Tuesday 9 July 2024

Jupiter sextile True Node



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Dolly Manghat


Friday 5 July 2024

New Moon in Cancer


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Dolly Manghat

July 4th to 8th, 2024 - Passionate Energies of the New Moon in Cancer

In the cosmic tapestry where celestial bodies glide in harmonious discipline, the New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024, at 6:57 p.m. EST, emerges as a nurturing beacon in the night sky. This lunar embrace, tender and comforting, calls upon us to seek solace in the familiar and to cradle our spirits in the arms of emotional and spiritual nourishment.

Long ago, our ancestors looked to the skies and saw in the New Moon a time for renewal and beginnings. The same holds true today, as the New Moon's gentle light continues to inspire. In the nurturing sign of Cancer, this particular New Moon whispers of home, of the soft places where we can be our true selves without fear or pretense. As the Moon Waxes anew, it carries the ancient wisdom of Cancer—encouraging us to make room in our lives for what truly sustains us. It is a celestial invitation to plant seeds of intention in the fertile ground of our innermost needs, to cultivate a garden where our dreams may bloom with the promise of tomorrow. The New Moon in Cancer is not just an event; it is a timeless reminder that, though the heavens move in ceaseless cycles, the influence of such moments lingers. It beckons us to embrace new beginnings with the tenderness of a mother's touch and to remember that, in the quiet sanctuary of our hearts, we can always find our way back to the comfort of our own inner home. So let us heed the call of the New Moon in Cancer, for its bearings are as relevant now as they were in the days of yore. Let us find strength in softness and power in vulnerability, as we continue to navigate the ever-turning wheel of the stars. As the New Moon in Cancer casts its gentle glow, it speaks to us of the enduring legacy of celestial movements, their disciplined dance through the heavens shaping our lives in subtle, yet profound ways. This lunar event, occurring on July 5, 2024, at 6:57 p.m. EST, is not merely a moment in time but a continuation of an ancient rhythm that resonates through the ages. The New Moon's presence in the nurturing sign of Cancer is a soft murmur across the eons, a reminder that, though the stars and planets march forward, their influence remains as a constant guide. It is a time to retreat into the shell of introspection, to honor the sacred space within where our deepest emotions dwell. In this quietude, the New Moon invites us to cradle our dreams, to tend to the seeds of future aspirations with the same care one would give to a newborn. It is a period for emotional replenishment, for filling the well from which our compassion flows, and for recognizing the strength that lies in vulnerability. As we embrace the New Moon's call, we are encouraged to let go of the past, to release what no longer serves our highest good. It is a chance to cleanse our emotional palette, to start afresh with a heart unburdened by old hurts and resentments. The New Moon in Cancer beckons us to weave new narratives of care and connection, to build bridges of understanding that span the chasms of isolation. It is an opportunity to fortify the bonds of family and friendship, to create a sanctuary of support for ourselves and for those we hold dear. And so, as the New Moon rises, let us answer its call with open hearts. Let us find solace in the familiar, comfort in the embrace of loved ones, and courage in the quiet assurance that, as the celestial bodies move in their eternal discipline, they continue to bestow upon us their timeless wisdom. May this New Moon be a harbinger of healing and a herald of heartfelt beginnings. So let us heed the call of the New Moon in Cancer, for its bearings are as relevant now as they were in the days of yore. Let us find strength in softness and power in vulnerability, as we continue to navigate the ever-turning wheel of the stars. As our journey through the stars comes to a close, remember that this is but a glimpse into the vast expanse of celestial wisdom waiting to be explored. If your spirit yearns for deeper understanding, if your heart beats in rhythm with the cosmic pulse, then I invite you to delve further into the mysteries of the universe. Subscribe to my channel and visit my website dolly manghat.com. A voyage of discovery, where each newsletter is a starship transporting you to the farthest reaches of astrological knowledge. My “DM School of Celestial Wisdom” is where I teach how constellations reveal their secrets and the planets align to offer guidance on your path through life. Let the celestial bodies be your mentors, and the New Moon in Leo your inspiration. Embrace the call of the cosmos and the universal energies to lead a fulfilling life. Key Dates For Aug 2024 Aug-04 New Moon in Leo Aug-04 Venus enters Virgo Aug-05 Mercury Retrograde Aug-14 Mercury Rx enters Leo Aug-19 Full Moon in Aquarius Aug-19 Jupiter square Saturn Aug-22 Sun enters Virgo Aug-28 Mercury Direct Aug-29 Venus enters Libra Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com All Consultation Options Here: https://www.dollymanghat.com/consultation/ PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: https://dmtreasure.com/product/personalized-astrological-horoscope-report-varshaphal/ Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! https://www.dmtreasure.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manghatdolly/

