Tuesday 3 September 2024

Taurus Sep 2024

Venus in Libra is known for enhancing themes of love, beauty, and harmony. 
Emphasis on self-care and improving your surroundings. You might feel inspired to redecorate or indulge in some pampering.

The lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024, occurs in Pisces and brings a mix of endings and new beginnings, especially with its conjunction to Neptune which impacts your dreams, wishes and desires. You might experience changes in your social circles or friendships. Be open to new connections and let go of relationships that no longer serve you. The lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024, sideswiping Jupiter, brings significant changes and opportunities for growth. 

Deep-seated emotions and past experiences may surface. It's a potent time for self-analysis and healing, allowing you to let go of old baggage.

When Mars enters Cancer, its energy becomes more emotionally driven and protective. 
Communication with loved ones becomes more emotional. You might find yourself having deeper, more meaningful conversations with family and friends.


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