Tuesday 15 March 2016

Pisces Horoscope April 2016 : Peak Of Your Financial Year

Prosperity starts to happen, your financial intuition is even better now.

You have entered  the peak of your financial year on March 20th and this goes on for another month or so. Prosperity starts to happen, your financial intuition always good is even better now. There would be job opportunities happening too. If you are already employed there would be opportunities to expand in the existing scene or you may land a better job. The family remains supportive of your plans until the 6th on the 5th Venus enters your money house, this suggests earnings from trading, buying selling from sales marketing and PR.

Mars your financial planet spends the month on your 10th house of career. This shows that money is high on your priorities and that you are focused here. This transit also tends to prosperity and shows that you have the financial favor of those in authority, so pay rises happen. Everyone will be supportive of whatever you do and show appreciation in kind or money. Your good professional reputation boosts earnings.

On the 17th Mars starts to make one of his rare retrograde moves this happens only every two years, so earnings come with delays and glitches attached. But they still do come. From the 17th onwards your job is to gain mental clarity on your financial situation. Your plans or thinking might not be realistic avoid major purchases or important financial decisions after the 17th.

Last month the planetary power shifted to the bottom half of your horoscope, its like night fall in your year, so its the correct time to get involved internally and focus more on family and your emotional well being. You won’t be able to ignore your career as your 10th house is very strong all month but shifting energy towards family needs also should be balanced.

Health remains good all month if you want to enhance it further then giving attention to the head, face and scalp until the 19th rejuvenates your entire well being. After the 19th pay attention to the neck and throat.

Love remains happy but complicated as Mercury your love planet goes retrograde on the 28th . Singles get a lot of romantic opportunities with influential kinds of people especially on the 15th & 16th. There are also opportunities  in educational type settings seminars or while attending libraries, or lectures. The main issue for you is to bridge the differences with the beloved, as you do have diametrically opposite perspectives.

Retrograde is very strong this month from 18th onwards 40% of the planets are retrograde after 28th 50%. Patience is required to be cultivated, when you realize that delays happen because of retrograde then its easier to understand and handle situations and people.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on connect@dollymanghat.com with your date, time and place of birth.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

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