Sunday, 1 November 2020

Nov 2020 Horoscope Predictions - All Zodiac Signs

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Finally after Moon cojoined Uranus in Taurus the truth of our life is in plain view, for every one of us see. To a point, where with our much required transformation we all can create our reality.
Beliefs create your world. Become the change you want to see around you.
The festive season has already started so let’s make a collective decision to change our inner core and spread it in the universe. With All planets now almost going to go direct we must execute our plans and redefine ourselves.
Your Horoscope Nov 2020 is curated and analysed expertly through time & space.
While creating the horoscope of Nov 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on you in Nov 2020.
The effects of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu on your zodiac sign have been thoroughly analysed in this horoscope.
Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.
Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness.
An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.
Get your Natal/ yearly charts through

Friday, 30 October 2020

Taurus Full Moon On 30th Oct 20 - Prepared For "In Your Face" Reality?


The second full moon of the month (the blue moon), this Taurus full moon has some powerful connections. Conjunct with Uranus (Rahu also in Taurus) and Mercury Retrograde, this Moon is ready to shake up your mind, emotions, super conscious and sub conscious all at the same time. All set? You will come face to face with reality (that always existed but you either ignored or turned a blind eye on) for a correction or completion. Not to worry, this is all part of the cosmic plan to put things in the right perspective for you. Absorb the energy, learn your lessons and gear up for November 2020. Looking for a personal consultation? Write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help setup your consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat #TaurusFullMoon #BlueMoon #LunarEnergy #MoonInTaurus #MoonUranusConjunction

Friday, 16 October 2020

Third Mercury Retrograde Of The Year - Natal and Transit Energies For Zodiac Signs

In the first video, we discussed how do the Mercury Retrograde energies impact us and the real meaning of this retrograde energy? Why understanding this Mercury vibration is so important? How can it be used powerfully too? Mercury's square with Uranus, coupled with Mars opposing the Sun is creating a lot of "heat" and as your zodiac sign experiences this period, you'd need to realize what aspect of life is being touched upon? Where do you really need to look at for corrections and realignments? We find all that out here in this video. Looking for a consultation? Please write to us on with your date-time-place of birth and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat
Personal Consultations:
School of Contemporary Astrology
Corporate Coaching
#MercuryRetrograde #MercuryTransit #MercuryDirect #BuddhVakri #MercurySquareUranus #MarsOpposeSun

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Mercury Retrograde - Time For Correct Action, Not A Quick One

As Mercury goes retrograde a third time this year, its time of fine adjustments, double checks and overcoming confusion. Wonderful time to reflect on the past. Your intuition will be very high in this period and coincidences will be experienced.
Double Checks during this period
- Travel Plans
- Project Reviews
- Contracts/Agreements
- Communication
This is a good time to review where to put your energy? Are you doing it the right away or scattering it all away? Time to redo actions the correct way. Reflection will help. Its like going Retrograde ourselves to realign and restructure ourselves.
Looking for a consultation?
Write to us with your details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#MercuryRetrograde #MercuryDirect #MercuryTransit #MercurySquareUranus #DollyManghatAstrology

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Pluto Direct And Upcoming October 2020 Aspects - Squares, Sextiles, Oppositions and Retrogrades

As Pluto Direct starts energizing your structured (Saturn) beliefs (Jupiter), the energies in October will be challenging your wants vs the cosmic wants. The flurry of activity starting with the start and end of the full moons, the most powerful new moon on 16th, the Mercury retrograde and the extremely squaring Mars-Saturn energy will be testing but rewarding if understood and well managed.
Understanding your natal and transit positions of these planets in your horoscope will help you navigate your energies in areas where the impacts are indicated. Experience the energy and utilize it to build your life of health, wealth and happiness.
Looking for a consultation?
Write to us with your details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.

New eClass Starts 10th Oct 2020
Signup Here:
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
#PlutoDirect #Oct2020Transits #Oct2020Horoscope #Oct2020PlanetaryAspects

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Oct 2020 Horoscope Predictions

Oct 2020
#Oct2020 #HoroscopePredictions for all #ZodiacSigns

Your Horoscope Oct 2020 is curated and analyzed expertly through time & space. 

While creating the horoscope of Oct 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on you in Oct 2020. 

The effects of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Rahu on your zodiac sign have been thoroughly analyzed in this horoscope.

Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.

Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness. 

An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.

Get your Natal/Yearly charts through  


Amazon Books:

By #DollyManghat

#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Saturn Turns Direct - What Does It Mean For Your Zodiac?

Saturn begins to roll direct bringing keywords like order, structure, discipline, system into focus. Saturn will now start to put things in order once again (or wake us up from habits that are not in conformance with the system or order). Its time to get dedicated, disciplined and determined to organize your life of health, wealth and happiness.

In this video, Dolly Manghat explains the Saturn energy impact on each zodiac sign and why/what does it demand from each one of us? Why are Saturn lessons tough and the real power out of those lessons? Please watch full video.
Looking for a consultation?
Write to us with your date-time-place of birth to and we will help schedule your consultation accordingly.
God Bless

#SaturnDirect #ShaniMargi #ShaniGochar #SaturnTransit #SaturnInCapricorn #SaturnAstrology