Showing posts with label Pluto Conjunct Saturn Jan 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto Conjunct Saturn Jan 2020. Show all posts

Sunday 12 January 2020

Pluto Conjuncts Saturn 12 Jan 2020: Address The Mighty Clash Between CHANGE and ORDER

To complete the trilogy of life-changing cosmic events at the start of 2020, on the back of the lunar eclipse and Uranus going direct - pocket dynamo Pluto conjuncts the grandmaster Saturn in the sky.
It is probably the biggest conjunction of the decade (the Jupiter Saturn great conjunction happening in Dec 2020 is bigger though) and since it is happening right at the start of the decade, its an energy indicator for the next 10 years. While Pluto brings explosive energies for CHANGE of structure, Saturn is all about ORDER. Hence, there will be a clash of ideologies and energies. There will be opposition/challenge to existing systems, processes and lifestyle routines across the globe. You need to understand and try to establish the right balance between change and order to build your life of health, wealth and happiness. Looking for a personal consultation? Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will schedule a personal reading for you. God Bless Dolly Manghat

Pluto Conjunct Saturn Jan 2020,Saturn Pluto Conjunction,Uranus Direct,Lunar Eclipse,Saturn Transit Capricorn,Shani Pluto Yoga,Dolly Manghat Astrology,Sidereal astrology,tropical astrology,vedic astrology,horoscope,personal astrology reading,zodiac,Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces