Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Taurus Horoscope May 2015

The early month of May is the best to start your new projects, as the Moon is waxing and Mercury starts retrograding after the 14th of May. 

Your planets had a major shift last month, so for the next five months or so your important part of zodiac does remain powerful. 
This means that you will undergo a psychological shift, focusing on home and family matters do take importance and it will also be a time to de-emphasize your career. 
Even though career is important, yet you will seem more organized and in control of situations at hand.

The way your major planets are posited its is advisable for you to pursue your career goals by interior methods through controlled visualization meditation and prayers. 
Feel where you want to be in your life, imagine this state vividly and then let go and let your inner consciousness get to work on it. 
Remember nature imitates and does exactly what your inner conscious feels. Your planets are mostly moving forward Since many of you are having your birthdays this month, now is the apt time to leap into action and start new projects or launch the products you have in mind. 

The Sun and Mercury entered your sign last month bringing in a multi month cycle of prosperity. 

On the 21st of May you start your yearly financial peak your money house will be very powerful, earnings will soar now. 
After the 14th of May when Mercury retrogrades the progress may be slow but it will be there. 

Just keep in mind that all your financial transactions should be as perfect and transparent as possible. 
Do your homework well before leaping into action.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aries Horoscope May 2015

There could be glitches, but if you are persistent and organized you will be able to achieve your targets.

On March 20th the planetary power shifted from the upper to lower half. Saturn, which affects your career, started a retrograde move on March 14.

This means that you need to focus on your career and sort out issues in this sphere rather seriously. 
In case this is taking time then you could also simultaneously pay attention to what needs to be done at home in regards to your family and emotional life. 

This entire month focuses on your internal needs so that you are better prepared to grasp opportunities as and when they arise. 
You could achieve your goals with your inner positive energies rather than outside energies. 
Visualizing dreaming and imagining brings you closer to your goals. In a few months time when the planets shift again you will be ready to put your dreams into action.

It is very well said that in winter nature sleeps and dreams and in the spring she wakes up and manifests what she has been dreaming. 
Time to give your mind the nutrition it needs, for it has needs as much as you physical body does.

Those of you involved in Sales and marketing will do brilliantly well provided you take care of what you say. 
How convincing you are and try to avoid any kind of misunderstandings by refraining from arguments. 

Keep in mind that the planet Mercury also goes retrograde on the 14th of May. Take time to digest ideas and mull over things and situations before taking any kind of action. 

When Mercury goes retrograde there are bound to delays in communications- things do not happen on time so keep buffer time. 

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Pisces Horoscope April 2015

Close relationships are tested.

Your finances continue to be strong, even though you may be experiencing many highs and lows. Money may come to you in many different and surprising ways sometimes when you least expect it.

Family support remains good and family connections play a great role in your success.  There is a powerful lunar eclipse and thus many areas of your life are affected in a big way. Take everything in your stride patiently for eventually the strong will be the winners and weak will dither away. 

The cosmos forces you to believe in yourself and look deeper within. Your spouse or partner will be forced to make important financial changes. You need to redefine yourself your personality and self-concept. Your new ideas should be launched during this period for it’s a rewarding time.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Aquarius Horoscope April 2015

This is the month for emotional healing rather than outer pursuits.

You are in an excellent period for starting new projects or launching anything new you have in your mind. You need to let go off career issues downplay them and give your attention to the home front and domestic life.  

If your home life is right the career will take care of itself in due course. The lunar eclipse affects you strongly so take an easy schedule over this period. Foreign travel is best avoided; college students will make changes in their educational plans. 

It could mean doing things differently can yield better results. Religious and philosophical beliefs get tested and often need fine tuning and envisioning. 

This period also brings in job changes and instability at workplace. The conditions of work change. There could be some health scares, but your health remains good as timely tests can drive away the scares.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Capricorn Horoscope April 2015

Health and energy needs to be carefully monitored especially around the lunar eclipse on the 4th of April.

The eclipse does impact many areas of your life, you need to consider some serious career changes, make some good sound policies and you will see that these changes help you progress in your profession. 

Back up all your important files and be prepared for technical glitches. 

Every lunar eclipse does test friendships even close relationships get affected. The strong ones survive while the weak ones crumble under pressure. Flawed relationships do get dissolved, be more patient with loved ones, as during this period he or she may get temperamental. 

Health and energy get dramatically improved after the 20th. Once the dust from the eclipse settles down the month ahead looks happy.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Sagittarius Horoscope April 2015

Excellent time for job seekers as there are abundant opportunities seeking you just need to explore.

With the lunar eclipse many areas of your life get affected but its effects are relatively benign for you for you. The impact will probably be stronger on the world at large. 

It also impacts your house of friends as your friendships get tested. Good ones survive, flawed ones can break up- and this is as it should be. It is good that friendships get tested every now and then although it’s not pleasant when it happens. 

Disruptions are temporary and you might just need to read just reinvent yourself or your career. 

Its good idea to have some back plans for yourself. This eclipse tends to bring financial change for your family or partner or current love and this one is no different.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

Scorpio Horoscope April 2015

The cosmic announcements are imminent.

The universe tells you to get ready for big changes happening in life. You could experience a major psychological shift. 

Be ready for a major career push; time to let go of domestic concerns and focus on profession and outer goals. If you do right you will feel right. 

Serve your family by being successful in the world. Many areas of your life will get affected the only course you could take is be mentally prepared for all eventualities. Every lunar eclipse activates the dream life, and this lunar eclipse is a powerful one so the impact of all decision will be equally potent.

Foreign travel is not advisable at this time. If you are involved in any legal issues they move forward – one way or another.

Please visit my website for the best dates for career, romance and finances.

You can also connect with me via email Make sure you send in your date, place and time of birth in your email. Optionally, you can send in your Skype ID/Phone number in this email for a voice consultation.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat