Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Rahu Ketu Transit TODAY - Unexpected, Sudden and Unpredictable Reality C...

Rahu and Ketu transit their houses on 17th Aug 2017. It promises to be an interesting 18 months due to this transit. Rahu pushes you forward to the future, with illusions to test your character though while Ketu forces introspection about things in the past before making new steps.

In combination with Uranus retrograde, this cosmic activity is bound to bring in sudden, unexpected and unpredictable reality checks. Couple them with the eclipses, Mercury retrograde and Saturn turning direct and we have big action in store...

Dolly Manghat explains the Rahu-Ketu transit and how can we gear ourselves up to understand these cosmic signals and build a life of health, wealth and happiness.

God Bless
Dolly Manghat

For personal consultations please send in your birth details (date-time-place of birth) to connect@dollymanghat.com