joy and friendliness. He will be considerate of others and have a highly developed sense of empathy.

GEMSTONES for the Chakra 

In green: 
 - Aventurine
 - Chryscolla
 - Jade
 - Moss Agate
 - Green Tourmaline

In pink:
 - Coral
 - Rodhonite
 - Rose Quartz.

COLOR for the Chakra:
Green - The calming vibrations of the green spectrum are the best healing agents for the nervous system.

God bless!
Dolly Manghat