Showing posts with label Yearly Chart 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yearly Chart 2020. Show all posts

Friday 10 January 2020

Penumbral Wolf Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - Dealing With Emotions, Relations And Pending Actions

The new years starts with a penumbral full moon total solar eclipse on 10th Jan 2020. This is very significant on the back of the annular solar eclipse of 26th Dec 2019.
Lunar eclipses are about emotions and your mental state of affairs. They will come up for review in this period making you nostalgic, emotional and introspective. Rewind back the clock to Jul 12th, 2018 - solar eclipse period. Reflect on the situations then? What did you plan but did not start? What started and didn't go according to plan? What energy did you experience then? This needs a review as the lunar eclipse on 10th Jan 2020 reinitiates those thoughts and emotions. Great time to restart, reinitiate or reorganize things. On the same day, Uranus goes direct bringing out the rebel in you. So, ensure you think out of the box as well. Old situations need addressing in a new way that maps with the current situation, objectives, and goals. This is followed by Pluto Conjunct Saturn on 12th Jan 2020 bringing out the clash of ideologies - the stable order of Saturn vs the revolutionary disruption of Pluto. This may create an emotional tug of war but your better sense should prevail in making your choices for a life of health, wealth and happiness. Looking for a personal consultation? Write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless #DollyManghat

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, Chandra Grahan, Surya Grahan, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse 2020, Lunar Eclipse Jan 2020, Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Earth, Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, Dolly Manghat Astrology, Personal Reading, Horoscope, Yearly Chart 2020, Varshaphal 2020, Natal Chart, AskDolly, Self Awareness 2020