5th FEB 2023 Full Moon In LeoLast month Jan 2023 was all about setting your targets and goals for the year ahead. The positions of the main plainest these months are:- Pluto in Capricorn urging to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and rebuild our life by believing in ourselves no matter what you have gone through in the past. we need to learn during the process of life as its events are greats teachers. Neptune in Pisces helps us to look within and believe in our dreams. Uranus in Taurus urges us to utilise our intelligence in the best possible way to achieve independence, believe in your potentials and take steps forward to build life, our way. Saturn in Aquarius teaches us to progress and build foundations that will not only benefit us but the world at large. And Jupiter In Aries indicates that initiations taken now will expand in the desired manner, whatever you focus on will manifest. What you believe in expands. More so all the planets are moving forward, helping us to move on in our life and look optimistically towards reaping the rewards of our hard labor.
** Key Dates in Feb 2023 **
Feb 5 - Full Moon in Leo
Feb-11 - Mercury enters Aquarius
Feb-18 - Sun enters Pisces
Feb-20 - New Moon in Pisces
Feb-20 - Venus enters Aries
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