Friday 7 April 2023

Why Trust Astrology?


Why Trust Astrology?

Astrology is the psychology of the universe, which is enacted on this earth. The intelligence of the universe, if we follow it, can actually bring in health, wealth and happiness in our lives. That's the answer. So then obviously the person sitting across you is going to ask that has it affected you in your life. Then you give the answers that you have. Always listen to the question before you answer because this is how when you're interpreting the chart for other people, you have to focus on what the client needs. He doesn't want you to tell him your liver is bad or your kidney is bad or your heart is bad. 

The client has come to you, please bring in wellness in my life. How are you going to bring in wellness? So he is interested in the diagnosis of what the doctor does. So the client is only saying, I'm drained of energy. 

He doesn't understand what is liver thing to do in the body or the pancreas or the kidney or the heart or whatever. So similarly, when you talk about astrology, never try to give explanations to the client or the people because your first thing would be when people make mockery out of astrology is actually to tell the person - stop! I have studied the subject, you have not. So you cannot pass judgment. That is how confident you should be. Second you should say, did you all know that astrology was the psychology of the universe that is enacted on the psyche of the human being, that is how our attitudes vary from time to time. 

So if we follow the universal intelligence, automatically our lives can be full of health, wealth and happiness. Half of the people in life are not successful. It's not because they are not following astrology, but because people shirk hard work. And if you look at astrology, planets,the way you all have learned it, it is always guiding us what to do. So when people don't do what they are asked to do, which half of us don't want to do because I have been told to do. So it is my attitude, my rigidity, my stubbornness that makes me go low in life.

 So astrology plays the part of understanding the psychology of the universal intelligence when everything in life from centuries has been going in discipline. So it is just asking us that a fraction of our life starts going in the discipline, we will be able to navigate our way successfully. 

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To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

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