Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Crow Drops Dead Animals. What Does It Mean?


Crow is dropping dead animals in my balcony. Is that a black magic? Dolly Manghat explains what does it mean.
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Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Pigeon Sounds And Quarrels


Dolly Manghat answers interesting questions from her dear YouTube subscribers and channel viewers. Keep asking your questions below and our #AskDolly segment will help address them.

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Monday, 13 November 2023

New Moon In Scorpio - 13th Nov 2023 - Capability To Transform And Give Birth To A New Self


Scorpio is a sign of Birth, death & regeneration. It is also raw primitive and instinctive. Being an emotional sign it’s also very intense and invokes fire, anger, jealousy and obsession in its highest forms. Those who feel this intensity also represent strength and courage. During the next 8-10 days you are bound to feel strongly from within for yourself. With potent Lunar energies you are Capable of transforming and give birth to a new self. As you put closures to the past and negative energies you feel liberated and free. As you experience this evolutionary perspective you are confidently paving way for the new and progressive life.

The Moon in Scorpio which is potent and resourceful trine Neptune, and in conjunct with Mars signals us to take actions and work towards whatever we deeply desire from our heart. Recognize and remember that Scorpio is a sign of resilience, power, obsessive and controlling. It’s the perfect time to deal with our inner emotions, by facing the truths and acknowledging our deep longings. The universe conspires and wants us to manifest our desires, for desires are what keep us motivated into work. Intuitions are sharper than usual during this time helping us to take right decisions at the right time. Allow the energies seep through you and go with what your heart prompts. The period for the next ten days is virtuous, noble precise & the right feeling that you are experiencing. Since Mars is also in action and invokes are deepest thoughts and feelings, some of us would be feeling frustrated, irritable and feel the urge to act rashly and impetuously. Having the fire ignited within take deep breathes and align yourself to set boundaries and protect yourself from negative energies. Take the courage to purge any people or situations, from your life that no longer give you happiness. Saturn last month while going direct initiated you into reinventing the structure of your life, the New Moon gives you even more clarity with Neptune wanting you to live your desires, Mars helps you take the right steps towards happiness. Picking up the cues projected by the New Moon in cahoots with Neptune and Mars will give you a feeling of wholesomeness and completeness.

Be prepared for sudden & abrupt changes in your thinking pattern because New Moon is in opposition to Uranus, hence our heart and mind is sure struggling to find the perfect balance or wanting to do the right thing in making decisions. It always is tough to get out of our comfort zones, but if we are to evolve, we need to shake up, break down and then break through. Uranus is maverick by nature, it loves newness in every form, since it has activated Mars making it volatile, you could experience sudden outbursts & separations. Actually, it’s the deep-seated repressed resentments that are being aired. At the same time Lunar energies are helping control our brashness & impulses. Every situation in life can be dealt with a firm and determined approach rather than aggression. Action you must take but do it with confident energies, and when you are sure of yourself situations, people can be dealt with calmly, it doesn’t require a rage of emotions. Until and unless Uranus jump starts the process of awareness, we will not be able to take action, which is the requirement of the present period. Just ensure that you stay away from power struggles, rebellious behaviors or trying to push the boundaries.
The process of Lunar energies always illuminates the right path for us to walk on. When Neptune, Uranus and Mars are in different aspects to the Moon we can easily expect the unexpected. You don’t have to fear, resist or control anything, just go with the flow and be confident of utilizing your energies in the most productive way. A little bit of anger is important to speak your truth, a little bit of frustration is important to feel your truth a little bit of irritability is required to understand which part of you requires a transformation.
We have time and again been reminded that even though life is at the whimsical mercy of fate, but what is in our power is how we control our energies and use them constructively. Most of the times it’s our ignorance and attitude that triggers the unexpected events. With Mars in opposition to Uranus, it’s important to realize that it’s our actions – or inactions – that invokes Uranus. It’s our desires – expressed or repressed – that ignites the spark leading to change. So the important pointers for the comes days are that its important to adhere to the dictates of heart and understand our deep rooted desires and thoughts we need to manifest them now. Without feeling compelled or pushed it’s important to listen to your heart and work towards the changes that you feel like making in your day to day discipline of life. Even though we speak about Uranus being Maverick yet its potency prompts our conscience to wake up and take cognizance of our life. life is meant to be enjoyed and lived fully. Liberation and freedom is the result when you take responsibility of your own self. Be independent of thought word and action, don’t wait for things or situations to change make the efforts and sow the seeds that you would like to reap. Be realistic in your views, capability and ability to transform your life. If we haven’t got what we wanted (yet) there is a reason for that – and that reason may have nothing to do with others, but with ourselves.
The positive change we can make during this period helps us sow the healthy seeds for our happy and successful future. Be confident of accepting reality and it will surely help us usher in new opportunities as we open new doors.
While I confront and uncover the mysteries of my life I just know that the plutonian energies of Scorpio will be a catalyst for alchemy and creation. I can assure the same for you, spend time with yourself be resilient and resurrect your energies.
The New Moon is a reminder that we can always start again. And the New Moon in Scorpio augurs us to strengthen our auras which would attract positive energies conducive for our health wealth and happiness.
Soon after the New Moon The Sun and Mars meet in Scorpio urging us to embark upon our journey of laying foundations of the life that we envisage as our true worth. Love yourself as you love the world.
Once again wishing you all a very happy and prosperous festive season. Transformation from deep within will help us usher in 2024 with more confidence, goodwill and happiness. Be the beacon of light and create your world. I always keep in mind that your thoughts & words shape your reality. Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com All Consultation Options Here: https://www.dollymanghat.com/consultation/ PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: https://dmtreasure.com/product/personalized-astrological-horoscope-report-varshaphal/ Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! https://www.dmtreasure.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com #ScorpioNewMoon #HappyDiwali

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Dream of A Friend And Black Snake Biting Me - What Does It Mean?


Dolly Manghat answers interesting questions from her dear YouTube subscribers and channel viewers. In this snippet, she interprets her subscriber's dream.
Keep asking your questions below and our #AskDolly segment will help address them.

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Tuesday, 7 November 2023

All About Gemstones


In this video, Dolly Manghat talks about gemstones. Gemstones are to be worn to regulate the energies in your body. By knowing the date, time and place of birth we can find out which energies are deficient and which are overabundant.

Looking for a personal gemstone reading?
Write to me with your full name, date-time-place of birth on connect@dollymanghat.com to get details about what gemstones suit you best and method of procuring them.

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Sunday, 5 November 2023

4th Nov 2023 - Saturn Stations Direct Urging Us To Resurrect And Restructure Our Life


Please write to us on connect@dollymanghat.com with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website https://www.dollymanghat.com All Consultation Options Here: https://www.dollymanghat.com/consultation/ PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: https://dmtreasure.com/product/personalized-astrological-horoscope-report-varshaphal/ Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! https://www.dmtreasure.com God Bless @DollyManghat https://www.dollymanghat.com #SaturnDirect #ShaniMargi #SaturnInPisces