Just following the Jupiter Direct, comes a partial solar eclipse - the first of three eclipses over the next 30 days.
Solar Eclipse exposes and helps fight your identity demons and correct them. There will be surge to explore your "self" and it can bring with it aggression, anger. This needs to be addressed. Your self esteem is at stake here. You need to make changes to keep it high and positive. Build self confidence and self motivation.
This period forces you to think "out-of-the-box", trust your creativity and be innovative. If done right, this eclipse will uplift you and benefit in more ways than one.
Understand your solar energies from your natal and transit charts.
You can write to me at connect@dollymanghat.com for a personal consultation reading.
Brace for more action happening in Jul to Aug period with three eclipses happening within a 30 day period - WOW, Transits happening and some planets begin their direct motion at long last. Its going to be one super roller coaster period this -- across the globe!
If you take care though, you will definitely come out winner!
Life is what you make it. Live it right, and you'll never go wrong!
God Bless
Dolly Manghat
[Check My Website](http://www.dollymanghat.com)
[My Youtube Channel](http://www.youtube.com/c/DollyManghatAstrology)