Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Sunday 11 January 2015


People usually assume that astrology is all about foretelling or predicting the future. It implies that everything in in life is predestined and that we can do little or nothing about it or that we have no say in how our life takes a turn for the better or for worse. Well let me make it very clear to you that all of this is not true it is very presumptuous.
We as human beings are far from being helpless victims of fate, everything that happens to us at any given moment is the result of the choices we make. These choices could be our own or influenced by other people. We are always at a liberty to use our free will and decide how to react to the situation present.
Your destiny is linked directly to your personality, and the choices that you make consciously or unconsciously are directly linked to your own natural perceptions or inclinations. Astrology describes accurately your psychological aspects and reactions to the given situation. We all are made up a little of every sign and planet, for example if a Aries is Strong in your chart and Mars well placed you could be a person of strong action and initiatives in life. Now the choice is to express yourself aggressively or assertively, confidently or selfishly.
Would you like to be doer in life or done- to, choice is yours. Making the right choice is important because every decision has consequences and whatever goes through or from you eventually comes back to you. That is the universal law.
Astrology helps you to understand yourself and make better choices. You stop becoming a victim of circumstances. You can change yourself from how your life experiences have conditioned you. Becoming aware of how you are wired temperamentally helps you to make better choices rather than having blind knee jerk reactions which can often aggravate your situations and worsen your problems.
This self-knowledge allows you to be more informed and helps you make free will choices. Thus you can create a better, a more successful and secure future for yourself.
Love and God Bless!

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