Sunday, 5 July 2020

Lunar Eclipse Of 4th-5th Jul 2020 - Every Zodiac TRANSFORMATION Guide

While Part 1 of the video focused on the general transformation that we have been undergoing over the past few weeks/months (Check video here: ), this video talks about the impact of this transformation on each zodiac sign.
- How will the lunar eclipse energies bring about transformation for your zodiac sign?
- What areas of life do you need to address and transform?
- What to keep? What to let go?
Watch video for insights and guidance.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Please write to us with your details to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
#LunarEclipseJul20 #LunarEclipse #PenumbralLunarEclipse #ChandraGrahan #Chandra #MoonEclipse #SolarEclipse

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Lunar Eclipse On 4th-5th Jul 2020 - Culmination of The TRANSFORMATION TRIAD Of Eclipses

3 Eclipses in a month has been phenomenal... coupled with a flurry of other cosmic events (retrogrades, directs, conjunctions), this has been one period that has transformed human history forever. The Covid19 situation is manifestation of this cosmic churn. There is a reason...
TRANSFORMATION has been the keyword.
All of us have been transforming definitely albeit slowly into self-realization and understanding purity of intent through a rigour of emotions - anger, frustration, irritation, sadness, helplessness, aggression, etc. All this was part of the cosmic plan to evolve us to the next level of consciousness.
In this video, Dolly Manghat explains the energies of this latest Cancer-Capricorn axis eclipse powered by the South Node (Ketu) - bringing in the limelight on the past and past karma. Our actions then have resulted in where we are and Rahu (North Node) guides us on where we are headed?
Looking for a personal consultation?
Write to us with your date-time-place of birth on
Our admin team will help you set up a consultation accordingly.
Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.
Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness.
An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Productive School Of Contemporary Astrology:
Amazon Books:
#LunarEclipseJul20 #LunarEclipse #SolarEclipse #ChandraGrahan #MoonEclispe #RahuKetu

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Pluto-Jupiter Conjunction: 2nd Conjunction of 2020 - Intellectual Disruption And Innovation Energies

As Jupiter and Pluto meet in the sky, a second time this year (they will meet again in Nov 2020) in Capricorn, we are going to see a big, powerful energy of intellect and disruption evolving. While Jupier magnifies Pluto disruption ability, Pluto will provide action to develop Jupiter wisdom further. This period promises to be a period of intellectual/healing disruption, innovation and corrections cosmically at a global or community level. Watch and listen Dolly Manghat explains the energies of both the planets, what happens when they conjunct and how does the house they are sitting in (Capricorn ruled by Saturn is also overlooking them) impacts the cosmos at large and also individuals in it. Please read on ... Looking for a personal consultation? Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless #DollyManghat #JupiterPlutoConjunctionJun20 #JupiterTransit #PlutoTransit #Capricorn #JupiterSaturnConjunctDec20 #SaturnPlutoConjunctJan20 #DollyManghatAstrology

Jul 2020 Horoscope Predictions

#Jul2020 #HoroscopePredictions for all #ZodiacSigns

By #DollyManghat

Your Horoscope Jul 2020 is curated and analysed expertly through time & space. 
While creating the horoscope of Jul 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on you in Jul 2020. The effects of major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu on your zodiac sign have been thoroughly analysed in this horoscope.

Start the new month with new beginnings. 
Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.

Looking for a personal consultation?
Write to us with your date-time-place of birth on
Our admin team will help you set up a consultation accordingly.

Start the new month with new beginnings. Learn all about the possibilities that this month will bring for you in the coming months.
Getting your natal chart will help you charter your life through self-awareness. 
An Yearly Chart will help you structure your life.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat
Productive School Of Contemporary Astrology:
Amazon Books:

#Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

Playlist of All Videos:

Saturday, 27 June 2020

The Astrology School - New Courses, Batches, Learning Modes and Much More....

Hi All,

A lot of subscribers and viewers have been patiently waiting for the launch of new courses, batches and learning modes of: 
Productive School of Contemporary Astrology 

The May and Jun 2020 batches have been a great experience for all trainees and my team. "Contemporary Astrology" has  transformed them. 

They have decoded my mantra - "Don't Live Predictions, Build Your Own Prophecies" through this learning and ready to evolve their and other lives...

Based on feedback and inputs from our students, followers and prospects, we have re-framed our course curriculum to facilitate easier learning as well as convenient modes to learn at your pace and preferred style.

Check out the All New Course Curriculum here

Choose from **Foundation** and **Transformation** Courses. 

**Modes of Learning**
Want to learn from master herself in an eClass?
Choose DMark (next batch starts 11th Jul 2020, Sat-Sun weekends for convenience)

Comfortable with self learning at your own pace?
Choose DMand (starts immediately)

Want to have best of both the worlds?
Choose DMystify (starts immediately)

Note: If you have already applied earlier but couldn't join the current batch, just write back to my admin desk on and they will retrieve your application and advise next steps.

What are you waiting for? 
Check in today and embark upon your journey of contemporary astrology...

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Venus Goes Direct - 25th Jun 2020 - How Is Your Zodiac Sign Impacted?

In Part 1 of this video, we saw the characteristics and energies of Venus as it begins to move direct. The various aspects and areas of cosmic progression were covered in depth allowing us to realize our Venusian energies constructively.
In this video, we look at how this Venus Direct motion from 25th Jun 2020 until 21st Dec 2021 is going to impact various Zodiac signs? The Dos and Donts? The strengths to push, the weaknesses to pull back, dealing with relationships and love, money management and home in general.
Knowing where your Venus is in the natal and transit positions will help you determine your path to success metrics mentioned above...
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your details (date-place-time of birth) to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
#VenusDirect #VenusTransit #VenusInGemini #ShukraGochar #Shukra #DollyManghatAstrology

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Venus Ready To Go Direct - The Cosmic Peacemaker Bringing Much Needed Cosmic Relief

As Venus completes its 40 day retrograde and readies to go direct on 25th Jun 2020, a much needed cosmic relief is around the horizon. The Venus shows pleasure, enjoyment and happiness management in our life. Hence, ready yourself to experience these aspects of life in the coming days.
Based on Venus placement in your chart, the house where Venus sits is impacted the most and you need to make efforts in this area to multiply its good effects in your life, before it goes retrograde again in another 18 months. Venus urges us to shed our old baggage and create your own beauty.
Harmony is highlighted but our ability/inability to achieve it determines our experiences once Venus goes direct. Cooperation is another key theme - we need to really work on collaboration, being civilized, right conversation and compassion to build our beautiful life of health, wealth and happiness.
God Bless
@Dolly Manghat
School of Astrology:
DM Looking Beyond:
#VenusDirect #VenusTransit #VenusRetrograde #VenusInGemini #ShukraGochar #Shukra #DollyManghatAstrology