Thursday, 21 September 2023
Venus Retrograde For Venus In Scorpio: Focus On Career
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Venus Retrograde, Leo in 9th House: Be Independent
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Mercury In Big Focus This Virgo New Moon As It Goes Direct - Getting Back In Action With Energy
Today September the14th, 2023 we have a New Moon at 21° in
Virgo. This is one of the most auspicious – and most important – New Moons of
the year.
The ruler of the New Moon in Virgo, Mercury, stations direct
within hours of this lunation. You will feel a paradigm shift within yourself,
it feels as if you are more than equipped to make your life more meaningful and
productive. Situations which made you feel nervous or stuck take a magical turn
around and start moving forward working in your favour.
Basically your energies are invigorated & aligned with these planets, which are stationed to go direct. They are pushing and motivating you to shift your energies into fulfilling your destiny or work. Most of the time we are thinking about how life should be rather than living it. If only we start understanding the language of the universal intelligence we can then discover how to utilise their energies constructively and productively to our advantage. Every month the luminaries especially the Moon helps us navigate our emotions productively..
After the toughness of the last two months September brings relief, with Venus having gone direct on September 4th. On the 15th Mercury is going direct following the new Moon of 14th.
In addition there are no more Saturn and Pluto oppositions instead a beautiful grand trine. The New Moon in Virgo is engaged in a beautiful Grand Earth trine with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This Grand Trine is really blessed as we are rewarded abundantly for the hard work we have been putting in the past. or better still it initiates and gives us a new opportunity to awaken our creativity and put it to better use. Trines are always follow the squares, once we have risen and faced our challenges boldly in life, we always gain in the bargain. Now is the time to lay strong foundations in order to achieve the goals we have set in our minds.
With Venus coming out of its hibernation and Mercury now stationed to go direct, it’s time to embrace the lessons learned and move forward with renewed Virgoan wisdom and clarity. If you are capable of dreaming it, then you are also capable of achieving it. Before we enter the season of Libra utilise Virgo’s logical approach which helps you navigate your way.
There is even more support from the universe as The New Moon
Grand Trine is also activated by a Neptune opposition, forming an aspect
pattern called Kite.
With Neptunian energies we are able to push our creative
limits by thinking out of box, and make a mark for ourselves. It’s the perfect
time to believe in yourself and work towards doing things which others may be
wary off, but should others opinion matter? My advice is you walk your talk,
you just need the strength & support of your conviction.
Make the decision to follow your dream, the whole universe (Neptune sextile Pluto and Uranus) collaborates in your favour. Remember those who dare to dream and manifest are the ones who are trend setters.
With Sun, Moon and Mercury in close proximity, situations ease out as we start moving towards happiness & success once again. Summing it all up with the shift of five major planets in September, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Saturn we can expect a distinct shift in our attitude and psyche. With mercury going direct impacting our intellect we feel more confident in executing our plans and Jupiter even though its retrograde still supports our growth in all sectors of our life. Venus is also in alignment with our thoughts. It’s as if our intellect paves the way for our desires and feelings to manifest in its truest form.
According to the Vedic astrology The combination of Mercury and Sun adjacent to each other gives rise to Budh-Aditya Yoga which bestows the energies & confidence to develop our intellect and authority. Or as I would say with our psyche getting stronger, faith and confidence in one’s ability automatically gets a boost.
September has a lot of astronomical as well as astrological significance for it is an equinox month. As we get ready to welcome the autumn season, with most of the planets in their full element it’s time to dispense with the old and embrace new beginnings. Be mindful of the present, learn from your past. We all have it in us to recognise our true self-worth, as the universal intelligence blesses each one of us and supports us in improving our present which shapes our future. We only need to be open to the universal blessings.
New Moon and Mercury direct are conjunct in the sign of Virgo. We’re living in a time of drastic, unpredictable change. Our Old thoughts processes will need to be changed in order to adopt the new norm in our lives. Acknowledging this transition and by introspecting, by delving deeply within, the connection we form with our soul helps us reclaim the aspects of us that long to be alive. Encourage yourself and be a self-motivator, utilise this profound time by journaling your thoughts making time for exercise or meditation.
The thoughts that we seed at the time of the New Moon,
eventually blossoms into something beautiful and magical especially when
Neptunian energies are also in play. This lunation cycle, our dreams can come true, only we have
to do our bit by casting our intentions and giving the due importance in
executing it. Take advantage of this energy, write down the intentions without
wasting any more time. Get into your space.
Set clear goals: if what you want is not quantifiable, make it as specific as
you can.
Get information and facts together, Mercury in Virgo goes direct after
this lunation, giving you the clarity you need. Virgo-stellium Malcolm Gladwell came up with the
"10,000-hour rule," which suggests that it takes roughly 10,000 hours
of practice or dedication to achieve mastery in a particular field or skill. So
don’t be impatient or give up. Nothing is achieved over night Rome wasn’t built
in a day.
Be persistent and consistent especially if you have the
conviction of your thoughts.
The sign Virgo prompts and advises us, that it does make a big difference,
if we give due importance to planning & by giving attention to
details. We should never forget that this is the age of Aquarius so
think collectively. You don’t have to carry the atlas on your shoulders, but
just need to understand that all your actions shouldn’t harm anyone. Learn to
create for yourself that can helps others too.
Focus on having a positive impact, create a supportive energy field that is aligned with that of the universe. Further along in the month after 5-6 days ,The equinox also happens in the Libra sign which is all about justice & balancing act of equality – equality doesn’t mean equal amounts of the same thing. It just means bringing forward & creating together, with whatever we can in terms of intelligence personal or professional aspects. In the Libra season, it is relatively easier connecting with people, when we think collectively by putting the “we” before “me”, and reaching Win-Win outcomes.
You need to find out from your Natal chart which house/ or sector of your life does the sign Virgo & Libra occupy. For its that particular house or sector of your life which gains importance this month and the month after. The Moon reflects your emotions your inner self. New Moon in Virgo is reflecting In the sign of Virgo in your Natal chart, hence it urges you to work towards speaking your truth and making improvements in that particular house / or sector of your life.
It’s Dolly Manghat signing soon I will connect with Stay Blessed.
** Key Dates in Sep 2023 ** Sep-03 Venus Goes Direct Sep-04 Jupiter Turns Retrograde Sep-14 New Moon In Virgo Sep-15 Mercury Goes Direct Sep-23 Sun enters Libra Sep-29 Full Moon in Aries Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website All Consultation Options Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #Sepust2023Horoscope #DollyManghatAstrology #ContemporaryAstrology #Sepust2023Predictions #Sepust2023Astrology God Bless @DollyManghat
Effect of Venus Retrograde and Venus Direct Over Transiting Venus
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Venus Retrograde For Capricorn Ascendant: Get Out of Toxic Relationship
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Venus Retrograde For Gemini Ascendant: Think With Your Mind
Monday, 11 September 2023
Venus Retrograde For Taurus Ascendant: Don't Take Action