Showing posts with label Cancer New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer New Moon. Show all posts

Monday 20 July 2020

Cancer New Moon - 20 July 2020: Your Second Chance ...

With Saturn (in Capricorn) opposing the Moon (in Cancer), the tussle is between emotion and order. The moon absorbs energies, churns emotions and holds on to them. This new moon and the Saturn opposition is pushing you to let go of the emotions and move over with your discipline and determination. This is like a second chance given by the cosmos to release the past and start a fresh new life with courage and dedication.
Pluto and Jupiter (in Capricorn) add to the energy mix and and impart their energies too. Pluto looks to destroy the old school methods and line of thought while Jupiter expands thinking in the direction of your new thought process.
New Moon mantras
Cancer = Start building new roots by being emotionally strong (Moon)
Capricorn = Build strong foundations for the roots to nurture and grow (Saturn)
Pluto = Do away with the old systems and old line of thought
Jupiter = Realize your potential and expand your horizons
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God Bless
@Dolly Manghat
#CancerNewMoon #SaturnOppositeMoon #NewMoonOppositeSaturn #JupiterConjunctPluto #SaturnInCapricorn #MoonInCancer #DollyManghat