Friday, 23 December 2022

DM Calendar 2022 - Chiron Goes Direct

Chiron in Aries means you are more likely to live and breathe the concept of self-mastery. As Chiron is also a planet of healing, this placement asks you to integrate lessons from your past into your present situation.

So when Chiron goes direct, it shows us our wound, and what we can do to heal it. But when retrograde, Chiron would have us go deep into the source of our inner anguish, sink into every painful memory and every trigger, so that we can come face-to-face with our wound, before we are ready to move forward and heal again.

By locating Chiron in your astrological chart we come to understand our inner most sadness or causes of worry.
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DM Calendar 2022 - New Moon In Capricorn


New Moon In Capricorn

The New Moon today in Capricorn prepares us for transformations through the manifestation of our heart, listen to your heart and take the steps. Whereas Chiron going direct helps us heal our wounds of the past.
Jupiter direct in Aries on the 20th Dec nudged us towards renewing our self-beliefs, the new Moon todays helps manifest or sow our seeds of transformation and desires. The Chiron helps us to heal our souls utilising our lessons learnt for the benefit of uplifting others in our vicinity. December 2022’s new moon falls in the no-nonsense cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, which is one of the most self-motivated signs of the whole zodiac. Looking for a PERSONAL CONSULTATION? Please write to us on with your birth details and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly or fill out the form on our website All Consultation Options Here: PERSONALIZED ANNUAL HOROSCOPE (Birthday to Birthday) Learn More: Download Astro eBooks, Calendars and Planners from our store! #2023Horoscope #2023Predictions #2023Astrology #ContemporaryAstrology #DollyManghatAstrology God Bless @DollyManghat

New Moon in Capricorn


New Moon in Capricorn

This year, Capricorn, your health is generally good.

23 December, New Moon In Capricorn ..!!

Pluto is in your sign for the majority of the year shouldn't cause you too much trouble because you've been dealing with this for more than 2️0 years and should be able to manage it by now.

Just short-term planets are traveling through your sixth house of health, and those planets' effects are also only temporary. I am confident that this is good for your health. Therefore, don't pay too much attention because nothing is wrong.

Major Events in 2023 :

Mar 07 Saturn shifts to Pisces.

Mar 23 Pluto moves into Aquarius.

Apr 20 Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

May 05 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse during the Full Moon

May 16 Jupiter moves into Taurus.

Oct-14 Oct. 28: Libra New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular)

The year 2023 is all about churning the ocean of your unconscious so that you could bring out your talents to their full potential and live the life of your dreams through your own efforts. Become the person you want to be.

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Thursday, 22 December 2022

Aries 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth And Happiness.


Aries 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth, And Happiness.

2023 is an action-packed & prosperous year both for you and the world at large. The cosmic chess board is being rearranged as three long-term planets change signs in 2023, which is a rare phenomenon. Pluto will move (temporarily) out of your 10th house of career into your 11th house. He will drift to and fro between the two houses this year, and the next. On March 8th Saturn, your career planet will leave Aquarius, where he's been for over two years, and will move into Pisces. Jupiter, which is now in your own sign, will move into your money house on May 17. 

Health is good this year. The long-term planets are either making harmonious aspects or are leaving you alone. Sometimes in the year the short-term planets can cause some stress, and your health and energy could be less than usual at these times, but these are temporary things, not trends for the year.

** Key Dates in 2023 **
Mar-07 Saturn enters Pisces
Mar-23 Pluto enters Aquarius
Apr-20 New Moon Solar Eclipse (A. Total) in Aries
May-05 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May-16 Jupiter enters Taurus
Oct-14 New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra
Oct-28 Full Moon LUNAR Eclipse in Taurus

To know more about Dolly Manghat, Subscribe to her YouTube channel.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

21 Dec Sun Enters Capricorn


When The Sun Enters Capricorn, What Should You Expect?

21 Dec Sun enters Capricorn, Indulge your sense of humor, and do not be afraid of showcasing your potential and talent.

When the Sun enters Capricorn, you can expect to feel a renewed sense of focus and determination. This is a great time to set your sights on some long-term goals and start putting in the work to make them happen.

But while Capricorn is all about ambition and achievement, it's also important to remember to nurture yourself along the way. Make sure you take the time to rest and recharge, or you'll quickly burn out.

And don't forget to enjoy the journey! Yes, Capricorn is all about reaching the finish line, but that doesn't mean you can't stop and smell the roses along the way.

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To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth And Happiness


Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth, And Happiness.

Jupiter, the ruler of your Horoscope, and thus a very important planet in your chart, will be in your 5th house of fun and creativity until May 17. This is a fun period in your life. It's party time. A happy-go-lucky period. Personal creativity will be strong. Women of childbearing age are more fertile, and in general, there is more interest in children and children figures in your life.

Saturn joining Neptune in a stressful aspect for you makes your health more delicate this year. By itself, this alignment would not be so bad, but when other short-term planets make stressful aspects in addition, you can become vulnerable to problems. You should not ignore niggling ailments. A stitch in time saves nine.

** Key Dates in 2023 **
Mar-07 Saturn enters Pisces
Mar-23 Pluto enters Aquarius
Apr-20 New Moon Solar Eclipse (A. Total) in Aries
May-05 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May-16 Jupiter enters Taurus
Oct-14 New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra
Oct-28 Full Moon LUNAR Eclipse in Taurus

To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.

Monday, 19 December 2022

Leo Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth And Happiness


Leo Horoscope - Churning The Ocean Of Health, Wealth, And Happiness

Would you like to know about Leo's 2023 horoscope and its effects on your life??

Great !!! all you need to connect with Astrologer and Life coach Dolly Manghat.

Here she explains in short about planets and their effects.

Saturn's move from Aquarius to Pisces on March 8th  Improves overall health and energy More Importantly, the love life is improved. With Saturn In your 8th  house of regeneration for the next two and half years, you will have to be more careful in amorous matters. There will be a need to focus more on quality rather than quantity, you would need to be more choosy. more discerning, Saturn In your health planet demands discipline.

Health and energy are much improved this year. Saturn, your health planet, will move away from his stressful aspect to you on March 8. Pluto will put some slight stress on you from March 24 to June 12 - but this will only impact those of you born early in Leo July 22-24). Most of you won't feel it this year.

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To know more about Dolly Manghat, follow her on Facebook.