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Jul 2024 Astrology Horoscope


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Key Dates For Jul 2024 Jul-02 Neptune Retrograde Jul-02 Mercury enters Leo Jul-05 New Moon in Cancer Jul-09 Jupiter sextile True Node Jul-11 Venus enters Leo Jul-20 Mars enters Gemini Jul-21 Full Moon in Capricorn Jul-22 Sun enters Leo Jul-25 Mercury enters Virgo Jul-26 Chiron Retrograde Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com All Consultation Options Here: https://www.dollymanghat.com/consultation/ PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: https://dmtreasure.com/product/personalized-astrological-horoscope-report-varshaphal/ Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! https://www.dmtreasure.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manghatdolly/

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Neptune Retrograde



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God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Friday 28 June 2024

Saturn Retrograde Reflections: Lessons on Life's Ledger Charting the Course of Duty and Karma


Saturn, also revered as Shani, is set to commence its retrograde journey in the sign of Aquarius on June 30, 2024. This celestial shift is indeed a momentous astrological event, poised to cast its influence across various aspects of our existence. However, there is no cause for alarm. Understanding the essence of Saturn's retrograde can empower us to navigate this period with grace and wisdom. Whichever sign it retrogrades, basically during its retrograde, Saturn invites us to revisit past lessons, particularly those related to discipline, structure, and long-term goals. It's a time for reflection, not fear—a chance to reassess our commitments and realign our paths with our true purpose. This period can bring about resolution in personal relationships, career advancements, and a call to prudent financial management. As we approach this significant transit, let us embrace the opportunity for growth and improvement that it offers. By comprehending the deeper implications of Saturn's retrograde, we can transform potential challenges into stepping stones for success and fulfilment. The concept of rights and duties is indeed a profound one. While many are aware of their rights, the awareness and fulfilment of duties can sometimes be overlooked. In the context of astrology, the Saturn retrograde is a period that encourages introspection and reflection on such matters. During Saturn retrograde, which occurs once every year and lasts about four and a half months, it is believed that Saturn's influence prompts us to review our responsibilities and the structures we've built in our lives. It's a time when we might feel a reprieve from Saturn's typical pressures, allowing us to contemplate our actions and whether we are living up to our potential and responsibilities. In 2024, the Saturn retrograde period begins on 29 and will end on November 15Th . This phase is seen as an opportunity to reassess our life's work, our discipline, and our commitment to duty. It's a chance to consider if we are indeed doing justice to what we receive and what we believe we deserve. A period when the results of our past actions, our karma, come back to us—highlighting the importance of being conscientious about our duties and the way we treat others. It's a reminder to be aware of our rights, and we should also be equally cognizant of our duties, ensuring a balance between what we take and what we give back to the world. This profound concept resonates deeply with many philosophical and spiritual traditions. The idea of karma—the law of cause and effect—emphasizes the significance of our actions and their repercussions. It's a universal principle suggesting that every action we take has a corresponding reaction, either in this life or in future existences. This theory if understood well, encourages us to live with awareness and responsibility, understanding that our actions, words, and thoughts can have far-reaching effects. It's a call to live ethically and with empathy, to treat others with kindness and respect, and to contribute positively to the world around us. Find coherence between our rights and duties, ensuring that we're not only mindful of what we're entitled to but also of what we owe to others and to society. It's a reminder to strive for a balance in giving and taking, to cultivate generosity, and to be mindful of the legacy we leave behind. The Saturn retrograde is not merely an astronomical occurrence; it is a symbolic invitation to ponder the delicate balance between our rights and our duties. In our pursuit of personal freedoms, we must not lose sight of the responsibilities that anchor us to our collective humanity. During this period, we are called to reflect upon the structures we have erected in our lives—be they personal ambitions, professional endeavours, or social commitments. It is a time to question, to reassess, and to realign our actions with our highest ideals. This phase is akin to a cosmic mirror, reflecting the outcomes of our past deeds—our karma—back to us. It serves as a poignant reminder that our actions ripple through time and space, influencing not just our own lives but the fabric of society itself. The ancient and enduring concept of karma—the law of cause and effect—resonates deeply during this time. It teaches us that every action has a consequence, and it is our duty to ensure that our contributions to the world are positive and life-affirming. In conclusion, the Saturn retrograde is a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all things. It is a call to live with purpose, integrity, and a deep sense of responsibility. Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manghatdolly/

Saturday 22 June 2024

21st Jun 2024 - Lunar Guidance: Embracing Capricorn's Full Moon Wisdom (International Yoga Day)


Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com All Consultation Options Here: https://www.dollymanghat.com/consultation/ PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: https://dmtreasure.com/product/personalized-astrological-horoscope-report-varshaphal/ Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! https://www.dmtreasure.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manghatdolly/