Saturday, 13 June 2020

2nd Mercury Retrograde Of The Year - Emotions And Drama Mark This RetroEclipse Period

As Mercury goes retrograde a second time this year from 18th June 2020 to 12th Jul 2020, it throws its retrograde energies in the mix of the powerful Solar eclipse of 21st Jun 2020 along with Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto energies (all retrograde).
Mercury with its intellect, logic impacts communication and during retrograde, this aspect gets muddled, confusion sets in and we may loose the perspective. Now, that Mercury is going retrograde in Cancer, emotional communication comes into play making it even more volatile and dramatic.
In this video, Dolly Manghat explains the retrograde and its energies currently and also how it would impact each zodiac sign in general.
Looking for a Personal Consultation?
Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
#MercuryRetrograde #MercuryInCancer

Friday, 5 June 2020

30 Days - Rare 3 Eclipses 4 Planet Combination : Rapid And Transformation

The month of June is bringing in a rare phenomenon which probably occurs in a couple of years. 3 eclipses within a span of 30 days is a rare celestial occurrence. As under any normal circumstances whenever Eclipses occur they are bound to create uncertainty & challenges.

Coming at the back of the solar eclipse of 26th December 2019. If you remember it redefined the 6 planet combination. We faced a number of calamities and disruptions in our daily life. Well now these 3 eclipses could provide the trigger that would push your life towards normalcy and a turnaround. For this you need to be resilient and determined to be disciplined.
From the 6th June to 5th July 2020, your Zodiac signs or your inner psyche would be influenced by these 3 eclipses that are occurring within a span of 30 days - Solar eclipse on 21st June & Lunar eclipses on 6th June & 5th July respectively. This is transpiring along with a deep energy pool of 4 planets in the sign of Gemini. It would unravel many hurdles which you can overcome through your inner strength of conscious and also expedite the inevitable events of life.
If you can handle this month with utmost happiness and strength of mind no matter what the circumstances or conditions are compelling you to feel. Trust me you will eventually feel the burden and heavy weight of emotions lifting up with confidence building up. It will be slow but steady. Since the lunar nodes - the Rahu & Ketu axis is getting activated for the second time within six months in your chart wheel; expect many changes and reloading of energy in life.
This time the energy pool is benign and occurrence of 3 eclipses in a month is a rarity. Those of you who surrender and willingly accept the energies of the universe will benefit. There are bound to be oscillations felt not only in your inner being but also around you, bear it with a stoic approach. A simple phenomena is that what cannot be cured must be endured.
Expect the unexpected now: 3 eclipses are occurring 3rd, 8th and 9th houses, whose significations would play out in the next 4-6 months for you. There would be a spike in deep thinking, meditation, hidden, unearned wealth as well as spirituality, over all fortune. Garner support from siblings and mentor as well as explore the entrepreneurial aptitude.
The major events are triggered & speeded up due to activation of nodes in your chart yet again. Understand what is that your nodes are wanting you to do through your personalised charts. The nodes are often indicators of what needs to be developed or the tendencies to be left behind in order to progress further. If you build up your mind to delve deep into your own psyche and bring out the best that is required off you then you will finally get support from the unexpected factors of your life. Life would finally get an upward swing.
It’s time to move ahead and be positive of the outcomes with this planetary shift. The efforts you can make to maximize the gains from this combination will be proportionate to your strength of mind.
Situations may seem slow now but then don’t forget how slow and steady always wins the race. Be ready to embrace as the new since you have made way cleared the clutter and the past upheavals get shut.
Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will set up a consultation session for you accordingly.
God Bless
#LunarEclipse #SolarEclipse #June2020Eclipses #DollyManghatAstrology

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Jun 2020 Batch - Dolly Manghat Productive School Of Contemporary Astrology

After an overwhelming response to the May 2020 batch, the June batch starts from Jun 6th, 2020. Empower yourself and others through contemporary understanding of astrology. This is a weekend-batch (Sat-Sun) specifically designed on request of many professionals. Apply Now: OR Write to  God Bless Dolly Manghat Email:

Sunday, 17 May 2020

The 7R Principle of This Retrograde Period And Venus Squaring Neptune

The Retrograde period is going to be powerful. There is a reason why all these planets are positioned this way, this time of the year. This is timeless wisdom of the cosmos to address the situation we all find ourselves in.. The 7Rs are: Recall Revise Remember Review Realign Reconcile Reassess Let us all understand the true meaning of retrogrades on our life. Use your free will to navigate your course in life of health, wealth and happiness. Looking for a personal consultation? Please send us your birth details on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat
Consulations: Amazon Books: Coaching: Astro Learning: #TripleRetrograde #SaturnRetrograde #VenusRetrograde #JupiterRetrograde @VenusAspectNeptune

Friday, 1 May 2020

DM School of Astrology: FAQs Before Joining My eCourse - Be An Architect...

A lot of subscribers and applicants are asking important and useful questions before joining our course. We are happy to address the frequently asked ones through a video here. Some of these key questions include:

- Is this course basic or extensive?
- Will this course help me grow personally?
- Can I become a good astrologer after this course is done?
- Will you mentor even after the course is completed?
- What courseware/support to expect during and after the course is completed?
- If we miss any session, what alternatives to cover up on the lost session?

Dolly Manghat answers these questions to enable you to make the right decision to sign up for DMark Mark Your Astrology course today:

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

#DollyManghatSchoolOfAstrology #DMarkAstroCourse #DollyManghat #AstrologyCourse

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Pluto Goes Retrograde On 25th April 2020: Explaining Changes In Your Life

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn aims to rethink path to realization and question yourself about your real power. During this retrograde, there is a risk of things being taken away from us and bad karma activated to let us know/learn what we should value most in our life?
With Pluto, everything has to be destroyed to create a fresh new start and thats not necessarily bad especially in the times we are currently in. Pluto is the ruler of death, re-birth and metamorphosis.

Pluto goes direct on Oct 24th, 2020.

Looking for a consultation?
Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth on and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly.

God Bless
Amazon Books:
Astro Learning:
#PlutoRetrograde #DollyManghatAstrology

Thursday, 23 April 2020

#UnlockingTheStars - Session 11 - Understanding The Zodiac Houses

Whether you follow Western (Tropical) or Vedic (Sidereal), the house depiction of your natal chart is the same and it forms the foundation of astrology globally. In this video Dolly Manghat explains the ambiance created by these houses for planets in your charts.
Looking for a consultation? Please write to us with your date-time-place of birth to and we will help you schedule a consultation accordingly. God Bless Dolly Manghat
Consultations: Amazon Books: Coaching: Astro Learning: #UnlockingTheStars #DollyManghatAstrology #ZodiacHouses #NatalChart #PersonalReading