Sunday, 25 June 2023

Can Saturn In 12th House Of Natal Chart Lead To Addictions?

Saturn The Great Teacher Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-2)

Learn to guide your Saturn energies to bring abundance in your life. Join the course now.

Can Saturn In 12th House Of Natal Chart Lead To Addictions?

Dolly Manghat answers interesting questions from her dear YouTube subscribers and channel viewers. Keep asking your questions below and our AskDolly segment will help address them.

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Friday, 23 June 2023

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 4 - All About Eclipses

Eclipses And Nodal Energies Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-4)

Don't let fear hold you back! Acquire the knowledge and understanding needed to harness the positive potential of eclipses. Sign up today.

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 4 - All About Eclipses

Integrated Astrology - Level 02 - Slab 4 Eclipses

- The deeper meaning of eclipses

- Eclipses and lunar nodes

- The story of your evolving soul

- Karma and Free will

- The types of eclipses

- Subtle and powerful differences among them

- Saros cycle advanced technique

- Eclipses in your natal chart

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Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Lunar Eclipse Webinar Snippets To Activate The Inner Divine...

Eclipses And Nodal Energies Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-4)

The most misunderstood of all cosmic and astrological phenomenons, the eclipses are gateways into your subconscious aspirations and dark areas. If explored with excitement, there are treasures to be unearthed and lead a consciously successful life.

Lunar Eclipse Webinar Snippets To Activate The Inner Divine...

Snippets from the Lunar Eclipse webinar conducted on 6th May 2023.

We have the power to activate and supercharge the inner divine through the Moon and Sun.

With the Nodes, certain energies get triggered getting us to eliminate some of our old tendencies (South) and urges us to move toward our progress (North). These planetary energies peak during the cosmic vibration of eclipses and give us extra energy to charge ourselves to delve into our divine powers...

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Tuesday, 20 June 2023

What Mahadasha Are You Running?

Decoding The Mahadashas Webinar Recording

Both the Tropical And Vedic Astrology systems have their differences and similarities when interpreting the stars. However, due to certain biases or confusion, we tend to follow one system debunking the other one completely. Contemporary Astrology bridges this gap between these two systems by integrating their profound knowledge and principles.

Mahadashas and Antardashas are powerful cosmic energy periods in our life. The main planet (known as Lord of dasha) period imparts its energies on you. Then there are antardashas (9 under every mahadasha) where other planets add their flavours to the main energy.

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What Is The Significance Of Number 3 In Numerology?

In numerology, the number 3 is considered to be a creative and joyful number that represents growth, expansion, and optimism. It is associated with creativity, self-expression, communication, and social skills. People with the energy of the number 3 tend to be optimistic, energetic, and charming, and they are often seen as inspirational and creative individuals who enjoy life and bring a positive attitude to those around them.


Numerology is the study of numbers and their impact on our lives. In this field, each number holds a specific significance and meaning. Number three, in particular, holds a lot of importance in numerology as it is directly linked to the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is considered to be the most significant planet in our zodiac. It is known to be the planet of expansion and abundance, and its impact on an individual's life is significant. When it comes to numerology, the planet Jupiter is represented by the number three.

One of the key traits of Jupiter is intelligence. In numerology, the number three is used to determine a person's intelligence and how far they can go with it. It is believed that the extent of a person's intelligence is directly linked to Jupiter, and how it is placed in their birth chart can reveal a lot about their intellectual abilities.

Another important aspect of Jupiter is its expansive nature. The planet is known to be expansive in its impact on a person's life, and this is reflected in the number three in numerology. Whether the impact of Jupiter is positive or negative depends on the position of Jupiter in a person's birth chart. In numerology, the number three is used to indicate how far a person can expand, positively or negatively, in their life.

In conclusion, number three is of great importance in numerology as it represents the planet Jupiter. Jupiter, with its expansive nature and impact on intelligence, holds a significant place in our zodiac and is reflected in the numerology number three. When it comes to analysing a person's birth chart, the position of number three can reveal a lot about their intellectual abilities and the extent of their expansion in life.

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Monday, 19 June 2023

Pluto Goes Retrograde - Slow Shift In Foundations Of Our Innermost Psyche And Society At Large

Pluto The Transformer Integrated Astrology Course Level-2 (Slab-3)

The fact of life is that Pluto insists on building our strength of mind. When you come to understand your own inner realities, you are full of capabilities. Pluto personally is integral, as this potent planet help us venture into the deepest parts of our minds and hearts. The retrograde influences our understanding profoundly in order to resolve the issues we are or were faced with.

Pluto Goes Retrograde - Slow Shift In Foundations Of Our Innermost Psyche And Society At Large

** Key Dates in May 2023 **

May 1 Pluto Retrograde

May 5 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

May 14 Mercury Direct

May 17 Jupiter square Pluto

May 19 New Moon in Taurus

May 21 Sun enters Gemini

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Sunday, 18 June 2023

New Moon in Gemini - Ready To Explore And Experience Our Surroundings Through Our Core Perceptions?


Even though the New Moon is hardly visible yet its energies are potent & powerful. All new Moons mark new beginnings of a brand new Lunar cycle. Since New Moons occur when the Sun joins forces with the Moon in the same degree of a Zodiac. Which also implies that now your ambitions can overpower your emotions. You could manifest your energies passionately by focusing on whatever is the most important to you. New moons are very potent and supercharged it’s a divine synergy of these two luminaries.

This New moon is also witnessing a powerful square alignment to ambiguous Neptune in Pisces. This the energy could potentially trigger feelings of restlessness and/or uncertainty. In other words, getting the answers you’ve been seeking could bring up more questions, and doubts. However, this is where we’re being encouraged to be calm and surrender ourselves to the path carved for us by the universal intelligence with faith. Time to stop analysing or thinking too much.

Do not give way to self-doubt.
Even though Neptune is associated with illusion, deception, and things that are not what they seem. Yet like planets have a role to play in our lives, Neptune endeavours to help us discover our creative levels. Dreams and hopes carry us forward in life. How we integrate our creativity in our daily lives makes us passionate about the tasks we undertake. Success is all about enjoying wat we do or doing what makes us happy.
** Key Dates in Jun 2023 **
Jun 18 New Moon in Gemini
Jun 19 Jupiter sextile Saturn
Jun 30 Neptune Retrograde

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